Draft Listings

Draft Listings

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Draft Listings analyzes the listings you have saved as drafts in your Etsy shop, offering tips for optimizing each one before you publish it.


Use this feature to view and audit your drafts, as well as explore ways to improve their SEO. This is a great way to preview your drafts and avoid publishing listings with embarrassing mistakes!

How to Use

In the Main Menu, select Listings and then Draft Listings.

Free members can view their top 100 active listings, Basic members can view their top 200 active listings, Pro members can view their top 4000 active listings, and Expert members can view their top 5000 active listings.

Use this report to view the following information:

Main Image: the draft listing’s main image

Listing Title: the title of the draft listing

SKU:  a unique ID you add to your listings to help manage and keep track of your stock

Tag Count: the number of tags the draft listing has 

Image Count: the number of images the listing has

Use the Filter field in the blue bar to filter specific listings. 

Sort your data using the small gray arrows at the top of each column.

Click the Listing Audit button, title, or ID on any listing to run an in-depth analysis of its images, tags, description, and more. This feature shows you how well your listing complies with the guidelines found in Etsy’s Seller Handbook: Ultimate Guide to Search and Google’s Webmaster Guidelines

Learn more about Listing Audit here

If you are a Basic member, Pro member, or Expert member, click the orange Export button to export or print the list for future reference.

Who Can Use This?

This feature is available to all eRank members. However, please note that Free members are unable to export data.