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The UK’s Top Etsy Keywords: November 2024

The UK’s Top Etsy Keywords: November 2024

15 min read

A grid of four images: Top - Big Ben; Bottom Right - map of United Kingdom with a doodle lion on top of map; Middle Left - UK's flag; Bottom Left - "Top Etsy Searches Nov 2024"

Here at eRank, we’re back with the UK’s top Etsy keywords. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO. We’ll show you the most popular UK shopper searches. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy UK now.

Tip: See what the UK’s top keywords on Etsy were yesterday, as well as on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.

November’s Top 20 Etsy UK shopper searches

  1. gifts for her
  2. gifts
  3. gifts for him
  4. gift
  5. personalized gifts
  6. christmas
  7. wall decor
  8. christmas decorations
  9. christmas ornaments
  10. arcane
  11. birthday gift
  12. best gifts for her
  13. bookmark
  14. advent calendar
  15. digital prints
  16. gift for her
  17. earrings
  18. bracelet
  19. christmas cards
  20. wall art

Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database

What’s new Month on Month to the UK’s Top 20 Etsy keywords

We always focus our analysis on the Top 20 keywords that weren’t on last month’s Top 20 list. We do this because these shopper searches have been climbing highest the fastest. So, what’s new for you lot this month? Well, in terms of Top 20 turnover, lots!

It used to be that we’d occasionally see Top 20 keyword turnover as low as five new Month on Month. And conversely, more than nine new keywords meant considerable volatility. Lots more shoppers suddenly searching for lots more stuff they weren’t as much just 30 days before. Now though?

After more than a year of consistently high Top 20 turnover, we’ve had to change our Etsy benchmarks. For all four of our top countries we report on here. These days, having nine to 11 of the Top 20 keywords be new month-on-month is the new normal. Back in October, you were on the high side with 11.

But for November, you have a whopping 15 climbers! Two of which are screamers. So called because they seem to scream to the top out of nowhere. A month ago, these two didn’t even make your Top 1000 shopper searches. And one of them you have in common with the US and Canada this month. (Australia’s got it too, at #21.)

Ranking 10th: arcane

This is “arcane,” a TV show based on the game League of Legends.

On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for the keyword “arcane.” On the right, a pie chart showing the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this search. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “arcane” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The pale green banner indicates it’s popular with Etsy UK shoppers this week (through Dec. 5). NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

Its second season dropped in November with all episodes available to stream over the course of the month. Clearly, quite a hit – but without a license from Riot Games, it’s very much off-limits for sellers. Therefore, we’ll say no more about arcane.

November’s climbers

Here are your 15 climbers, listed in order with their current rank first.

#1 gifts for her, up from #325

#2 gifts, up from #336

#3 gifts for him, up from #53

#4 gift, up from #23

#5 personalized gifts, up from #45

#9 christmas ornaments, up from #89

#10 arcane (screamer: didn’t make October’s Top 1000)

#11 birthday gift (screamer; but the plural ranked #619)

#12 best gifts for her, up from #208

#13 bookmark, up from #28

#14 advent calendar, up from #38

#16 gift for her, up from #954

#17 earrings, up from #29

#18 bracelet, up from #40

#19 christmas cards, up from #90

We can’t recall whether we’ve ever seen all five of any country’s Top 5 be new Month on Month! Of course we expect more upheaval ahead of a major gifting holiday, but not this much! You’re in new Etsy territory, UK. Some of which might be due to Etsy itself, promoting searches to your shoppers. Which is hopefully a good thing for sellers!

But there are way too many climbers to cover here. We know you must be mad busy. And we want to save time for another of our round-ups here at the end. We’ll do an analysis of what your top Etsy searches tell us about what’s selling best there now.

So, let’s just look at the queue jumpers that leaped more than 300 places, shall we?

Ranking 1st: gifts for her, up from #325

Here at eRank we record searches just as the shopper entered them. That is to say, we list singular and plural forms separately. In the case of “gifts for her,” its singular form also made your Top 20, ranking 16th. That one jumped all the way up from #954!

First, we’ll look up “gifts for her.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “gifts for her” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The pale green banner indicates it’s popular with Etsy UK shoppers this week (through Dec. 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “gifts for her” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The pale green banner indicates it’s popular with Etsy UK shoppers this week (through Dec. 5).

For those of you new to eRank, we’ve circled in pink the option to “Include Near Matches.” Note that the default in Keyword tool is to have that option selected. Because Etsy and outside search engines treat singular and plural keywords as one, and often other near-matches. So, in practice, it shouldn’t matter which form of the keyword you use. Nor should you need to use more than one in your listing. Any should bring the shopper to you.

What if it’s as broad and competitive a keyword as “gift for her” though? If this is your niche, it’s always worth checking what that “Include Near Matches” includes! Here’s how.

Tips for using Keyword Tool’s Near Matches table

In Keyword Tool, scroll down to the related searches table and select the tab “Near Matches,” circled in yellow. While usually you’ll see just the singular and plural form of your keyword here, sometimes there is more. As there is in the case of “gifts for her.”

Keyword Tool’s related searches table showing near matches for the shopper search “gifts for her.”
Keyword Tool’s related searches table showing near matches for the shopper search “gifts for her.”

Then sort the data by the Search Trend column (circled here in orange). Doing so will show which keywords are trending now. Here you can see that “gift for her” singular was outperforming “gifts for her” last year. This year, it’s dropped to 21,800.

Want to get that tiny bit of a lift in rank that having an exact match gives you? If it’s an underperforming listing, you might consider switching to whichever is doing best this year. (Always keeping in mind eRank’s Golden Rule: Never change the SEO of a listing that is doing well!)

The best reason though to check the Near Matches table? It’s to find near-match keywords you may not have thought of. Especially with broad and intensely competitive keywords like “gifts for her.” No ordinary mortal is going to rank for that one. But look! These other three near matches all get a Yes in the Long-Tail Keyword column.

As it happens, in this case none of the three have worthwhile search volume. (And nevertheless have such high competition from your fellow UK sellers, yikes!) But sometimes, you can find treasure buried here. A long-tail keyword with decent search and click stats that has less competition.

Ranking 2nd: gifts, up from #335

Speaking of broad keywords, this is the queen! At least on Etsy it is. And t’is the season for it to reign supreme. Out of your Top 20, eight shopper searches have the word gift/s. So, let’s take a quick peek.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “gifts” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The pale green banner indicates it’s popular with Etsy UK shoppers this week (through Dec. 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “gifts” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The pale green banner indicates it’s popular with Etsy UK shoppers this week (through Dec. 5).

Year on Year, “gifts” is up 10%! Way too broad to ever rank for though, right? But wait! Let’s scroll down to the related searches table again, and select the Keyword Ideas tab. Then employ the same sort we used above, the “Search Trend” column.

We only had to scroll down about ten keywords to see this!

Keyword Ideas table showing Etsy UK shopper searches related to “gifts.”
Keyword Ideas table showing Etsy UK shopper searches related to “gifts.”

For those of you here to get ideas for what to sell, we see two candidates here. At the top is “golf gifts.” Average searches are quite good: 2,346. And in November, that shot up to 9,750 searches. And check out that Average CTR (click through rate): 104%! Even better? There are only 15,544 UK listings using this keyword.

And there at the bottom is another with promise. “Gifts for pet parents” got 8,350 searches in November. And competition for this one is even lower: only 4,322 listings have it! That said, see its Search Trend bar chart? A single bar always calls for prudence. Best practice: add it to a Keyword List. Let that tool watch it awhile before you invest in materials for a new product. But if you already have the makings on hand? Go for it!

Ranking 11th: birthday gift

This is your other screamer. But in plural form, it did rank on last month’s list, at #619. Still, a bit weird, right? Let’s see what we can see.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “birthday gift” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “birthday gift” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.

Huh. “Birthday gift” is at a 15-mo high. Year on Year, it’s up a truly startling 1,503% – until you look at what it’s up Month on Month. That figure reflects an increase of 165,567%. One for the record books! And all this bruhaha over “birthday gift.” Wouldn’t you think that search would be more stable? Every day is someone’s birthday. Demand should be somewhat stable, right?

And despite being at its 15-mo peak, no pale green banner calling out that it’s been popular this week either. Hmm. Curious.

Anyone else smell Etsy?

Well, we did, so we popped open an incognito window and sure enough: have a look.

Etsy's UK homepage with CTAs (call to action) promos including “birthday gifts.”
Etsy’s UK homepage with CTAs (call to action) promos including “birthday gifts.”

Bet they did the same back in April, thus accounting for that other peak on its Search Trend chart. Makes sense, actually. The UK has its Mother’s Day in March. So April’s a bit bare. And you don’t have the major family / hosting holiday in November the US has. So maybe for you, Etsy began promoting gifts early – and not just Christmas gifts. All the gifts: Birthday, Anniversary, Engagement.

So we checked. And yep: here’s “anniversary gift.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “anniversary gift” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “anniversary gift” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.

Look at that: same two peaks in the same two months. With November’s being a 15-mo high. Almost scary, eh? The influence it has. Because make no mistake! That homepage CTA prompt may be Etsy’s doing, but your UK shoppers are clicking it.

Being data geeks and thus unable to help ourselves, we checked the CTRs on these two. The 12-mo click-through rates aren’t bad: 94% for birthday gift; 93% for anniversary gift. But when calculated for the month, the very month they’re at their 15-mo highs? Ha: birthday gift’s has fallen to 86%…

Ah, but not so fast! Anniversary gift’s CTR for the month is actually up: it’s 100%! Which means the shoppers who clicked that CTA went on to click listings Etsy showed them. Good job then, Etsy!

And speaking of CTRs…

If you’re new to online selling, by now you might be wondering why we care so much about CTRs. It’s because they reflect purchase intent.

On marketplace sites, click-through rates (CTRs) reflect how many times shoppers clicked listings in their search results. Therefore, CTRs are an indicator of purchase intent. That is, a shopper who’s more likely searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing).

And this is why we’ve begun ending our monthly trend reports with these insider round-ups! Coming up next are the UK’s top Etsy keywords that had the highest CTRs this past month. Are you here to find out what’s selling best on Etsy now? Then this lightning round is for you!

Round-up! Top Etsy searches with 125%+ CTRs now]

Of the top online marketplaces we cover, Etsy has the most keywords with high CTRs. That said, even on Etsy, CTRs above 125% are rare. Note too, we did these calculations based exclusively on their November search volume and clicks. Which means that regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs may be, these keywords should be hot right now. We hope some prove to be profitable leads for you!

One last thing before we begin. Some of these shopper searches could cause an Etsy seller problems. Whether they be protected by intellectual property rights or prohibited by Etsy, please look before you leap!

Ranking 1-50

Interesting! There are no keywords that qualify in your Top 20. But the US only had one this month, so maybe it has to do with it being November. More people still in the browsing phase of gift shopping?

The first one you have is just outside your Top 20. It’s #21 pokemon, with a very worthy 146%. (To keep this as easy to read as possible, we’ll only shout out specific CTR percents that are 145+.) Next is #26 poster, then #34 stickers with 150%! And closing out the Top 50, #41 dog.

Ranking 51-100

First here is #54 book nook, then #56 book embosser (150%); and #58 vtuber with 146%. Then a pair at #65-66, both with sky-high CTRs: star wars with 150%, and journal with 145%. Skip one and then you’ve got a quartet, all with 150% CTRs! #68-71: dice, book, lighter, beads.

Skip seven and there’s another pair: #79-78 coasters (150%) and christmas stocking. Next, #84 lego; and at #86 is personalised stocking with 150%. Ranking #95 is birthday, also with 150%. Skip one and this section ends strong with another quartet at #97-100: christmas gift, christmas tree (150%), harry potter, and stockings which also has a 150% CTR!

Ranking 101-150

Bit of a slow start here. The first qualifier is #114 bluey; then #118 books. Skip ahead to #131 for ita bag and #136 2025 calendar. (That one actually has a 124.4% CTR, just shy of qualifying. But we’re letting it squeak through to show people are still buying them!)

And then all the rest in this section through #152 all have CTRs of 150%! Every one of them: quite a run! #140 christmas stockings (plural; the singular form is just above, ranked #80; its CTR not quite as high though). Then a trio at #145-147: keycaps, glass, gengar. Then at #150-152 another trio: dice tray, charms, and baldurs gate 3.

Ranking 151-200

This section started out strong with two-thirds of that trio just mentioned, all with 150% CTRs. Then there isn’t another qualifier until #169 tote bag, but it also has 150%! Next is #172 stained glass, then a pair at #177-178 funny mugs and funny christmas jumpers (tied with 6,750 searches each). Skip ahead two for #181 apron and again for #184 baby.

And your Top 200 finishes strong. All of these but one (frog) have 150% CTRs! They start with a pair at #189-190 silver and patches. Skip one, then a quartet at #192-195: interstellar, helix earring, frog, and f1. And another pair at #197-198 bookcase and twitch overlays.

Ranking 201-250

Appropriately for the UK, this final section opens with #203 tea. Then at #220 personalised christmas decorations; #226 f1 gifts; #232 best friend gift; and #237 bridesmaid gifts with 150%. Skip two then there’s #240 league of legends; skip four and next is #245 christmas tree topper. And the last qualifier in your Top 250 has 149%: it’s #249 valorant.

PS: We can’t resist: we’re going to bend the rules a bit. Because just beyond our Top 250 cutoff at #253-257 there’s a quintet and all but one (scrapbook) have 149% CTRs. They are scrapbook, planner, pearl necklace, guinness, and fluffy socks.

Wishing you bunches of Happy Christmas sales, UK sellers!

And with that, it’s west to Canada for us! 


As always, we love hearing what you think about these or any other trends you’ve spotted. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Etsy shoppers now.

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