Here at eRank, we’re back with Australia’s top Etsy keywords. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO and product research. We’ll show you the most popular search terms with Australian shoppers. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy in Australia now.
Tip: See what Australia’s top Etsy keywords were yesterday, as well as what’s trending on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.
August’s Top 20 Etsy keywords
- clothing
- tshirt
- maximalist decor
- mens clothing
- bracelet
- wall art
- polo
- halloween
- tshirts
- sweatshirt
- roundneck
- bag
- posters
- phone case
- one piece
- home decor
- painting
- t shirt
- necklace
- fathers day
Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database
G’day, Australia! As always, in this report we’ll focus on your climbers: Top 20 keywords not on last month’s Top 20. Because these are the searches climbing highest the fastest most recently. And yay! We’re relieved to say your August Top 20 is at least slightly less crazy than was July’s. And July in turn was less nuts than June. (June was the month you had a record-breaking 17 climbers in your Top 20.)
Just as you did in July, you have 13 climbers. Four of those are what we fondly call screamers. Because they scream into the Top 20 seemingly out of nowhere; these failed to crack July’s Top 1000. And that is one less screamer than the five you had in July. So your current count of 13 climbers seems almost normal. Especially when compared with June’s 17 out of 20.
But it’s not. On Etsy, a turnover of nine or more suggests volatility. Lots more shoppers searching for lots more stuff they weren’t as much just a month before. Thirteen new is a lot. And four being screamers is definitely on the high side, too. Half that is more the norm.
And speaking of screamers…
All four countries we write about here had this same screamer back in July. Here’s what yours looks like now.

From 8,050 searches in July to August’s 300: that’s a 96% drop. Perfect though to remind us all why we need to wait and watch a sudden spike. Add it to a Keyword List. Let that tool monitor it for you for awhile.
These top Etsy searches climbed highest the fastest in August
Here are your August climbers and screamers, listed in order with their current rank first.
#1 clothing, up from #126
#2 tshirt, up from #41
#3 minimalist decor (screamer: didn’t make July’s Top 1000)
#4 mens clothing, up from #440
#7 polo, up from #190
#9 tshirts (screamer)
#10 sweatshirt (screamer)
#11 roundneck (screamer)
#12 bag, up from #55
#15 one piece, up from #46
#17 painting, up from #22
#19 necklace, up from #367
#20 fathers day, up from #49
This month, we have a treat in store for you at the end of this report. Therefore, to leave time for that (we know you’re busy), let’s whittle down this list a bit. For instance, we’ll skip #15 one piece. Because here at eRank, we’re just data geeks, not lawyers. We aren’t qualified to give you legal advice. So, just a word to the wise: Warning! (Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked.)
And we can skip #20 fathers day, too. It’s annual and it was early this year: Sep. 1. So of course it was trending in August. Also, some of these are frequent flyers to your Top 20, which means we’ve talked about them before.
Like your current No. 1 clothing (which btw has an August CTR of 150%!)
“Clothing” has been in your Top 20 often! We looked it up. In 2023, it made the Top 20 lists in July, August, October, November, and December. Then again in February, March, and June this year. That’s what we mean by “frequent flyer.”
So we’ve already talked about it often. And besides, “clothing” is such a broad term, no mere mortal is going to rank for it. But it’s good to know Australian shoppers are coming to Etsy for clothing.
Same goes for #2 tshirt and #9 tshirts. The latter is a screamer since it didn’t rank in July’s Top 1000. But “t shirt” (with a space after “t”) was No. 2 in July and “t shirts” was No. 11. And “tshirt” (no space) was in 40th place.
Your No. 4 “mens clothing” is not quite as frequent a flyer as these. Out of 15 months, August was its fourth trip to your Top 20. Otherwise though, everything we just said about “clothing” applies. It’s too broad a keyword for small or new shops to rank for. But good to know Australia’s Etsy shoppers are interested.
And same goes for your #12 bag
Below we’re showing data for both “bag” and “bags.” This is an especially promising product for you lot Down Under!

Not shown but notable is the size of your slice of the global shopping pie for this search. It’s 21%! And that Average CTR stat is equally compelling. Averaged over 12 months, the click-through rate is 132%. Even for Etsy, which has the most high CTRs of our top marketplaces, 132% is a lot!
Ah but competition from your fellow Aussie sellers is also high. So, as with any broad keyword that’s trending, you’ll need to niche down.
Are you new to eRank? “Niche down” means identifying products you can rank for high enough in search for yours to be found. Here’s how to niche down. Enter a broad keyword (in this case, bag) in Keyword Tool. Click “Include Near Matches” in the Keyword Stats chart; we circled it here in orange. Then scroll down to the Keyword Ideas table. There you’ll find lots of ways to filter and sort your results to reveal opportunities. Here’s a super short YouTube video we made to show you how.
Next, let’s move on to another clothing-related climber.
Ranking 10th: sweatshirt
We were surprised to see “sweatshirt” be a screamer for you. And to learn that it’s only made your Top 20 Etsy keywords list three times in 15 months. We had the sense it was more popular with Australian shoppers than that. Let’s have a look.

Well, it sure is popular now! It’s got eRank’s bright green banner telling you it’s been trending this week (Sep 4-10). But what we love even more are two of those Keyword Stats: an Average CTR of 136%. And only moderate Etsy Competition! That should mean it will be easier to find a niche.
And indeed, that proved true! Here’s a quickie tutorial for anyone who’s new. (It’s a two-minute read if you want to skip it.)
Demo: how to use Keyword Tool to identify superstar keywords
As we mentioned regarding the broad search “bag,” with “sweatshirt” you’ll need to niche down. That’s industry jargon for finding products and their keywords you can rank for in search. We call these niche keywords superstar keywords. And Keyword Tool can help!
First we entered “sweatshirt” into Keyword Tool and ticked the option to include near matches. Then we scrolled down to the Keyword Ideas table. There (shown below) we’ve used filter and sort to find long-tail (i.e., niche) keywords. We want the highest-ranking Etsy searches with the lowest competition that are trending now. Once we find which ones best fit what we want to sell, these will be our superstar keywords. The ones we will focus on ranking for in Etsy search.
Here, we chose “Broad” (circled in lime green) for the Keyword Match filter. This shows us all search terms containing “sweatshirt/s.” Then, to see what’s trending now, we sorted by the Search Trend column. (Just click the header, circled in gold.)

And look at that! Right under our broad term “sweatshirt” are two worth a closer look!
Tips on assessing results
Our first candidate is “embroidered sweatshirt.” Which would have been easy to dismiss if we’d just used the default sort (by Average Searches). When averaged over 12 months, “embroidered sweatshirt” has only 300 searches/mo. However, this past month it got 1,150 searches. In fact, it ranks 144th in Australia’s current Top 1000.
And just feast your eyes on its Average CTR: 119%. Even better, its Etsy Competition rate: only 1,792 Australian listings are using “embroidered sweatshirt.”
Next, let’s consider the one just below it which garnered 1,050 searches this past month. “Vintage sweatshirt” is certainly worth adding to a Keyword List. Note that it’s a spike, so we need to bide our time. The highest it got in the previous 14 months is 200 searches back in October 2023. But it does have an Average CTR of 118% and low competition: only 4,075 listings.
Now, let’s move on to the last of your clothing-related screamers.
Ranking 11th: roundneck

That’s weird. Both the spike and the pie chart distribution. So we checked “round neck” (two words).

You’ve got the lion’s share of the global pie for this one, too. And it ranks #83 in your Top 1000. Viewing on a small screen? The other three countries’ portions are 14.3% each for the US, UK and Greece. All in all, we’ll call both of these another two spikes to add to a Keyword List.
Ranking 7th: polo, up from #190
We knew we’ve never seen this shopper search on any Top 20 list. So, being those aforesaid data geeks, we were eager to dig in.

Dang: another spike! At least this one charted for you twice before and recently: in May (#606) and again in July (#190). And it’s another shirt style for which you have the lion’s share of the global pie. Doesn’t that seem odd though? We don’t think it’s necessarily weather- or hemisphere-related either. The two countries with the next-largest portions, the US and UK, are both headed into winter.
Too much of a spike for us to recommend acting on. Especially since there’s no other polo-related search in your Top 1000. If this were a true trend, we’d expect to also see “polo shirt” on there somewhere. So we just took a quick peek in Keyword Tool. Here’s “polo shirt.”

Aha! A year ago in August, “polo shirt” ranked #205 with 2,550 searches in your Top 1000. This August? There’s no line at all for this August because there were zero searches for polo shirt. Instead this August “polo” is the spike. Hmm. Our “sus” sense is tingling. We’d say both of these make another pair to watch and wait. See which way these go from here.
Because frankly, it could be Etsy’s “machine-learning” AI just, um, learning. Or is it just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks? Which might apply to this last screamer.
Ranking 3rd: maximalist decor
Canada has this screamer too this month. Let’s see what it looks like for you.

It’s hard to spot on the Search Trend line but 15 months ago in June 2023, you had 300 searches. All the rest were 50 until May, which had none, and then June which had 100. Then July with again zero. Now it’s suddenly spiked to 9,800.
But as we said in Canada’s report, this looks sus to us. For one: maximalist trends were featured in mainstream magazines back in 2022. It’s too soon to be back on top again. And we checked: no other searches with the word “maximalist” make your Top 1000. So treat it as you would any single-month spike. Add it to a Keyword List and let that track it.
All of which leaves us with just #17 painting and #19 necklace. These are both frequent flyers for you. In fact, “painting” ranked 22nd in July. Just barely nudged out of your Top 20 by July’s unprecedented number of climbers. So let’s take just a quick look then.
Ranking 17th: painting, up from #22
Now this is more like it, eh?

Nice green banner telling us it’s trending now. Nice Average CTR (117%) telling us it’s got excellent purchase intent. It climbed quite high ahead of the holidays (11,650 searches in October). And Australian shopper searches were at or near 5,000/mo for seven of the past 15 months.
This is what a good keyword looks like. And while it’s got the competition to go with it, no worries. Just use the procedure demo’d above to niche down.
Ranking 19th: necklace, up from #367
We knew “necklace” has been one of your frequent flyers. And crikey, indeed: it hit 34,650 searches last October! Back then it ranked No. 2, just under “wall art.”

But while it did make your August 2024 Top 20, compared with August 2023 it’s down 80%! And we are dismayed by that Average CTR stat: 82%. For Etsy, that’s not so hot. On the bright side though, its CTR for this August is 130%!
Overall, we feel confident about this one. Especially since “necklace” is such a broad search. Therefore, we’re just here to gauge Australian shoppers’ interest in this item. We see it here.
Of course it’s news to no one that jewelry is among Etsy’s most competitive categories
If you are looking to get into it, here’s a tip: don’t try to compete on price. We have eRank members who do well in Jewelry by offering quality products that are niche.
The Keyword Ideas table currently lists 644 Australian shopper searches with the word “necklace.” Play around with all the ways to sort and filter; you will find leads! Just keep in mind: don’t get excited and invest in any that are single-month spikes. Add those to a Keyword List and then keep looking for ones with several months of decent search volume.
And for anyone new who’s here looking for ideas of what to sell on Etsy, here’s another tip.
Tip! First identify what shoppers are searching for and then make that. Because making whatever you want first and then seeking buyers for it is far less certain to work. The same applies for vintage and supply sellers. First step: find shopper searches with good purchase intent. Then go forth and source those products.
And to help you all do just that, we’ll close with the treat we mentioned having for you! In our monthly Amazon and eBay trend reports, we’ve been doing roundups of high CTR keywords. Starting this month, we’ll close with one for you too. Let us know if you like it! If they work for you, we’ll make it a regular feature.
Roundup! Top Etsy searches with 125%+ CTRs now
This will be our insider’s roundup of your most promising keywords. That is, Australia’s top Etsy keywords that also have the highest CTRs. Remember, even on Etsy, CTRs of 125% and above are rare. So these keywords should have the most purchase intent with Australian shoppers.
Also note that these calculations are based on their August 2024 search volume and clicks. Which means that regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs may be, these keywords are trending now. We hope some prove to be profitable leads for you!
Highest CTRs in Australia’s Top 250 Etsy keywords
Holy cow, Australia! This is the first time we’ve done this for these four Etsy countries, and we are gobsmacked! We just now went through your Top 250 to ID these and wow! You have way more than the US, UK or Canada! No idea why Australia’s Etsy shoppers do so much more clicking through for you! (We data geeks will need to confer, lol.)
Meanwhile, we need to make this massive list less cluttered with distracting rank numbers and percentages. Remarkably, nearly all of these have August CTRs of 145% or higher. So mostly, we’ll only shout out the ones with 150% CTRs (that’s as high as they go). And we won’t cite each keyword’s individual rank either. Instead, we’ll group yours in lots of 25 rather than the usual batches of 50.
And one last reminder. Some of these shopper searches could well cause an Etsy seller problems. Whether they be prohibited by Etsy or protected by intellectual property rights, please look before you leap!
Ranking 1-25
Just to show how extraordinary your CTRs are, let’s compare our August Top 20 lists. The US has five keywords in their Top 20 with CTRs of 125% or more. The UK has only one. Canada has six. You have 11!
They are: clothing, tshirt, bracelet (all with 150%!); polo; tshirts (which also has 150%); sweatshirt, roundneck, home decor, painting, t shirt, and necklace. Then finishing out your first batch of 25: anniversary gift, vtuber model, poster. And at #25 “wall decor” with 150%.
Ranking 26-50
Every one of these has August CTRs between 148% and 149%. Vintage denim shorts, pen, kitchen, kamala harris, jewelry, jacket, bags, wedding gift, zenless zone zero.
Ranking 51-75
First up is “trump” with 126%. Then all these have 147-149%: rugs, phone cases, people dont care, katana, jibbitz, fruit jewelry, digital products, cute, crochet, and cat. (We’re just pausing to highlight this next search: it’s #65 “australia sellers only” with an August CTR of 147%. Australia’s Etsy shoppers support you!) Now back to that series of keywords with 147-149% CTRs: artist, dice tray, and shoes. The last of this group of 25 is #73 fall style; it’s got an August CTR of 128%.
Ranking 76-100
These next three all have 147%: candles, skull ring, round neck. Then ranking #94 “nude” has 130%. Then three more with 146%+: custom vinyl records, art print, and ranked 99th: womens micro rib racer tank top.
Ranking 101-125
All 19 of these have 140-149% August CTRs. Vase, unisex full zip hoodie, tyler the creator, tote bag, teacher stamps, tarkov, sweat shirt, splatoon, skirts, shoe, shirt, sewing pattern, runescape, pyjamas, pokemon binder cover, pet beds, personalized jewelry, patterns crochet wristlet bag, patterns, and at #125 opal.
Ranking 126-150
And all 17 of these are even better! Their August CTRs start higher, ranging between 145-149%. Moroccan rug, monster high, magnetic knife strip, leather journal, laura ashley, kanye west poster, iphone, hat for men, halloween tumbler, gold ring men, gold plated l pendant, gold necklace, engagement ring, embroidered sweatshirt, embroidered placemat, crossbody bag, and at #150 chessboard.
Ranking 151-175
At #151 “ceramic vase” has an August CTR of 125% – and don’t forget: that’s still really high! The next four are 145%+: car accessories, car, aesthetic stickers, and jade gua sha. Then at #159 with 130%: earrings. And then another eight in a row with 146%+: vapes, ultem, spiderman pins, kimono, ita bag, indian wallpaper, dr suess print, and at #173 caps.
Ranking 176-200
We start this group with six in a row with August CTRs of 146%: the godfather, personalised socks, lovely suitcase, lazy susan marble, lamp, groom gifts. Then at #185 “dress” has 134%. And we finish out your Top 200 with four more with August CTRs of 146%: custom, car stickers, sweater, and outdoor storage.
Ranking 201-225
Wow: the August CTRs for all 11 in this section are between 145-146%; the first is #201 f1. Then: boots, badge reels, acrylic, mens white gothic shirt, matching bracelet, eustass, carhartt, astro a50 headband fix gen 4, wallet, and at #224 track suit.
Ranking 226-250
And our final group of 25 begins with #231 “patons and baldwin knitwear for baby” with an August CTR of 145%. The next keyword has 129%: hg wells. Then the final five all have 145%: clothes, cardinal, aespa, 58mm badge mockup; and in 250th place: 11 oz mug mockup.
Let us know if having these helps!
As for us, we’re off to see what’s trending on Amazon and eBay
Meanwhile, if you’d like more inspiration, here are this month’s Etsy trend reports for the US, UK and Canada.
And as always, we love hearing what you think – about trends or anything else you’d like to talk about. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube. There you’ll find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! Finally, here we are on TikTok with lots of fun and quick how-tos.
RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Australia’s Etsy shoppers now.