We’re back with the UK’s top Etsy keywords. Let eRank take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO and product research. We’ll show you the most popular searches with UK shoppers. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy UK now.
Tip: See what the UK’s top keywords on Etsy were yesterday, as well as on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.
Want to read the US trend report first? Here you go!
February’s Top 20 Etsy keywords
- valentines gift for her
- valentine gift
- valentines gift for him
- gift for him
- gift for her
- galentine gift
- wall art
- valentines
- valentines card
- valentines day card
- earrings
- engagement gift
- shelves
- mothers day
- stl
- jewelry gift
- valentine card
- poster
- personalized gift
- wedding
NOTE: In order to get you this report as soon as possible, search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best early estimates. By mid-month, all keyword search counts and rankings get confirmed; some ranks may change a bit but not by much.
In terms of updating SEO for February, you lot in the UK need to be the most nimble! Now, we sellers all have to pivot quickly from targeting Christmas to Valentine’s Day gift shoppers. But on top of that, you also have the earliest Mother’s Day: March 30! And we think you might have the most condensed wedding season too, packing most of them into June-August. Your February Top 20 Etsy keywords reflect this: most relate to valentines, mothers, gifts or weddings.
Thirteen are climbers – keywords that weren’t on the previous month’s Top 20. Back in January, you had 12, but seven of those were screamers. That’s what we call Top 20 shopper searches that didn’t make the previous month’s Top 1000. And as we said back then, seven screamers were a lot! Let’s take just a quick peek at your top-ranked January screamer to see how it’s fared since.
Update! This was January’s UK No. 3, “passive amplifier”
It had over 30,000 searches in January. Now, in just a month, it’s down 89%.

“Passive amplifier” now ranks #192: not too terrible but its clicks and click-through rate for February are virtually nil. This does nicely illustrate why our guidance regarding screamers is to add them to a Keyword List. Let that tool mind them for you awhile, see if shoppers stay interested. Here, it appears this was more of a fleeting fancy.
Insofar as screamers go, February was much calmer. Of its 13 climbers, there are only two. And both are familiar faces. Without further ado then, let’s get right to them, shall we?
Your top Etsy searches climbing highest fastest
As mentioned, most of these are climbers due to your pivot from Christmas to Valentine’s and Mother’s Day shopping. Plus all the people getting engaged on Valentine’s Day, along with the start of wedding season: hectic! So, while 13 climbers is on the high side, this happens every year for you.
Here they are in current rank order, ending with the rank they had in January.
#2 valentine gift, up from #44
#5 gift for her, up from #426
#9 valentines card, up from #33
#10 valentines day card, up from #166
#11 earrings, up from #26
#12 engagement gift, up from #98
#13 shelves, up from #860
#14 mothers day (screamer: didn’t make January’s Top 1000)
#15 stl, up from #22
#16 jewelry gift (screamer)
#17 valentine card, up from #678
#19 personalized gift, up from #95
#20 wedding, up from #53
With all these seasonal events squeezed in so close together, you must be busy! Plus, we want to leave time at the end here for your Monthly CTR Roundup. See if we can tell what’s selling best in the UK now. So, let’s just do the climbers that covered the most ground this past month. Starting with this very familiar face.
5th-ranked “gift for her,” up from #426
Normally, we review these exactly as the shopper typed them into search, singular or plural. But we’re making an exception this time: here is “gift for her” including its near matches.

“Gifts for her” plural ranked #169 in January, a good bit higher than did “gift for her.” Both are still trending this week. And as you can see, their combined performance has been better this season than a year ago. Of course, none but the gods can actually rank on Etsy for “gift for her.” It’s just nice to see that overall, Year on Year, search volume is up.
13th-ranked “shelves,” up from #860
Excellent! And the plural form has much less competition than “shelf.”

That said, the monthly click-through rate for “shelves” though is low, especially for Etsy: just 64%. A sudden spike in searches coupled with a low monthly CTR? This, we’ve found, is usually Etsy, promoting the keyword on its homepage. Those promos are always so attractive, people click them even though they’re on Etsy to shop for something else. However, such shoppers are less likely to click through to listings they’re shown. Which in turn brings down the CTR: because these shoppers lack “purchase intent.”
Are you new to selling online? On ecommerce sites, click-through rates (CTRs) reflect how many times shoppers clicked listings in their search results. Therefore, CTRs can be an indicator of “purchase intent.” That is, a shopper more likely searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one who’s just browsing).
Discovering what the most popular search terms are now with Etsy’s UK shoppers is helpful. But for insight into which of these trending products are selling best, look to the click-through rates.
16th-ranked “jewelry gift” (new Month on Month to your Top 20 Etsy keywords)
We suspect this screamer also got a substantial boost to reach your Top 20. Especially given its American spelling!

Calculated for the month, “jewelry gift” has got an even lower CTR than “shelves”: just 59%! It’s the lowest monthly CTR in your Top 20. Which doesn’t mean UK shoppers aren’t on Etsy to buy jewelry as a gift – especially in February! We’re sure plenty were and still are, with your Mother’s Day so close. It’s just that we doubt so many used the American spelling to type “jewelry gift” into Etsy search.
Anyone else smell Etsy? Because “jewellery” (spelled properly) ranks 26th and it’s got much better CTRs. Calculated for the month, it’s 96% and its 12-mo average CTR is 102%. Of course, either spelling will bring the shopper to jewelry (and jewellery) listings. Using the American spelling wouldn’t change your traffic.
We’re just theorizing how this screamer “jewelry gift” might have shot straight into your Top 20. And why its CTRs are so low compared with an organic, typed-in UK shopper search. One possibility is that its search traffic derived from an Etsy promo… or was it something else? Because, up next, look what our Pam Duthie in Scotland spotted.
Ranking #318: “jewellery mom gifts” (screamer)
Being incorrigible data geeks, we poked all around Etsy’s UK site. We couldn’t find a promo labeled “jewelry gift.” Yet all signs pointed to its being of Etsy origin. Then we noticed this related keyword on February’s list: Top 1000 newcomer “jewellery mom gifts.” Have a look.

That’s a textbook single-month spike. They’re somewhat rare. Typically, we see these when there’s a highly-anticipated launch, or the start of a major social media-driven trend. Barbenheimer, for example, was both. But “jewellery mom gifts” is neither.
So we asked our Pam whether this many more Brits could be using “mom” instead of “mum” these days. She didn’t think so – which led her to check Etsy. And when she started to type “jewellery” into Etsy search, she got this.

Interesting! Next, we US data geeks tried an incognito search of the UK homepage. Here’s what we got when we started to type “jewellery.”

Beneath the dropdown, both screenshots show “Mum” spelled correctly on the actual Etsy promo. Both dropdown menus show the same suggestions. And see? “Jewelry gifts” (it’s plural though) and #318 “jewellery mom gifts.” Three of the five suggested use the British spelling while “jewelry gifts” has the US spelling. And “jewellery mom gifts” is mixed: part Brit, part Yank.
Ha ha, sorry for going on and on! But we were excited: this is the first time we’ve tracked a screamer to a dropdown menu. And it explains why we see these searches trending so high despite their using the wrong spelling. Here too though, remember: in practice, which spelling you use in your SEO won’t matter. All top search engines these days are smart enough to account for this.
Also, if you’re in this niche, you might want to add “jewellery mom gifts” to a Keyword List. Again: don’t change your SEO yet; so far, it’s just a single-month spike. But it has got a stellar CTR: 148%! And had a worthy 2,700 searches in February. While the spelling vagaries are Etsy, we do think this click data stems from UK shoppers with purchase intent.
And now back to our regularly-scheduled programming.
17th-ranked “valentine card,” up from #678
Ever since we began reporting here on Etsy UK trends, we’ve noticed how popular cards are there. All kinds, from birthday to wedding cards. Hard to judge whether more UK shoppers buy them than US shoppers do. But card searches don’t make the US Top 20 Etsy keywords, whereas yours do.
In this past month’s UK Top 1000, there are 31 searches with the word “card.” Of those, five are for other types of cards like tarot and Pokemon cards. We checked the US Top 1000. It had just nine in total, only six of which were for greeting cards. Whereas you have three card searches in your Top 20 alone! And of those, “valentine card” covered the most ground in a month, soaring up from #678 to 17th place.

Wow, it appears “valentine card” is also way up Year on Year! But let’s check to be sure. As we said earlier, in these reports we normally consider keywords as they’re recorded: singular or plural. But since it’s most helpful when gauging search volume to include both, Keyword Tool’s default is to merge them. So first we need to uncheck that “Include Near Matches” box in the Keyword Stats chart. Then next, we’ll compare that data with how “valentine card” looks with its near matches included.
“Valentine card” and its near matches
This includes not just singular and plural forms of “valentine card” but also “valentines [plural] card” and “valentines cards.”

And look at that: compared with last year in January and February, they’re also up as a group. In fact, valentine cards are still trending now, the first week in March! In conclusion, UK shoppers are clearly loving Valentine cards even more this year. We’re happy for you card makers!
Next, let’s see what we can see about what’s selling best on Etsy in the UK now. Yep, it’s time for your Monthly CTR Roundup! For these, we analyze the UK’s top Etsy keywords to find which had the highest CTRs this past month. Anyone here for ideas of what to sell on Etsy? This lightning round is for you!
Roundup! Top Etsy searches with 125%+ CTRs now
Of the top online marketplaces we cover, Etsy has the most keywords with high CTRs. That said, even on Etsy, CTRs of 125% and above are rare. We calculated these based on their search volume and clicks in February, our more recent full month of data. Therefore, regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs are, most of these keywords should still be popular with shoppers now. Consider adding any Valentine’s Day searches to a Keyword List to revisit in early December for next year.
One last thing before we begin. Some of these shopper searches could cause an Etsy seller problems. Whether they be protected intellectual property or prohibited by Etsy, please look before you leap!
Ranking #1-50
Same as in November and December, there are no qualifiers in your February Top 20 Etsy keywords list. But right at #21 there’s mug with a monthly CTR of 150%! Skip just one and there’s another with 150%: it’s #23 crochet. Skip another and there’s #25 tshirt; that one has 132%.
(From here though, to keep things easier to read we’ll only call out the wildly high CTRs. But all will have at least 125%.) Next up is #29 birthday with 150%, then #33 tote bag with 147%, and #38 digital planner. And the last qualifier in the Top 50 ranks at #50; it’s jewelry, with 149%.
Ranked #51-100
Wow: this is a first! In the rest of this Top 100, all qualifiers have at least 149%! First up is #53 dnd; then #65 sword; #68 scream; and #81 pokemon. Then at #85-87 a trio: epic the musical, personalised, and phone charm. We skip one and at #89-90 there’s a pair: resident evil and book. Again skip one and there’s #92 slime. Skip two and we’re done here with #95 wtc and #97 pokeball.
Next, #101-150
Here we start with #109 twitch emotes, then we have another good long run of highflyers! These begin with #113 vtuber model and #118 ebook. Next up, the trio at #120-122, the first two of which have CTRs above 149%: coaster, citrine; the third, anime, has 143%.
Skip ahead a bit and there’s a quartet of qualifiers, the first three of which are above 140%. They rank #128-131: what we do in the shadows has 149%; custom 141%; teddy bear has 149%. The fourth, attack on titan, just misses (it has 139%). And skip just one for the pair at #133-134, both with 149%: kindle case and halo. And we wrap up this section with three in a row with 149% CTRs. These are #142 final fantasy; #145 bear; and #147 tibetan.
Ranking 151-200
We get off to a sleepy start here but then there’s a torrent! So, none until #165 quilt (148%), then #167 aquamarine bracelet, just barely qualifying. But the next big bunch through #191 all have 140% and up! First up, the pair at #170-171 clip on earrings (150%) and golf (149%). Then we have #175 birthday shirt (148%) and #177 valentines card wife (149%).
Next, another pair at #180-181 booktok (144%) and ai (149%). Skip two and there’s yet another pair at #184-185: chocolate bouquet (149%) and chest of drawers (140%). Again skip two and next up is a quartet ranked #188-191, all with CTRs over 148%! Dog tag, rgh xbox 360, organization, and orthodox.
Next, a giant block of 10 (our first-ever dectet), and all but two have CTRs above 140%! So in this case, we’ll just identify the two whose aren’t that high. From #196-205: splatoon (has 127%, which still is exceptionally high). Then the rest are green, melatonin, martisor, jujutsu kaisen, mgt, invincible (129%), jacket, leather jacket, and miffy.
Finally, ranking 201-250
After that group which brought us through #205, the next is #210 bluey with 148%. Then none until #220 scotland; it’s got 149%. At #227 there’s magnet, then the next two are above 148%: #234 fpl and #236 feathers mcgraw. Skip four and there’s #241 makeup, and that’s the last for this month’s Top 250.
We hope some of these prove to be profitable leads for you!
As for us, it’s west to Canada we go!
As always, we love hearing what you think about these or any other trends you’ve spotted. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 29,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.
RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Etsy shoppers now.