Here at eRank, we’re back with Australia’s top Etsy keywords. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO and product research. We’ll show you the most popular search terms with Australian shoppers. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy in Australia now.
Tip: See what Australia’s top Etsy keywords were yesterday, as well as what’s trending on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.
Want to read the US report first? And here are the UK report, and Canada’s.
February’s Top 20 Etsy keywords
- pokemon
- gift for him
- bracelet
- valentines gift for her
- mugs
- valentine gift
- gift for her
- jewelry
- valentines gift for him
- wall decor
- earrings
- digital prints
- phone case
- sword
- ring
- 3d printed
- ferrari jacket
- custom
- keychains
- patterns
Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database
G’day, Australians! There are 11 climbers on this list – Top 20 shopper searches that weren’t in January’s Top 20. As always, we’ll focus on these because they’ve climbed highest fastest most recently. And of these, three are screamers. So-called because they scream to the top seemingly out of nowhere. Just a month back, these didn’t even crack the Top 1000.
Your top Etsy searches climbing highest fastest
In order by current rank, here are your February climbers, their rank in January (if any) listed last.
#3 bracelet, up from #308
#4 valentines gift for her, up from #92
#6 valentine gift, up from #80
#7 gift for her, up from #92
#8 jewelry, up from #524
#13 phone case, up from #154
#16 3d printed, up from #141
#17 ferrari jacket (screamer; didn’t rank in January’s Top 1000)
#18 custom (screamer)
#19 keychains, up from #598
#20 patterns (screamer)
Some very curious ones here! But we know you’re busy. And we want to leave time for your Monthly CTR Roundup here at the end. So let’s just do the screamers and the two climbers that didn’t make January’s Top 500.
8th-ranked “jewelry,” up from #524
What arrested our attention here is not that “jewelry” climbed so high in February. Rather, it’s how far down it’s been Year on Year.

That, and the fact that it’s misspelled! We checked: in February’s Top 1000, you have 10 searches with the word “jewelry” (American spelling). There are only three with “jewellery.”
Anyone else smell Etsy?
The UK had this issue with their 16th-ranked “jewelry gift.” Our clever Pam Duthie in Scotland tracked that misspelling’s probable source. Etsy’s dropdown menu of suggestions on the UK homepage.

Here, three of Etsy’s suggestions are spelled correctly for their UK shoppers and two are not (“jewelry gifts” and “jewellery mom [sic] gifts”). But in your case it’s not a dropdown menu. We checked.

Years back, it was also Pam who spotted the origin of some other American-spelled top UK searches. Etsy homepage promos! The promo itself would be correctly spelled (as is the “Mum” beneath the dropdown shown above). But once clicked, she caught Etsy switching to the American spelling in the address bar URL.
Which, yep, it’s doing now on its Australia pages.

We clicked the promo labeled “Personalised and Custom Jewellery” that’s on your homepage now. When we did, the address bar URL switched to “personalised-and-custom-jewelry”. We couldn’t find a promo with the word “jewellery” by itself to test. But there might have been one in February.
These are the only explanations we data geeks have so far. Because we very much doubt 5,200 Australians suddenly and collectively forgot how to spell “jewelry” properly. But even if they had, it shouldn’t matter. “Jewelry” and “jewellery” ought to work the same in search, just as any misspelling does.
17th-ranked “ferrari jacket” (screamer)
Canada’s Top 20 has “jacket” ranking eighth. That’s a Top 20 first appearance for jacket! (At least since we began doing these in 2018.) And here, up pops “ferrari jacket,” ranking 17th on your list. Another Top 20 debut! Here’s “ferrari jacket.”

We must admit, our first thought was to wonder whether a Hemsworth was involved. It doesn’t appear so, at least not lately, and not driving for Ferrari. So maybe for you lot Down Under, it’s simply seasonal / weather-related?
A year ago in February, eight jacket searches made your Top 1000 (but the highest, “jacket,” only ranked #191). And five made your Top 1000 that March, including #673 “f1 jacket ferrari” and #968 “ferrari jacket.” Then in April, there were four; none with the word “ferrari” but one was “leather aviator jacket.” Maybe keep an eye on that one, too. Because in February’s Top 1000 this year, you have these four:
- ferrari jacket
- bomber ma 1 jacket
- men leather jacket
- ralph lauren vintage jacket
One’s an aviator jacket and one’s leather. That said, after ferrari jacket’s 3,350 searches, the rest of these four range from 550 to 450 searches each. (Note though that “men leather jacket” does sport an Average CTR of 124%: exceptional purchase intent!)
Quickie tutorial: Click-through rates and purchase intent
Are any of you new to online selling? This tip is pretty huge!
On ecommerce sites, click-through rates reflect how many times shoppers clicked listings in their search results. Therefore, CTRs are an indicator of purchase intent. That is, a shopper who’s more likely searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing).
Discovering what the most popular search terms are now with Etsy’s Australian shoppers is helpful. But for insight into which of these trending products are selling best, look to the click-through rates.
And now, back to our short list of February’s climbers.
18th-ranked “custom” (screamer)
As a single-word search, this might be another Top 20 debut. Here’s “custom.”

You’d think with that massive peak back in February 2025 that it would have made your Top 20 then. It did not (we checked); with 6,100 searches, it only ranked #43. In this February’s Top 20, that search count would earned it in sixth place. Instead, with just 3,550, it ranks 18th. Huh?
We’ve been tracking this in the US Top 20 lists for a couple years now. We’re still not sure if it’s a drop in the overall number of searches on Etsy. Or are shoppers searching for a much wider array of things, bringing individual product search counts down?
In any case, despite its Year-on-Year lower search count, this is the highest “custom” has ranked to date. And for two years in a row, it has peaked in February. Its second-highest month is September; it ranked 25th on September’s Top 1000. June and November are tied for third.
Conversely, in 15 months, it’s also bottomed out five times. But to be honest, we found it weird that “custom” ever reached your Top 20. It’s way too broad! For Pete’s sake, it’s an adjective.
Super popular though; there are 20 searches with the word “custom” in February’s Top 1000. Too many to list here. But stay tuned. Shortly, we’ll do a run through your Top 250, see which custom products could be selling best.
19th-ranked “keychains,” up from #598
In singular or plural form, this is one of your Top 20 frequent flyers. Here is data for “keychains” plural; it’s at a 15-mo high!

We record keywords as shoppers enter them, so a keyword’s plural and singular data appear separately. But to assess a product’s popularity (and Seller Competition), it’s best to see that data merged. Which is why that’s the default in Keyword Tool. Here is keychain/s’ combined data.

For any of you new to eRank, here’s how to tell what exactly that “Include Near Matches” includes. Just below those charts in Keyword Tool is the Related Searches table. Select the tab “Near Matches.”

Usually, it will just be the singular and plural of the keyword you entered. But sometimes, there might be a handful or more, including some you might not have thought of. So it’s worth a quick check! And it also provides a useful head-to-head comparison of how the singular and plural are performing.
We can see here that keychain singular has a higher Average Search count: 2,425 to keychains’ 1,329. And nearly twice the Average Clicks. But the stats for Average CTR and Competition are much closer.
No need to switch your SEO from one to the other, though. Either should work as well to bring keychain shoppers to you.
20th-ranked “patterns” (screamer)
Yet another we don’t recall ever making a Top 20!

Yikes, that competition is daunting. You’ll need to niche down. This should help: let’s go see which patterns show the most purchase intent now. Yessiree, it’s time for your Monthly CTR Roundup. For these, we analyze your Top 250 keywords to determine which have the highest monthly CTRs. Those of you here to find out what’s selling best on Etsy now, this lightning round is for you!
Roundup: Australia’s top Etsy keywords with 125%+ CTRs now
Of all the marketplaces we cover, Etsy has the most keywords with high CTRs. Even on Etsy though, CTRs above 125% are rare. Keep in mind too that these calculations are drawn exclusively from their February data. Therefore, regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs are, some of these keywords should still be popular with shoppers now.
As for the Valentine-related searches, we recommend adding them to a Keyword List to revisit ahead of next year’s.
Another tip! Do you sell giftables? When your cut-off for shipping Christmas orders has passed, start retargeting your SEO to optimize for Valentine’s Day gift shoppers. Remember, Etsy’s algorithm can take six weeks or more to absorb your SEO changes.
One last thing before we begin. Some of the following shopper searches could cause an Etsy seller problems. Whether they be protected by intellectual property rights or prohibited by Etsy, please look before you leap!
Ranking #1-50
Oh goodie, there’s loads! There are four qualifiers in your Top 20 alone, and all have monthly CTRs for February above 148%! #1 pokemon; #15 ring; #17 ferrari jacket; and #18 custom.
Moving on, there’s a pair at #23-24: kirtle with 149% and notion template with 127%. (From here, to keep this as readable as possible, we’ll only shout out individual CTRs that are 140% and up. But all will have at least 125%, which is sky high!)
Next up, there’s #32 gonggi. Skip just one and at #34-37 there’s a quartet, all with 148%+ CTRs. These are pretty green eyes poster, planner, solid gold piercing, and jibbitz. Skip two and the last qualifiers in the Top 50 are a quintet, all with February CTRs of 147% and up! Ranked #40-44: croc charms, dishonored, bangle, amigurumi patterns, and motivation story pack.
From #51-100
First here is #51 bioshock with a CTR of 148% for the month. After that, we have to skip a bunch for the next, #71 rosary necklace. At #73 is 3d print with 141%, and at #75 is antique store ledger full books; it has 146%, as do #77 beads and #80 bismuth.
Next, a wild run of thirteen nonstop, all but one of which have CTRs of 146% and up! From #82-94: desk accessories pastel, custom photo gift, crystal jewelry ring, dice, frieren poster, embroidery, engraved triangle, reading journal, red, jumper, laufey tee, kantele (the odd one out with 134%), and key caps.
Skip just one and we end February’s Top 100 with a quintet, all with CTRs above 145%! From #96-100: music poster, moomin, menu floral yellow, heart necklace, and halo.
Ranked #101-150
Starting out here with a CTR of 147%, it’s #102 oracle cards. Next, a trio ranked #105-107, all with monthly CTRs of 142% and up: t shirt, valentines gift for kids, and traitor guard. The singleton at #109 zine has 147%. Skip two and at #112-114 there’s a trio, all with 146%+: pink tarot deck, shrine theme, and solid gold ring.
Next, a pair at #116-117: gold arm cuff and fursuit head; the latter has 147%. Skip one and there’s another pair at #119-120, both with February CTRs above 146%. These are bridesmaid proposal box and butterfly bookmark digital downloads. The singleton at #122 also has 146%: it’s canva. And so do the trio at #124-126: van cleef bracelet, toys, valentine craft. Same goes for the quartet at #129-132: music tee, hosting decor, doormats, and ghost.
Skip just two and there’s a pair: #135-136 bridesmaid boxes (another with 146%) and bookmark. Next, #139 crust (146%); #141 daisy (145%); #144 gift. And at #150 is taylor swift; she has 146%.
Ranking #151-200
Wow: every qualifier in this section has a monthly CTR for February of 145%+! First off are #152 pets and #154 water bottle harness. Skip a handful and there’s a pair at #160-161: jujutsu kaisen and macbook case. Then skip a few more and at #165 is cat and then #167 apple watch ultra 2 band women.
Skip ahead again for another pair at #177-178: custom fishing gifts and gifts for dad. Then it’s another pair at #180-181: fursuit and friendship bracelets. Next is #182 coffee, and the last qualifier in the Top 200 is #189 pullover.
Finally, ranked #200-250
And the same holds true for this final group! There aren’t as many, but they all have CTRs for February of at least 145%. First off, #200 shell friendship bracelet; then #202 regal pet portrait; #205 strap; and #208 heart friendship bracelet. Next, the pair at #210-211: hitbox and organic cotton set white french. Then we have to skip ahead a bit for #221 tarot accessories. And that’s the last!
We hope some of these prove to be profitable leads for you!
Meanwhile, we’re off to discover what’s trending on Amazon
And as always, we love hearing what you think – about trends or anything else you’d like to talk about. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 29,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about.
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RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Australia’s Etsy shoppers now.