eRank can help you understand more about what drives potential buyers to your listings. If you have added Google Analytics (GA) tracking to your Etsy shop, eRank can provide you with rich, keyword and listing level data for your shop. All you need to do is grant eRank access to your shop’s GA data.
How eRank uses your Google Analytics data
We use your Google Analytics data to help you discover your shop’s best keywords and traffic sources.
You can use this information to further optimize your shop, as well as make sure you don’t accidentally remove good keywords from your listings.
Protecting your privacy
Your Google Analytics data is private and we never share it with anyone else. Simple as that. Further reading: eRank Privacy Policy and how Google helps you share data safely.
Removing your Google Analytics data from eRank
You can remove your Google Analytics data at any time. Simply go to the your eRank Settings page and click on the “Delete GA Data from eRank” button.
You can also remove eRank’s access to your data from your Google Account page.