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Top Etsy Searches Trending in Q4 2024

Top Etsy Searches Trending in Q4 2024

14 min read

Wondering what the top Etsy searches trending in Q4 were? While 2024’s holiday selling season is still fresh on your mind, give this a read. We’ll show you the highest-ranked keywords for Oct-Dec 2024. Then we’ll analyze what these tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy now.

Add the top seasonal searches to a Keyword List to revisit in September for your SEO and tags. And see which Q4 trends we think will continue to be popular in Q1 2025.

Rather watch a video summarizing this content? Our Pam Duthie made one. Here you go!

Tip: See what the most searched keywords on Etsy were yesterday, as well as on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.

Want to read our annual review of Etsy’s top trends in 2024? And here’s our monthly trend report for December 2024 on Etsy.

Top 20 shopper searches Oct-Dec 2024

  1. gift
  2. personalized gifts
  3. christmas
  4. wall art
  5. earrings
  6. stickers
  7. gifts for him
  8. jewelry
  9. gifts for her
  10.  halloween
  11.  pokemon
  12.  wall decor
  13.  christmas ornaments
  14.  rings
  15.  digital prints
  16.  gifts
  17.  mugs
  18.  stocking stuffer
  19.  gift for her
  20.  arcane

Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database

We love analyzing these quarterly lists. They’re useful because they provide a high-level overview of current trends. We get to confirm which searches are still mainstays, constant quarter to quarter.

And it’s fun to check in with 2024’s hottest fads. Were they just a fleeting fancy? Or might we spot the start of the next Mid Century Modern or Minimalist trend? [Spoiler: we did not.]

Mainstays: these Q1-Q2-Q3 top Etsy searches still ranked high in Q4

Back in Q2, there were nine Top 20 keywords that had also made Q1’s Top 20. By Q3, three-quarters through 2024, we were down to seven mainstays. For the year? There are just five still standing.

Based on all four Quarterly Top 20 lists then, here are 2024’s “All-Quarter Mainstays.” They are in order by their Q4 rank, followed by their ranks in Q3, then Q2 and Q1.

#4 wall art (ranked #2 in Q3; #1 in both Q2 and Q1)

#5 earrings (#7 in Q3; #3 in both Q2 and Q1)

#6 stickers (#3 in Q3; #4 in Q2; #5 in Q1)

#8 jewelry (#11 in Q3; #6 in Q2; #3 in Q1)

#14 rings (#5 in Q3; #8 in Q2; #13 in Q1)

Honorable mentions

These are the two that made each quarter’s Top 20 until Q4.

Now #28 home decor (#13 in both Q3 and Q2; #12 in Q1)

Now #42 furniture (#15 in Q3; #19 in Q2; #17 in Q1)

Why mention the last two? Consider how competitive it is to make Q4’s Top 20 with all its holiday shopping. Now ranked 28th, “home decor” got 158,570 searches in Q4. But in Q3, that would have taken fifth place! Just as #42 furniture’s 124,530 searches would have ranked it 10th in Q3’s Top 20. So let’s have a quick look.

First runner-up: #28 home decor

Still trending!

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “home decor.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The moss-green Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “home decor.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The moss-green Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).

2024 didn’t get a repeat of that enormous spike “home decor” had back in Nov/Dec 2023. The highest home decor reached this past year was actually last January. But it was heading up in December. Maybe it will continue to climb this month; we’ll let you know.

Second runner-up: furniture

This one too has eRank’s Trend Alert banner waving that it’s trending now.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “furniture.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “furniture.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).

Under our watch, “furniture” hasn’t climbed as high as “home decor.” But it’s been an Etsy Top 20 frequent flyer in the US and several other countries. And in 15 months, the lowest furniture searches got in a month was 24,780 searches in June. And that was still a lot! Furniture’s got a 12-mo click-through rate (CTR) of 99%, and 100% for Q4. So if you’re here looking for what to sell on Etsy, this is a niche worth researching.

And speaking of CTRs: for Q4, let’s do our first-ever Quarterly CTR Roundup. We’ll analyze Q4’s top 250 keywords. Find out what their quarterly click stats tell us about what’s been selling best on Etsy. But first, we’ll take a look at each of 2024’s All-Quarter Mainstays.

Q4’s No. 4: wall art

Wall art was #1 in both Q1 and Q2, and #2 in Q3. And as we discovered in our Annual Review, it was 2024’s #1! Let’s have a look at this Etsy favorite.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “wall art.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “wall art.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).

In 15 months, the lowest this search has gone was in May when it had 78,800 searches. Its Average (12 month) CTR is 97%; for Q4, it’s 96%. So don’t let that Etsy Competition stat intimidate you. Because “wall art” is such a roomy category, just about any of us could find a niche for ourselves.

Quick tutorial: how to “niche down”

This is wall art’s Keyword Ideas table in Keyword Tool. For Match type, we’ve already selected “Phrase.” That shows us every shopper search with both “wall” and “art,” any order. Next, we sorted the results by clicking “Search Trend” (circled in blue). Doing so shows us what’s been trending most recently.

Keyword Ideas table for the Etsy shopper search “wall art.”
Keyword Ideas table for the Etsy shopper search “wall art.”

And here, circled in orange, are just the two we saw right off. “Skateboard wall art” had 3,170 searches in December: decent. Average CTR is 94%: also good. And only 9,950 US listings are using this keyword: excellent!

We think “skateboard wall art” shows potential to be a superstar keyword. A niche keyword you can rank for high enough in Etsy search for your products to be found. If skateboarding and any kind of wall art are your thing, add this one to a Keyword List. Have that watch it awhile for you before investing time or materials. Because (see the bars on its Search Trend graph?) its 15-mo performance is spotty; see if that improves.

The other here,“wabi sabi wall art,” got 2,710 searches in December. Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic philosophy; it’s been low-key trending on Etsy for years now. And unlike “skateboard wall art,” wabi sabi wall art’s had search volume 13 out of 15 months. Competition’s a bit higher but still in the green: 14,544 listings use this keyword. And it’s got an even nicer Average CTR: 118%. (The broader shopper search “wabi sabi” has 135%!)

And that’s it: the basics of how to use Keyword Tool to niche down. Identify keywords even new sellers can rank for high enough to be found in Etsy shopper searches. Even in 2024’s most popular category of all!

Q4’s No. 5: earrings

Earrings is the one keyword that in our years’ reporting on them has never left the Etsy US Top 20. That isn’t the case for every country every month. But for the US, the one we’ve covered here longest, it is. And on 2024’s Top Etsy Searches list, “earrings” took sixth place.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy stats for the keyword “earrings.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy stats for the keyword “earrings.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).

And it’s got a honey of an Average CTR: 107%. Calculated for Q4, it’s even higher: 109%; that’s a lot of purchase intent!

Are you new to selling online? On marketplace sites, click-through rates (CTRs) reflect how many times shoppers clicked listings in their search results. Therefore, CTRs can indicate “purchase intent.” That is, a shopper who’s more likely searching with the intention to purchase, as opposed to one just browsing.

Earlier in 2024, “earrings” ranked #3 in both Q1 and Q2, and #7 in Q3. The lowest its searches have fallen in 15 months was down to 43,850 this past September. “Earrings” is a solid subcategory. And while competition is indeed breathtaking, in practice you can sell. You just need to offer something niche.

Take heart in the fact that earrings are an item many people love to have more of. Also, with earrings and jewelry in general, buyers who like what you offer may be back for more. Some might even become collectors of your work.

Q4’s No. 6: stickers

Awhile back, we googled to find out when stickers began trending. Some sources claimed it’s been a hundred or more years. (Could be: adhesive paper was invented in 1839.) They’ve certainly been trending on Etsy! “Stickers” took fourth place on 2024’s Top Etsy Searches list.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy stats for the keyword “stickers.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy stats for the keyword “stickers.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).

In 15 months, the lowest “stickers” got was 57,860 searches/mo for June and July. Stellar 12-mo CTR: 110%. And for Q4, it’s even higher: 109%. We see no sign of this trend slowing any time soon.

Q4’s No. 8: jewelry

“Jewelry” ranked 7th overall on 2024’s Top Etsy Searches list. And it made every monthly Top 20 in 2024. It’s not the performer that the previous three – wall art, earrings, stickers – are. But does it need to be?

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy stats for the keyword “jewelry.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy stats for the keyword “jewelry.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).

Because what mere mortal can rank for “jewelry” on Etsy? It’s way too broad (and too competitive). Rather, its usefulness is in helping us gauge Etsy shopper interest in this category. As we see here and by its appearances on every Top 20 list: there’s sustained enthusiasm for jewelry on Etsy. Always has been.

And so jewelry’s always been the category people decry as most saturated. Tons of competition, it’s true. Nearly 13 million listings are using the keyword “jewelry.” Here’s what you need to know though: this doesn’t mean your jewelry won’t sell. Even if you’re new.

Start by researching to identify a low-competition niche (or niche within a niche). Then offer a quality product, packaged well and shipped on time. Promote as best you can. Keep working on your search engine optimization (SEO). And your product photography. You can do it!

Q4’s No. 14: rings

More proof: out of the five keywords that made every Quarterly Top 20 in 2024, three are jewelry. That should tell you just how consistently popular with Etsy shoppers jewelry is. This is “rings.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy stats for the keyword “rings.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy stats for the keyword “rings.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. The Trend Alert banner tells us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (through 1/16/2025).

Notice how all five have that Trend Alert banner calling out they’re trending now, in mid-January? These are the winners, alright!

“Rings” ranked ninth overall on 2024’s Top Etsy Searches list. For the year, it got over 671,000 shopper searches. And that was just for the plural form! “Ring” singular got close to 440,000 more. So don’t be daunted by the naysayers and competition.

We just checked rings’ Keyword Ideas table. One to watch: “chunky rings.” It got 5,730 searches in December alone; has an Average CTR of 105%; and Competition’s not terrible: 19,620. (And competition gets way better when you click through to chunky rings’ Keyword Ideas table.)

Another we spotted at a glance: “fidget rings” got 4,380 searches in December. Its Average CTR is 104%; Competition is just 5,043. Others appeared promising too. If you’re here for ideas of what to sell on Etsy, have a look!

And for lots more ideas: up next, your insider access to our first-ever Quarterly CTR Roundup!

Roundup: Q4’s top Etsy searches with 125%+ CTRs

Of all the online marketplaces we cover, Etsy has the most keywords with high CTRs. That said, even on Etsy, CTRs above 125% are rare!

Keep in mind too that these calculations are drawn exclusively from their Oct-Dec data. Therefore, regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs are, some of these keywords will still be popular with shoppers now. Then add the seasonal searches to a Keyword List to revisit ahead of 2025’s holiday shopping season.

Consider creating a separate Keyword List for searches that were probably for gifts. Then you can check on those periodically to see whether they trend ahead of other gift-giving holidays. Valentine’s Day; Mother’s Day; Graduations and Father’s Day; Christmas 2025. We hope some of these prove to be profitable leads for you!

One last thing before we begin. Some of these shopper searches could cause an Etsy seller problems. Whether they be protected by intellectual property rights or prohibited by Etsy, please look before you leap!

Ranking between 1-50

Only one qualifier in the Top 20; it’s #3 christmas, with a Q4 CTR of 132%. Which is high! But to keep these as legible as possible, from here we’ll only shout out the truly stratospheric CTRs.

The next with a 125%+ CTR in this section is #31 tshirt with a 144% CTR, then #35 dice. At #43-44, a pair: sweatshirt and cat. And the last in Q4’s Top 50 is #46 ring.

Ranking 51-100

The first here is #54 poster, then #66 planner (146%), #82 dog, #87 t shirt, and #93 press on nails.

Ranking 101-150

Straight of out the gate, a high flyer: it’s #103 book embosser with a 147% CTR. Next is #107 dnd dice, #113 locket, #116 christmas stockings, and #121 jewelry box. From here we need to skip a bunch to get to #135 fursuit. And skip a bunch more to get to the last of this section: #150 tarot.

Ranking 151-200

First here is #153 ffxiv, then #156 scarf, and #161 slime with a Q4 CTR of 149%. Next we have #164 amigurumi, #166 music, and another high flyer at #185: fall with 148%. Skip just one and there’s #187 zelda, the last qualifier in Q4’s Top 200.

Ranking 201-250

Starting us off in the pink is #203 pink with a 150% CTR.  At #212 is warhammer, then two more exceptional performers, #216 beanie with 146% and #218 stl with 141%. Next is #222 ita bag, #238 keycap, and the last in Q4’s Top 250 is #250 shoes. (Bonus: #253 black has a 150% CTR.)

Wow, CTRs of 125%+ are a lot more rare in this quarterly roundup. The same is true of the one we did for the 2024 Trends Review, our first annual CTR roundup. If you find these useful, just let us know and we’ll keep doing them.

Meanwhile, here are 2024’s first three Etsy quarterly trend reports: Q1, Q2, and Q3. Since we’re in Q1 2025 now, that first one in particular might be helpful to look through.

And we always love hearing what you think – about trends or anything else you’d like to talk about. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube. There you’ll find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! Finally, here we are on TikTok with lots of fun and quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Australia’s Etsy shoppers now.

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