Discover what these eBay trending searches tell us about products selling best on eBay now. Let us take the guesswork out of your eBay SEO and product research. First we’ll show you the Top 20 eBay searches and which of them are most popular with shoppers. Then we’ll analyze the Top 500 keywords to see what eBay shoppers are most interested in buying now.
See what eBay trends were yesterday, or what’s hot on dozens of other marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon, and Google Shopping.
October’s Top 20 eBay searches
- ps5
- iphone
- laptop
- pokemon
- ipad
- iphone 15 pro max
- nintendo switch
- gaming pc
- 4090
- iphone 12
- 3080
- 4070
- pokemon cards
- xbox series x
- gaming laptop
- rolex
- iphone 13
- macbook pro
- macbook
- rtx 3070
What’s new Month on Month to eBay’s Top 20
There are twice as many keywords that are new Month on Month! The usual rate of turnover for eBay is just three or four new Month on Month. For October? There are six; twice as many as last month. We never see that kind of upheaval in eBay’s data.
We checked last year’s report for October. It had only two new Month on Month. Which means that Year on Year, we’ve got three times as many climbers!
These shopper searches climbed highest fastest in October; they’re listed in order with their current rank first.
#9 4090, up from #41
#11 3080, up from #29 (but rtx 3080 ranked #16)
#12 4070, up from #36
#13 pokemon cards, up from #32
#16 rolex, up from #26
#20 rtx 3070, up from #21
Ranking 9th: 4090, up from #41
If we measure from where it ranked a month ago, climber “4090” actually jumped the highest. This is of course NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 4090 GPU. A GPU (graphics processing unit) is a computer chip that renders graphics and images by performing rapid mathematical calculations. They have all sorts of applications, but the majority of eBay shoppers likely want them for video games. Nvidia’s 4090 launched in October 2022 with a list price of $1,599.

And they’ve held their price remarkably well – in fact, they’re higher now! With supplies continuing to dwindle in 2024, the cheapest we’re seeing is around $1,800. And in terms of shopper searches on eBay, “4090” is currently at its 15-mo high.
Last year, these were trending ahead of Christmas, and then again in January. We wrote about it then, speculating that January’s shoppers might be using their Christmas gift cards. As you can see, “4090” is well up now, both Year on Year (29%), and Month on Month (70%). Looks like they’ll climb higher, both in search volume and price. Especially with Forbes weighing in with headlines like this.
“Buy A Nvidia RTX 4090 Before It’s Too Late: Shortages Predicted.” Leather, Anthony, Buy A Nvidia RTX 4090 Before It’s Too Late: Shortages Predicted Forbes, September 22, 2024
And yet, check out that meager Average CTR: only 25%! When we calculated it just for October, its monthly CTR is 46%, but still… what the heck? (eBay’s low CTRs remain a topic for conjecture among us eRank data geeks.)
Ranking 11th: 3080, up from #29
This is another Nvidia GPU. Technically, 3080 is a climber; it didn’t make last month’s Top 20. That said, “rtx 3080” (the same product) did; it ranked #16. That search now ranks #23 and “3080” is up from #29. Clearly, this is a popular product on eBay.

Priced comparably with our 12th-ranked climber 4070, the 3080 is the more powerful. But the 4070 is more slick, with differentiators like larger VRAM, power draw, dlss3. Arguably the better choice. (Emphasis on argue, there. Which to choose is still being debated on user forums.)
In terms of our stats, though? In October search volume, the 4070 ranks lower (by 4,000 searches) than the 3080. And in terms of 12-mo Average Searches, the 3080 trounces it with over 21,000 more. Also, the 3080’s 27% Average CTR is 9% higher than the 4070’s.
Ranking 12th: 4070, up from #36
This one’s our second-highest queue jumper. And by some lights, a worthy runner-up to the 4090 – for nearly a third of the price, new.

Like the 4090, it’s up both Year on Year and Month on Month. But holy cow, look at that Average CTR: it’s actually in the red! (We calculated it; it’s 18%.) That said, for the month of October it’s a bit better: 24%.
Quick tutorial: purchase intent and eBay’s click-through rates
Are you new to online selling? If so, you may be wondering why we care so much about CTRs (click-through rates). It’s because on marketplaces online, these are among the indicators of a shopper’s purchase intent.
Tip! Click-through data reflects how many times shoppers using a given keyword clicked listings in their search results. This matters because CTRs can signal purchase intent. That is, a customer more likely searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one who’s still just browsing).
So, on eBay, does that mean the reverse is true? Are items with such low CTRs like Nvidia’s 4070 not selling?
We’re sure they are. Perhaps not on eBay though, or at least not right away. We can be certain people are shopping for these; the search volume data proves it. But many eBay shoppers may still be in the price-comparison stage. Generally, eBay does tend to attract more bargain hunters than Amazon and Etsy.
Another factor is the nature of the product sought. Of October’s Top 20 eBay searches, 17 are tech-related. (Amazon has about a dozen; Etsy none.) We bet this 85% tech-related ratio applies to all the top eBay searches. Price-comparison shoppers looking for tech items in new condition don’t need to click through to read descriptions. Haha unlike Etsy, where you frequently have to click the listing just to identify what the item is.
We’ll finish this report with a roundup of October’s top eBay trending searches that have the highest CTRs. But first, back to the rest of our climbers. In fact, we’ll look at “rtx 3070” next. While it ranks 20th, let’s keep these Nvidia GPUs together.
Ranking 20th: rtx 3070, up from #21
This one barely moved month on month; up just one. And the “3070” (without the “rtx” prefix) ranks 37th now; it ranked 38th last month. So, searches for this product have been remarkably stable lately.

That said, the “rtx 3070” had a substantial rise this past August that our other trending Nvidia GPUs didn’t get. The “rtx 3070” ranked 9th with over 100,000 searches. And when you look online at current prices, something might look odd. The rtx 3070’s list price upon launch back in October 2020 was $499. Yet by January 2022, its street price had soared to $1,086.
Well, if you’re into these, you know why. There was an acute GPU shortage; demand far exceeded supply. While that eased somewhat in 2022, market prices still remain high. And when you google any of this Nvidia GPUs, rabbit holes abound. Everything from crypto mining to export bans to training AI. Those rabbit holes might be worth going down before getting into this niche.
But for now, let’s move on. We have two more climbers to do, and they’re both unrelated to tech.
Ranking 13th: pokemon cards, up from #32
The single-word search “pokemon” is a frequent flyer on eBay’s Top 20; it currently ranks No. 4. Here is “pokemon cards.”

Wow: another climber at its 15-mo high right now!
And yet, see how it doesn’t seem to impact that Average CTR? If you’re reading along on a small screen, it’s only 34%. However, when we calculate it for the month, its CTR is more than double: 69%. Got pokemon cards you can bear to part with? Now might be the time to list them! On forums, eBay seems to be the place most often recommended to sell them.
Ranking 16th: rolex, up from #26
How about that? Rolex has nearly reached its December 2023 peak search volume already!

Every month as we’ve reviewed eBay’s Top 1000 searches, we’ve noticed “rolex.” But it hasn’t reached the Top 20 since August 2023. Although it did come close when it ranked 30th last December.
This month, “rolex” also has two related searches making in the Top 1000. Ranking #125 is “rolex mens watch,” and at #762, “rolex watch.” The latter, rolex watch, has a monthly CTR of 124% for October; that’s sky high for eBay!
And speaking of sky high CTRs! Let’s get to our insider’s look at which of eBay’s top searches have the highest CTRs.
Highest CTRs in October’s Top 500 eBay trending searches
Here to discover what’s selling best on eBay now? Then this lightning round is for you! We calculated these CTRs using our latest month of data. That means that regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs are, these should have the most promising purchase intent now.
Of eBay’s top 500 keywords, all these have October CTRs of 100% or higher. Remember: for eBay, CTRs this high are exceptional. As we go, we’ll shout out any mad-rare ones with 140+% CTRs. We hope some of these prove to be profitable leads for you!
Ranked between 1-250
In eBay’s recent Top 100 lists, the average has been just two searches with CTRs above 99%. And that holds true for October. In fact, there’s only one, but its monthly CTR is as high as they get! Ranking #72, it’s camera with a 150% CTR – for the third month in a row!
(Notably missing is apple watch. Through September, that one had a 150% CTR for three months running. But apple watch has dropped from #48 to #64 in rank, and its October CTR has dropped to 32%: ouch! Maybe people comparison-shopping ahead of Christmas purchases?)
Next is #108 projector, then #119 charizard; #140 halloween; and not another until #191 rx 6800. Then we have two in a row at #224-225: batman, and leica.
Ranked between 251-500
Skip a bunch, then at #267 is toyota tacoma. It’s followed by another pair: #270-271 gi joe (with 150%!), and zippo. Then none until #317 jnco. Next is #337 headlights, followed by another pair at #343-344: original xbox (with 150%!) and ps3 controller.
Getting a bit busier, at #357 xl; and at #363 iphone 11 pro max (with 144% CTR). Another pair at #369-370: adopt me, and dji osmo pocket 3. At #376 puma, and then there’s another with a 150% CTR: #390 laser.
We skip ahead to #410 pixel; #416 sp5der hoodie; #422 psp go; and at #425 oakley sunglasses. Then at #445 is coffee; #468 hella chill; and at #477 creed aventus for men which has a CTR of 150%. Next: #480 nvidia shield; and then a pair at #483-484 bags (with 147%), and ti84 plus ce. Wrapping up the Top 500 is a trio at #493-495: b550 (with a CTR of 144%), rx 6700, and computer desktop pc.
PS: While by rank it’s out of bounds, we have to mention one more. At #512 is “kit” with a CTR of 150%. Interesting! Wonder what kinds of kits? Worth looking into, if you’re looking for products to sell on eBay.
You know we could go on and on…
But we know you’re busy! If you’d like more inspiration, here are our US trend reports for Etsy and Amazon. And of course you’re always welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always around. Got questions or suggestions for us? Our weekly Q&As are live Thursdays on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.
RESOURCES: You can see eBay’s Top 100 keywords for the past 30 days, last week or yesterday in eRank’s Trend Buzz. Use Keyword Tool to see 15 months of historical search data to gauge recent trends and spot what’s new. Get related keywords, click data, and compare several platforms at once to learn where shoppers are for what you sell. Together, these tools are the best way to track what’s hot right now with eBay shoppers.