The UK’s Top Etsy Keywords: Latest Updates!

Here at eRank, we’re back with the UK’s top Etsy keywords. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO. We’ll show you the most popular UK shopper searches. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy UK now.

Tip: See what the top keywords on Etsy were yesterday, as well as on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.

Reading time: 13 minutes

Want to read the US monthly trend report first? Here you go!

June’s Top 20 Etsy shopper searches in the UK

  1. wall art
  2. home decor
  3. earrings
  4. tshirt
  5. crochet
  6. mugs
  7. stickers
  8. poster
  9. fathers day card
  10. barware
  11. fallout
  12. kitchen
  13. slime
  14. fathers day
  15. art
  16. birthday gift
  17. gift
  18. birthday card
  19. outdoor and garden
  20. mug

Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database

What’s new Month on Month to the UK’s Top 20 Etsy keywords 

As always, we’ll focus our analysis on the Top 20 keywords that weren’t on last month’s Top 20. These are the shopper searches that have been climbing highest the fastest. Benchmarks: fewer than five new is stagnant. More than nine suggests volatility. Lots more shoppers suddenly searching for lots more stuff they weren’t as much just 30 days before.

Back in April, you had a dozen shopper searches new Month on Month, including three screamers! (As we fondly call current Top 20 keywords not in the previous month’s Top 1000.) In fact, let’s check in with one of your April screamers to see how it’s fared since. This is “gift for home,” then and now.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “gift for home” in the UK. The line chart shows its performance with UK shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “gift for home” in the UK. The line chart shows its performance with UK shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

During April, “gift for home” skyrocketed in 30 days from too low to count up to 19,800 searches. What could account for this? We think Etsy likely featured it as a promotional Call to Action (CTA) on the UK homepage. The takeaway here though is that search volume continues to be up. In fact, with 8,750 shopper searches in June, that’s a Year on Year increase of 17,400%! Even more telling: “gift for home” has a click-through rate for June of 106%. Etsy may have gotten the ball rolling, but UK shoppers have taken it from there.

Looks like Etsy knows what it’s doing with these CTAs. And in May, you had slightly less upheaval: 11 climbers; only two of them screamers. And for June, it’s the same. So without further ado, let’s get to them!

June’s climbers and screamers 

These 11 keywords climbed highest the fastest in June, our most recent full month of data. We’ve listed them in order with their current rank first.

#3 earrings, up from #26

#5 crochet, up from #43

#7 stickers, up from #32

#9 fathers day card, up from #161

#10 barware, up from #273

#13 slime, up from #98

#14 fathers day, up from #91

#15 art (screamer: not in May’s Top 1000 – but wall art was #2)

#18 birthday card, up from #42

#19 outdoor and garden (screamer: not in May’s Top 1000)

#20 mug, up from #36

We data geeks at eRank love to detect patterns. We think much of your recent volatility is Etsy itself. Etsy has been transparent about doing more promoting on its homepages. Which is a good thing! We hope it’s bringing you more sales. Now let’s see if we can identify which of these might do as well as “gift for home.”

Ranking 3rd: earrings, up from #26 

Whereas “earrings” is the one keyword that never leaves the US Top 20, for you it comes and goes. That said, it never drops far. Have a look.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “earrings” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “earrings” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).

“Earrings” is also well up Year on Year: 28% up. Nothing crazy like “gift for home” though; we’re confident this is an organic shopper search. As are your next two June climbers, “crochet” and “stickers.” Since we know you’re busy, let’s skip over them to the next climber. This one jumped much more of the queue.

Ranking 9th: fathers day card, up from #161 

That this one climbed is hardly a surprise. What did surprise us is how much of the global Etsy shopper pie you lot have got: nearly 40%! Feast your eyes!

On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “fathers day card.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “fathers day card.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).

That said, oh dear: search volume for this one is down quite a lot Year on Year; 52% down. Even if we include the plural, “fathers day cards.” Not sure why. Any theories? Let’s skip ahead to your other father’s day-related search.

Ranking 14th: fathers day, up from #91 

Of course we expect this one to be up Month on Month. What we want to see is how it compares Year on Year. Is it as down as “fathers day card”?

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “fathers day” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “fathers day” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The bright green banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).

Interesting! Yes, like “fathers day card” it’s down Year on Year too. But not by quite as much: 37% vs. 52%. That said, it’s funny that both of these father’s day searches are still trending now, the first week of July, more than a fortnight after Father’s Day. (We saw this in the US report too.) Procrastinators?

Another surprise is how high that Average CTR (click-through rate) is, given that it’s a 12-mo average while this is a once-a-year holiday. It’s 104%: excellent purchase intent.

New to online selling? Click data reflects how many times shoppers using a given keyword clicked on listings in their search results. We care about these because clicks and CTRs signal purchase intent. That is, a shopper who’s searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing). 

Compared with Amazon and eBay, we’ve noticed that Etsy consistently has higher click rates. And that has to be a good thing. Etsy’s shoppers appear to have more intent – or at least more interest. Liking what’s in their search results enough to do much more clicking than eBay and Amazon shoppers. We hope this indicates more purchasing. Meanwhile, let’s get back to your climbers.

Ranking 10th: barware, up from #273 

Wasn’t it Father’s Day last year that we saw this keyword for the first time in any Top 20 ever? Let’s see.

On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “barware.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “barware.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).

It was! Being data geeks, we remember because “barware” was a keyword we’d never seen in a Top 20 before. Our Pam Duthie did some sleuthing and tracked it down to an Etsy CTA on the UK homepage. Anyone happen to spot it again this year? It’s not there now, despite its having the banner in eRank telling us it’s still trending this week. (We’re assuming most of these searches were for Father’s Day gifts.) And you’ve got another whopping piece of the shopper pie: nearly 30%!

Ranking 13th: slime, up from #98

A slime revival?

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “slime” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “slime” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).

Looks like it! And unlike the days (years!) when slime was queen of all she surveyed, check out that competition. Only 4,473 UK shop listings are using this keyword now. All the stats are green for go. Have fun!

Ranking 15th: art 

This is the first of your two screamers. So called because they seem to have screamed into the Top 20 out of nowhere. They didn’t even make May’s Top 1000. As for this one, we aren’t surprised it’s a screamer. We seldom see the single-word search “art” on any Top 20. So it’s off to Keyword Tool for us.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “art” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “art” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).

Mind you, “wall art” was No. 2 in May. And it’s your No. 1 now. So it is not as if this climber indicates new interest. Rather, we see it as more interest. Lots more UK shoppers searching on Etsy for art. Altogether, there are 17 searches with the word “art” in your Top 1000. We were going to say that’s too many to list. But hey, given how popular this is with the UK’s Etsy shoppers now, here you go.

In order by rank: wall art; art; art print; wall art prints; digital art; canvas wall art; moss wall art; garden wall art outdoor; kitchen wall art; kitchen art; clip art; bathroom wall art. That’s just the Top 500! From 501-1000: islamic wall art; canvas art; framed wall art; vertical wall art long narrow; and at #972 boho art. Lots of niches to explore!

Ranking 18th: birthday card, up from #42 

This is the second of your two Top 20 Etsy keywords related to cards. We’ve been thinking greeting cards may simply be more popular with UK shoppers. Last month “greeting cards” made your Top 20. That search hasn’t ever appeared on other countries’ Top 20 lists. Here’s “birthday card.”

On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “birthday card.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “birthday card.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).

Wow: you’ve got a bigger piece of the pie than the US has! And 21 searches with the word “card” in your Top 1000. (The US has only 12.) Competition for “birthday card” is high, though: 484,109 UK listings use it. So you will have to niche down if you want in on this one. 

Quick tutorial: how to use Keyword Tool to niche down

New to online selling and/or eRank? “Niche down” is jargon for finding products and their “superstar keywords” that you can rank for in search. Are you here looking for what to sell on Etsy? Begin your product research by niching down. Here’s how.

Enter a broad search term (like “birthday card”) into Keyword Tool, then scroll down to the related-searches table. There, use filter and sort to find “long-tail keywords:” the top Etsy searches with lowest competition.

Here, we scrolled down to the Keyword Ideas table and chose “Exact” as filter (circled here in yellow). Then we sorted by clicking the Search Trend header (circled in orange); doing so shows us what’s trending now.

Keyword Ideas table in eRank’s Keyword Tool showing the UK’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “birthday card.”
Keyword Ideas table in eRank’s Keyword Tool showing the UK’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “birthday card.”

We like to do this sort because the default sort is Average Searches. With that sort, it’s easy to discount keywords like “21st birthday card” with its paltry 320 searches. It actually had 1,250 searches in June.

Like all of these after the broad search “birthday card,” search volume is sporadic. On the other hand, look at how inviting some of those Competition levels are. You go from nearly half a million for “birthday card” down to only 4,493 for “90th birthday card.” You’ll find similar opportunities if you use this same procedure for the broad keyword “greeting card.”

Ranking 19th: outdoor and garden

This is your other screamer. It’s seasonal and ‘tis the season so we aren’t surprised it’s trending. We just don’t think many UK customers typed that into Etsy’s search box. Instead, we bet they clicked on a CTA somewhere on the UK homepage. Now, the distinction is a fine one. While it explains why it’s new, in practice what matters is whether shoppers are clicking. So let’s have a look.

On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “outdoor and garden” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting UK keyword stats for “outdoor and garden” on Etsy. The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.

As we suspected: the dearth of searches from April 2023 right through November suggests it’s Etsy. (And funny how popular it got in January! Valentine gifts for avid gardeners maybe?) From February it held steady through April 2024, then dropped to 1,250 in May. Then, like the proverbial beanstalk, soared skyward in June.

But we don’t see much promise in this one. Average CTR is 86%. That’s low for Etsy. And calculated just for this 30 day spike in June, it’s 85%. That means shoppers aren’t clicking loads of listings Etsy shows them for this search. We’d say the interest is there, but shoppers are likely searching more specifically. “Niching down” if you will.

More fruitful leads to try? We found five searches in June’s Top 1000 with the word “outdoor.” In rank order: outdoor and garden; outdoor hosting; outdoor decor for dad; garden wall art outdoor; and outdoor garden sink. And for garden, there were six more: garden flower gift; fairy garden; garden essentials; gardening gift; solar garden lights; and at #903, garden.

Looking those up in Keyword Tool should provide lots more niche leads for you.

Ranking 20th: mug, up from #36 

Mugs are hot for you. They are trending generally, and the US has nearly half the global shoppers. But we’ve got the sense that the UK more frequently has both “mug” and “mugs” in its Top 20. So let’s click that little box in the Keyword Stats bar chart to see the stats combined.

On the left, a bar chart combining UK keyword stats for Etsy shopper searches “mug” and “mugs.” The line chart shows their combined search trend performance over the past 15 months. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart combining UK keyword stats for Etsy shopper searches “mug” and “mugs.” The line chart shows their combined search trend performance over the past 15 months. The banner indicates it’s popular with UK shoppers now (first week of July).

Now see, that’s a happy Average CTR: 112%. It climbs to 117% for “mug” singular; it’s 107% for “mugs.” Either one should lead a UK shopper to the same place. Though if what you’re selling is a pair or set of mugs, optimize for “mugs.” Or even both. Why not? It’s four letters max!

And with that, it’s west to Canada for us! 

As always, we love hearing what you think about these or any other trends you’ve spotted. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Etsy shoppers now.