The UK’s Top Etsy Keywords: July 2024

Here at eRank, we’re back with the UK’s top Etsy keywords. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO. We’ll show you the most popular UK shopper searches. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy UK now.

Tip: See what the top keywords on Etsy were yesterday, as well as on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.

Reading time: 16 minutes

Want to read the US monthly trend report first? Here you go!

July’s Top 20 Etsy shopper searches in the UK

  1. bruno mars shirt
  2. wall art
  3. bruno mars
  4. bruno mars merch
  5. dorm
  6. necklace
  7. wedding
  8. furniture
  9. stickers
  10. kitchen
  11. home decor
  12. run the jewels hoodie
  13. rug
  14. ring
  15. poster
  16. foodie
  17. anime
  18. prints
  19. jewellery
  20. coasters

Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database

What’s new Month on Month to the UK’s Top 20 Etsy keywords 

As always, we’ll focus our analysis on the Top 20 keywords that weren’t on last month’s Top 20. These are the shopper searches that have been climbing highest the fastest. Benchmarks: on Etsy, fewer than five new is stagnant. More than nine suggests volatility. Lots more shoppers suddenly searching for lots more stuff they weren’t as much just 30 days before.

Back in June you had 11 new (which was a lot), including two screamers. Your highest-ranking screamer was “art.” That was unexpected. We’d have thought “art” would have appeared somewhere in May’s Top 1000 for you. Because it always had before. So let’s take a quick look to see how art is doing now. 

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “art” in the UK. The line chart shows its performance with the UK’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “art” in the UK. The line chart shows its performance with the UK’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

Okay, it’s down a bit from June. Still over 5,000 searches though; enough to rank #88 in your Top 100. And it’s got that bright-green banner indicating it’s popular with UK shoppers now. Good. So let’s get back to your July stats. Because they were quite a surprise.

July’s climbers and screamers

You had 15 climbers in July! And six of them were screamers. (So called because they seem to scream to the top out of nowhere.) We’ve listed them in order with their current rank first.

#1 bruno mars shirt (screamer: not in June’s Top 1000)

#3 bruno mars (screamer: not in June’s Top 1000)

#4 bruno mars merch (screamer: not in June’s Top 1000)

#5 dorm, up from #227

#6 necklace, up from #105

#7 wedding, up from #161

#8 furniture, up from #86

#12 run the jewels hoodie (screamer: not in June’s Top 1000)

#13 rug, up from #34

#14 ring, up from #56

#16 foodie (screamer: not in June’s Top 1000)

#17 anime, up from #76

#18 prints, up from ##465

#19 jewellery, up from #25

#20 coaster (screamer: not in June’s Top 1000)

We’ve been ascribing your recent Top 20 volatility to Etsy doing more promoting on its UK pages. What’s odd is this. Canada’s Top 20 has moved farther and farther from the US list which it once closely matched. And your list has drawn closer to the US’s. We data geeks at eRank think this too is due to Etsy’s machinations. (We’d love to hear your theories!)

Which brings us to your first four screamers: the US has these same four this month.

Ranking 1st: bruno mars shirt

The US No. 1 is “bruno mars.” This is yours.

On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “bruno mars shirt.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword.
On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “bruno mars shirt.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword.

Incidentally, this was their No. 2. Bruno Mars suddenly trending makes no sense, right? Well, being data geeks, we have our theories. And if you like, you can read about them in the US report. The tl;dr version is that Bruno Mars still has lots of fans. And he’s currently on a three-continent tour supporting a new album expected out this month.

Something similar might explain your No. 12 screamer, “run the jewels hoodie.” While it’s been awhile since Run the Jewels was active, half of that duo swept the 2024 Grammys. But that was months ago now. So we believe there has to be more to this.

However, it’s moot really. Because we know “Bruno Mars” is trademarked and assume “Run the Jewels” is too. Mind you, data geeks are not qualified to give legal advice. But just… look before you leap please. And we’ll say no more about these celebrity screamers. You’ve plenty of others to talk about!

Ranking 5th: dorm, up from #227

The US also has this Top 20 climber now; it trends there annually. Here’s your data.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “dorm” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 29 – Aug 4).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “dorm” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 29 – Aug 4).

What’s interesting is that you didn’t have this keyword whatsoever a year ago. This is one clue that Etsy is promoting this one, for both the US and you. Because it’s well up Year on Year in the US, too. Nevertheless, it was trending there last year, as it does every year. Also, their “dorm” has far better click stats than yours. Another hint that it’s Etsy showing it to your shoppers but they aren’t biting.

On the other hand, we know many of you export to US buyers. So we figured it’s helpful to know this keyword has better stats there and is an established annual trend. Maybe mark your calendars for next year, six weeks ahead of when it begins climbing (i.e., list by mid-May).

But before we move on, you do have some other dorm-related keywords doing well. Just in your Top 1000, “dorm decor” ranks 29th, followed by “dorm storage,” and “dorm wall decor.” And while the broad term “dorm” may lack the stellar click stats we like to see, there’s more here. Can you spot it in our next screenshot?

Identifying purchase intent: quick demo 

Anyone new to online selling? Click-through rates (CTRs) reflect how many times shoppers using a given keyword clicked on listings in their search results. We care about this because CTRs signal purchase intent. That is, a shopper who’s searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing). 

Let’s do a quick demo. Broad keywords like dorm have far too high competition from your fellow sellers. What’s a newbie to do? Niche down. That’s jargon for finding products and their “superstar keywords” you can rank for in search. Here’s how.

Enter your broad search term into Keyword Tool, then scroll down to the related-searches table. There, use filter and sort to find “long-tail keywords:” the top Etsy searches with lowest competition.

Here, we chose “Broad” (circled in yellow) to filter for searches containing “dorm.” Then for sort, we clicked the Search Trend header (circled in orange). This shows us what’s trending now.

Keyword Ideas table in eRank’s Keyword Tool showing the UK’s top keywords related to the search “dorm.”
Keyword Ideas table in eRank’s Keyword Tool showing the UK’s top keywords related to the search “dorm.”

And we spot what might be an opportunity. While Competition is in the red for three of these searches, for one it is not. Only 2,262 UK listings are using the keyword “dorm storage.” And while its 12-mo average search count (675) is lackluster, remember: this is a once-yearly keyword. In June there were 3,350 searches; July had 4,750.

Best of all though is its Average CTR: 130%. That signals significant purchase intent! UK shoppers are liking what they see in their search results. One caveat: bear in mind this is a new search for you. Only two months of good search volume. Rather than act, maybe just add it to a Keyword List; let that track it for you.

Ranking 6th: necklace, up from #105

Looks like “necklace” is recovering from an uncharacteristic low that lasted several months.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “necklace” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with the UK’s Etsy shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “necklace” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with the UK’s Etsy shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).

While “necklace” is still down Year on Year (by 24%), Month on Month it’s up 245%! That low in June was a 15-mo nadir. We expect necklace to continue to climb fairly steadily through December when last year it hit 40,000 searches.

Currently it has the trending-now banner and excellent purchase-intent stats. There’s just that competition figure, sigh. Over half a million Etsy UK listings have this term. As expected though, right? “Necklace” is both jewelry (an intensely crowded field) and a broad term. So just use the procedure outlined above to niche down.

Ranking 7th: wedding, up from #161

Another nice recovery!

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “wedding” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “wedding” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).

As far down as “wedding” was Year on Year in June, it’s up by even more than that in July. In fact, it’s at its second-highest peak in 15 months. Like “necklace,” all its stats indicate superb purchase intent. The only trouble is the million-plus listings in competition for this keyword. But seriously, what mere mortal can rank for “wedding”? Just about everyone has to niche down.

And when we followed the procedure we demo’d for dorm, look what we found.

Keyword Ideas table showing the UK’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “wedding.”
Keyword Ideas table showing the UK’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “wedding.”

When we sorted the keywords for those trending highest now, check out the second-highest one. For those of you viewing on a small screen, it’s “wedding newspaper.” And it’s got everything you’d want in an Etsy product: average UK searches 1,816. July searches: 5,750. Better yet: a spectacular Average CTR of 128%. And best of all: only 508 UK listings are using this keyword!

Ranking 8th: furniture, up from #86

This keyword is up nicely. Year on Year, it’s up 126% – and Month on Month, by 177%!

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “furniture” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s trending with the UK’s Etsy shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “furniture” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s trending with the UK’s Etsy shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).

An Average CTR of 98% is solid. When calculated just for the month of July, it’s even more inviting: 112%. Current purchase intent!

Ranking 13th: rug, up from #34

“Rug” didn’t have far to climb. It’s a fairly frequent flyer for you. And look: it’s another with the trending-now banner.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “rug” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “rug” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).

While at present it’s down Year on Year, just feast your eyes on those stats! Average CTR of 114% – and calculated just for July, its CTR is 150%: yowza! Definitely one of the UK’s top Etsy keywords.

Yet its competition stat is not as bad as the other climbers in your Top 20 this month. And you’ve got about 18% of the global Etsy shoppers. That’s a nicer slice of the pie than you typically get. (Psst! check out the stats for “moroccan rug.”)

Ranking 14th: ring, up from #56 (but “rings” was #21) 

Another of your frequent flyers that seldom strays far from your Top 20 Etsy keywords list. Here’s ring, singular.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “ring” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “ring” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).

Year on Year, ring is down 37%. But then, it is still recovering from that plunge it unaccountably took in April. However, this is a keyword you need to bear in mind likely shows half the searches it actually has when you fold in the stats for rings. Just to show any of you newcomers: here’s the same screenshot with the “Include Near Matches” box ticked.

On the left, a bar chart combining Etsy UK keyword stats for “ring” and “rings.” The line chart shows their merged search trend performance over the past 15 months. The green banner shows they’re trending with the UK’s Etsy shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).
On the left, a bar chart combining Etsy UK keyword stats for “ring” and “rings.” The line chart shows their merged search trend performance over the past 15 months. The green banner shows they’re trending with the UK’s Etsy shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).

Tip! Ever wonder what the “Include Near Matches” option actually includes? Scroll just below to the Keyword Ideas table and select the tab for “Near Matches.” Usually, it will only be the singular and plural form of the keyword you entered. But occasionally there can be other closely-related keywords shown there too.

In the case of ring, it was indeed the usual: ring and rings. And it illustrates the reason eRank’s default for this tool is to have that box pre-ticked. There are actually twice the Average Searches and Clicks than for “ring” alone. And it also puts that worrying drop in April into perspective: there were 6,850 searches for ring/rings that month.

Ranking 16th: foodie

Foodie is the first of your six July screamers that doesn’t have an Intellectual Property issue. And we are so curious!

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “foodie” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “foodie” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.

Aha: we thought so! We couldn’t recall ever seeing “foodie” make a Top 20 list. Not in any country. Not even the US, where we suspect this slang term is used most. Have a look: here’s the Search Trend chart for this keyword in the US, alongside the global pie chart.

On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of US shopper search history for “foodie.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword.
On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of US shopper search history for “foodie.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword.

That US spike in July is actually 2,000+ fewer searches than you lot got. We bet Etsy used the word in a promotional Call to Action (CTA) on the UK homepage. Something like “gifts for foodies.”

Now, by that we aren’t implying there isn’t interest in such products among the UK’s Etsy shoppers. The wording might be Etsy’s, but UK shoppers are clicking that CTA. And the UK’s Average CTR is also higher than the US’s 91%. Conversely, their competition stat is way higher (98,074 to your 11,558).

Rather, we are simply reluctant as a rule to recommend acting on spikes. In 15 months, your only search volume before July for “foodie” was 50 in February. Maybe add it to a Keyword List if you’re curious. We’ll be watching this one too.

Ranking 17th: anime, up from #76

No mystery here. Anime is so popular!

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “anime” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “anime” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).

As you can see: all the signs. Up both Month on Month and Year on Year. It’s flying the trending-now banner. All keyword stats are excellent.

There’s just that pesky competition figure, in the red again. Well over 100,000 UK listings use this keyword. Well, of course they do. As we said, anime continues to be wildly popular. So you’ll just have to niche down – and hot tip! When we filtered and sorted as described in our demo, we spotted a number of opportunities.

Keyword Ideas table showing the UK’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “anime.”
Keyword Ideas table showing the UK’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “anime.”

 Here are just a few: anime light box; anime necklace; anime iphone case. All with 1,500+ searches in July, excellent CTRs, and unexpectedly low competition!

Ranking 18th: prints, up from #465 (but “print” ranked #70)

Another search that looked like much more of a climber than it was, simply due to singular/plural forms. So, given how many climbers and screamers you’ve got this month, we’re just going to skip on to the last two. Because “print/prints” singular and plural are doing quite well for you! Even without counting searches related to 3D printing, there are 15 keywords with “print/s” in your July Top 1000.

Ranking 19th: jewellery, up from #25

Same for jewellery, really, only more so! We know you know jewellery is always trending, and we know you’re busy. Therefore, let’s move on to your final screamer.

Ranking 20th: coasters

We really like the looks of this one for you. Especially given how often “mug” and/or “mugs” make your Top 20 Etsy keywords!

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “coasters” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “coasters” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (Jul 30 – Aug 5).

Also, “coasters” is a keyword with opportunities for makers, vintage sellers and even you guys in party supplies. As gifts they’re in that sweet spot averaging 9.57 pounds. As well, they can be gifted for such a range of occasions and people. And now “coasters” is way up both Month on Month and Year on Year, with the biggest gift-shopping months still ahead. If you want to have a flutter, looks like you’ll want to have yours listed by September.

We couldn’t resist taking a peek at coasters’ Keyword Ideas table. Just a quick look netted us this prize.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “wooden coasters” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “wooden coasters” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.

This is “wooden coasters.” Current search volume is nearly as high as it got during holiday shopping last year. So, might it really soar this year? We sure do like the rest of its stats!

And with that, it’s west to Canada for us! 

As always, we love hearing what you think about these or any other trends you’ve spotted. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Etsy shoppers now.