Discover what these eBay trending searches tell us about products selling best on eBay now. Let us take the guesswork out of your eBay SEO and product research. First we’ll show you the Top 20 eBay searches and which of them are climbing highest fastest. Then we’ll analyze the Top 500 keywords to see what eBay shoppers are most interested in buying now.
See what eBay trends were yesterday, or what’s hot on dozens of other marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon, and Google Shopping.
December’s Top 20 eBay searches
- pokemon
- iphone
- ps5
- laptop
- nintendo switch
- steam deck
- 3080
- gaming pc
- 4090
- xbox series x
- ipad
- macbook pro
- rtx 3070
- pokemon cards
- iphone 13
- iphone 15 pro max
- 3070
- rtx 3080
- 3090
- iphone 14
What’s new Month on Month to eBay’s Top 20
November’s eBay Top 20 freaked us out. Because eBay’s is normally so staid, set in its ways. eBay’s typical Top 20 turnover Month on Month is at most four. But come November, there were an unprecedented seven climbers not on the previous month’s Top 20 list.
And two of those were screamers (eBay never has screamers). That’s what we call climbers that didn’t even make the Top 1000 the month before. Because they seem to scream to the top out of nowhere. But sanity has been restored! December’s Top 20 has just four climbers, and they’re all familiar faces.
Here are December’s climbers, in order by current rank, their former rank last.
7th: 3080, up from #22 (but rtx 3080 was 15th in November)
15th: iphone 13, up from #23
17th: 3070, up from #27 (but rtx 3070 was 10th in November)
20th: iphone 14, up from #66
First we’ll take quick looks at these, then check in on how November’s two screamers are faring now. After that, we’ll give you an insider’s peek at eBay’s Annual Top 20 shopper searches for 2024. And we’ll end by analyzing December’s top keywords, see what might be selling best on eBay these days.
Ranked 7th: 3080, up from #22
Normally, “3080” is a fixture on eBay’s monthly Top 20 lists. In fact, it ranks 15th on the Top 20 for the year. As does its fuller name, “rtx 3080.” The latter did make November’s Top 20; it ranked 15th then – and 13th on 2024’s Top 20. But because 3080 is such a regular, we never have reason to feature it here. So, let’s do just that.

Its proper name is “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080.” Launched September 1st, 2020, the 3080 is still considered a solid enthusiast-grade graphics card today. Primarily marketed for high-end gaming, people like content creators, graphic artists, STEM majors also use these. Year on Year, “3080” is up 25%: still really popular.
And therefore, perfect to illustrate the puzzle of eBay’s habitual low click-through rates. “3080” has a 12-mo average CTR of just 32%. Anyone accustomed to Etsy’s CTRs could see 3080’s paltry 32% and dismiss this keyword. And we see here what a mistake that would be.
The key takeaway here is this. Etsy has more high CTRs than any other marketplace we cover. And eBay’s are the lowest. So, just keep that in mind when evaluating eBay shopper searches for “purchase intent.” (We’ll have more about this in a bit.)
Ranked 15th: iphone 13, up from #23
Rarely out of the monthly Top 20, “iphone 13” made eBay’s Annual Top 20 for 2024, placing tenth.

Even at its 15-month low, “iphone 13” still ranked 18th in April’s Top 20. Clearly, a phenomenally popular product. And yet, see? Its Average CTR is only 45%. Just the nature of CTRs on eBay.
Ranked 17th: 3070, up from #27
Yep, another Nvidia GeForce RTX graphics card. And just like 3080/rtx 3080, 3070’s counterpart “rtx 3070” did make November’s Top 20, ranked 10th.

For December, “3070” is up 11% Year on Year. Not as much as the 3080, but still decisively up.
Alongside the 3090, the three were launched together, presenting a range of high-performance graphics cards for different needs – and budgets. The 3070 was positioned as a strong mid-range option in 2020. Current reviews suggest it’s still a worthwhile buy. And eBay shoppers appear to agree: “3070” made eBay’s 2024 Annual Top 20.
Ranked 20th: iphone 14, up from #66
December’s only climber to actually do substantial climbing! At most, our first three only had to rise 15 places in rank. Let’s go see.

Indeed! Not only up Month on Month; “iphone 14” is currently at its 15-mo high. For the year though, it didn’t rank nearly as high as our other climbers. On the top eBay trending searches list for 2024, “iphone 14” ranked 37th.
And that’s it for December’s climbers. Next, let’s take just a peek at how those two ultra-rare screamers from November are doing now.
Screamer update! November’s No. 6: 9800x3d, now #55
Remember this one? (If you don’t and want the whole story, here is November’s eBay report.)

It was also a screamer on Amazon’s Top 20 list in November. Which was understandable: it was brand new and red-hot, an eagerly-awaited product in short supply. Then, just like eBay’s, in December “9800x3d” dropped like a rock. On Amazon, its fall was more dramatic: from 17th (over 725,000 searches!) to #115. Otherwise, its search trend line looks a lot like eBay’s. Here it is.

Backstory: as we explained in Amazon’s December report, the AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D launched November 7. Heralded as the world’s fastest gaming processor, due to pre-orders it near-instantly sold out. Then rumors circulated Amazon had it back in stock. (Hence November’s 725,000+ searches.) But it was sold out at every US retailer.
All of which explains how and why eBay entered the fray in November. As soon as 9800x3d stocks were confirmed sold out, resellers multiplied on eBay. And since eBay is prime hunting ground for just this sort of item – high demand, sold out – shoppers swarmed. Fewer in December (falling from November’s 143,750 to 75,680 searches).
When calculated for December, 9800x3d’s monthly CTR is just 15%. Same as it had in November. People are searching, but not with purchase intent. At least not on eBay; on Amazon in December, the 9800x3d had a monthly CTR of 91%!
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On ecommerce sites, click-through rates reflect how often shoppers using a specific keyword clicked listings in their search results. This matters because CTRs can signal purchase intent. That is, a customer more likely searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one who’s just browsing).
We data geeks at eRank have our theories as to why Etsy has so many high CTRs. Long used to Etsy, by comparison eBay’s seem low to us. But is it instead that Etsy’s are abnormally high? We still aren’t sure.
But we do think that on both sites, CTRs offer valuable insight into what’s selling best. And so we just adjust the benchmarks we use for assessing them. On Etsy, CTRs of 125% are exceptionally high. For Amazon, it’s 100% CTRs. For eBay, we’ve begun using a threshold of 75% when we do our Monthly CTR Roundup.
Screamer update! November’s No. 14: spotify car thing, now #470
This was eBay’s other November screamer. It soared to 108,710 searches that month.

Left, the bar chart depicts US keyword stats on eBay for the search term “spotify car thing.” The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over 15 months.
Car thing’s down 72% in December. That said, 30,610 is a heck of a lot of searches for tech that Spotify rendered inoperable in December.
Now, Spotify did announce it would provide refunds through mid January. So, of those 30,000+ December searchers, might some planned to try flipping a used one for a Spotify refund? (Hope not. According to reports, without the original retail proof of purchase, they’d have been out of luck.)
People are working on ways to reanimate the dead, or at least repurpose it. Mostly though, we’d say this trend is as bricked as the Car Thing.
Insider’s look: eBay’s Top 20 searches in 2024
- ps5
- laptop
- iphone
- pokemon
- nintendo switch
- gaming pc
- ipad
- macbook pro
- iphone 13
- xbox series x
- steam deck
- rtx 3080
- iphone 12
- 3080
- iphone 15 pro max
- gaming laptop
- iphone 14 pro max
- iphone 11
- rtx 3070
- macbook
As we’ve mentioned, eBay’s trends are the most stable and unchanging of our top marketplaces. So, if any interest you, add them to a Keyword List to track them in 2025.
We’ll be keeping an eye on five that in both November and December dropped out of those Top 20 lists. Possibly, just the pressure of holiday shopping edged them out temporarily. Or…
Could these 2024 top eBay trending searches be sliding?
Here are the five sliders, in order by their rank in December, their Annual Top 20 rank last.
21st: gaming laptop, ranked 16th for the year
27th: iphone 12, ranked 13th for the year
30th: iphone 14 pro max, ranked 17th for the year
39th: iphone 11, ranked 18th for the year
43rd: macbook, ranked 20th for the year
iphone 11
As you can see, “iphone 11” has dropped to rank 39th in December. (Conversely, on Amazon it’s up for December.) Here’s a quick look of it on eBay through December.

Looks okay for now. But if you have any to sell, might as well list your iPhone 11 sooner rather than later. Its CTR for the month is better: 50%.
While 20th on the 2024 Annual list, “macbook” ranked down at #110 in November and #43 in December.

In fact, all fall and through December, Year on Year “macbook” has been down. But here’s something we’ve noticed about eBay. More than any other top marketplace we cover, many eBay trending searches rise higher in January. See above how it climbed in January 2024?
We’ve attributed some of that surge to people spending their holiday gift card money on eBay. To get more bang for their buck? Take “macbook:” last year, searches climbed 26% in January. Maybe we’ll see the same this year; we’ll keep you posted. If you’re selling on eBay, hope you’re doing well these days!
And now it’s time for our Monthly CTR Roundup.
Roundup! eBay’s Top 500 searches with 75%+ CTRs now
Here to discover what might be selling best on eBay now? Then this lightning round is for you! We calculated these CTRs using our latest full month of data. So, regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs are, these should have the most promising purchase intent now.
Of eBay’s top 500 keywords, all these have monthly CTRs of 75% and up. As you’ll see, eBay CTRs this high are exceptional. And as we go, we’ll shout out individual CTRs of 100% or higher: remember, that’s sky high for eBay.
Ranked 1-250
On our last eBay Roundup, there was only one shopper search with a qualifying CTR in the Top 100. For December, there are four! #31 fortnite account has a 107% CTR for the month. And #62 digital camera has 127% – wildly high for eBay. [Note: we’ve noticed at least one camera search making these eBay Roundups.] Closing out the Top 100: #90 3ds xl; and #97 3d printer.
There’s not another qualifier until #152 fisch with a 112% CTR. Then we need to skip a bunch again to get to #203 windows 10 pro key with 121%. At #214 is ipod classic with a monthly CTR of 108%; and #228 iphone 12 mini.
Ranked 251-500
First up in this group is #255 fortnite account og with 118%. Then we jump ahead for #281 xbox controller; #283 switch lite; and #289 motherboard cpu combo. Following another long dry spell, at #352 we have s22 ultra with a CTR of 116%. Another jump and then at #388 there’s gaming chair and at #413 gucci bag.
And next up is our favorite: #418 gi joe with 150% CTR! (He doesn’t always make eBay’s Top 500 but when he does, he comes with 150%.) After Joe is #429 ryzen 5 5600, then another superstar: #459 anime adventures with 150%. And closing out the Top 500 strong: #477 nintendo 3ds xl with 147%; and #484 canon powershot with 122%.
We hope some of these prove to be profitable leads for you!
You know we could go on and on…
But we know you’re busy! If you’d like more inspiration, here are our US trend reports for Etsy and Amazon. And of course you’re always welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always around. Got questions or suggestions for us? Our weekly Q&As are live Thursdays on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.
RESOURCES: You can see eBay’s Top 100 keywords for the past 30 days, last week or yesterday in eRank’s Trend Buzz. Use Keyword Tool to see 15 months of historical search data to gauge recent trends and spot what’s new. Get related keywords, click data, and compare several platforms at once to learn where shoppers are for what you sell. Together, these tools are the best way to track what’s hot right now with eBay shoppers.