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Keyword Explorer

Keyword Explorer

8 min read


Keyword Explorer helps you discover what buyers are searching for, when they search for it, and where they search for it.


Use this feature to discover new growth opportunities for your Etsy shop. This tool analyzes the keywords that Etsy shoppers use to search and provides a variety of visuals and statistics to help you choose the best keywords for your tags, titles, and listing descriptions. 

It also shows you what times of the year items with the keyword you choose are the most popular and the countries with the most searches for that particular keyword. The Related Searches chart lists similar keywords, along with their search data.

How to Use

There are 3 ways to access Keyword Explorer:

In the Main Menu, click Tools and then Keyword Explorer.

You can also click the Keyword Explorer button in the top left corner of your dashboard.

Or, simply type the keyword you would like to analyze into the Get keyword ideas… field in the blue menu bar at the top of the page, choose which country you would like to view data from and then click the orange button on the right to search. 

Type any keyword into the Enter Keywords field.

Use the dropdown menu to the left of the field to choose which marketplace you would like to search.

Next, use the dropdown menu to the right of the field to choose which country you would like to view data from.

Then, click the orange button to the right to Search

Free members can do up to 5 searches a day, Basic members can do up to 25 searches a day, Pro members can do up to 200 searches a day, and Expert members can do up to 500 searches a day.

Keyword Statistics

Use this section to view the following high-level keyword stats: 

Average Searches: The average monthly searches on Etsy, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data

Average Clicks: The average monthly clicks that listings in searches for that keyword get on Etsy, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data

CTR (Click-Through Rate): The ratio of clicks to searches on Etsy, shown as a percentage, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data

Competition: How much competition you can expect with this keyword on Etsy search results pages

If a keyword has a very low search volume, we may not have enough data to provide accurate estimates for some or all of the metrics. In that instance, you will see “Unknown” for one or more metrics.  

Clicks are a useful metric for gauging how interested shoppers are in the listings they are shown. Keywords with a high number of clicks and/or a high CTR indicate that shoppers are interested in the search results they are seeing, so these particular keywords may generate more views and sales.

Analyzing the level of competition a keyword has on Etsy helps you gain insight on how easy or difficult it will be to rank high in search results. 

Search Trend 

Use this section to view your keyword’s changes in popularity over the past 15 months on both Etsy and Google. 

It is important to understand how and when the popularity of a keyword increases and decreases. Use this information to plan sales that cater to early, peak, and “last minute” shoppers. Many keywords are seasonal, so they are very popular during a specific time of the year and get relatively little traffic during the rest of the year.

Please note that in cases where there is not enough data to meet the minimum thresholds to provide an accurate estimate, eRank will not be able to supply search volume data. This is common for some niche products and long-tail keywords. Try entering a keyword that is more broad.

Etsy Searchers by Country

Use this section to view the location of the people who have searched for the keyword. All percentages are approximate.

Use this section to find other relevant trending keywords, synonyms, and long tail keyword phrases for your listings’ titles, tags, and descriptions. The data displayed here is based on what Etsy shoppers have been searching for over the past 15 months.

If you are a Basic member, Pro member, or Expert member, use the Filter field in the blue bar to filter specific listings from within the section. Click the orange Export button in the blue bar to export or print the list of keywords for future reference.

Use the table to view the following information:

  • Keywords: these are high-ranking search terms associated with the keyword you entered


  • Search Trend: these graphs display each keyword’s changes in popularity over the past 15 months. From this data, you can get a sense of a keyword’s seasonality and whether it is becoming more or less popular


  • Character Count: the number of characters in the keyword phrase, including spaces and punctuation


  • Average Searches*: the average monthly searches for that keyword on Etsy based on the past 12 months of Etsy data


  • Average Clicks*: the average monthly clicks that listings in searches for that keyword get on Etsy, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data


  • Average CTR*: the ratio of clicks to searches on Etsy for that keyword, shown as a percentage. Based on the past 12 months of Etsy data


  • Etsy Competition*: how much competition you can expect with this keyword on Etsy search results pages


  • Google Searches: the estimated number of searches performed on Google each month for that keyword. Google search data is also useful for your website and can help you understand broader user-interest levels, keywords, and products


  • Google CPC: CPC, or cost-per-click, indicates how much advertisers are prepared to pay to appear at the top of search results for this keyword. If advertisers are prepared to pay a high CPC, it indicates that shoppers who search for this keyword tend to  have good purchase intent


  • Google Competition: this indicates the level of advertisers that are competing on Google for the keyword. The competition score ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being no competition and 1 being high. High competition is a good indicator of purchase intent


  • Long Tail Keyword: long tail keywords are keywords or key phrases that are more specific than more commonly searched for keywords. Long tail keywords get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value, as they are more specific


  • SERP (Search Engine Results Page) Analysis: the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) analysis link will take you to our Keyword Tool, where you can perform a detailed analysis of the top 100 listings found in Etsy search results for that keyword


Learn more about the Keyword Tool here

*This data is color-coded as follows:

Green: The average number of monthly searches, clicks, or CTR for the tag is very high. A green competition bar means that competition with the tag on Etsy is very low

Yellow: The average number of monthly searches, clicks, or CTR for the tag is high. A yellow competition bar means that competition with the tag on Etsy is low

Orange: The average number of monthly searches, clicks, or CTR for the tag is low. An orange competition bar means that competition with the tag on Etsy is high

Red: The average number of monthly searches, clicks, or CTR for the tag is very low. A red competition bar means that competition with the tag on Etsy is very high

If you are unsure if a keyword or phrase is trademarked, click here to navigate to the USPTO Trademark Database and search the word or phrase to check before using it in your shop.

About the data

Etsy and other marketplaces do not disclose their keyword search and click volumes. We get our data from leading 3rd party data analytics companies that are used by many Fortune 500 businesses. To ensure the highest possible accuracy, the search volume, click, and click through rates are based on the search behavior of millions of users who have opted in to share their data.

While great effort goes into making sure these numbers are as accurate as possible, they should be regarded as estimates. The numbers reported here may differ from what other companies provide due to different data collection methodologies and data providers.

Who Can Use This?

This feature is available to all eRank members. Free members can search 5 keywords per day, Basic members can search 25 keywords per day, Pro members can search 200 keywords per day, and Expert members can search 500 keywords per day. 

Please note that Free members are not able to view the Search Trend (US) or Etsy Searchers by Country sections and are only able to view some of the data in the Related Searches section.

Need to look up more keywords? Click here to upgrade your account

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