Canada’s Top Etsy Keywords: Latest Updates!

Here at eRank, we’re back with Canada’s top Etsy keywords. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO and product research. We’ll show you the most popular Canadian shopper searches. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy in Canada now.

Reading time: 15 minutes

Tip: See what Canada’s top Etsy keywords were yesterday (or last week, or for the past thirty days), as well as on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping. Want to read the US report first? Here you go! 

June’s Top 20 Etsy keywords 

  1. greeting card for dad
  2. wall art
  3. summer clothing
  4. jewelry
  5. necklace
  6. birthday gift
  7. lighting
  8. digital products
  9. wedding and engagement gift
  10. poster
  11. pride
  12. hoodie
  13. rings
  14. wood engraving
  15. laser engraving file
  16. summer
  17. gift for home
  18. curtains
  19. earrings
  20. silver necklace

Your Top 20 list continues its upheaval, Canada! 

As always, we’ll base our analysis on the Top 20 keywords that weren’t on last month’s Top 20. These are the shopper searches that have been climbing highest the fastest. Benchmarks: fewer than five new is stagnant. More than nine suggests volatility. Lots more shoppers suddenly searching for lots more stuff they weren’t as much just 30 days before.

Back in April we were shocked! You had 14 climbers, four of which hadn’t made your previous month’s Top 1000. We call those screamers because they seem to scream into the Top 20 out of nowhere. (In March, you had five screamers!) But April’s four was still a LOT. In fact your No. 1 search in April was a screamer. So let’s just stop here to see how that one’s fared since. This is April’s No. 1 “laser engraving bundle,” then and now.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Canada’s keyword stats on Etsy for “laser engraving bundle.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Canada’s keyword stats on Etsy for “laser engraving bundle.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

As we do with all spikes and screamers, in our report back then we advised that you hold off, maybe watch this one for a bit. As you can see though, it climbed still higher in May! It was No. 1 again, for the second month in a row. Ah but now it’s crashed – not quite to earth: it still had 1,050 searches in June. However, Month on Month it’s down 96%… but! Maybe Canadian shoppers are not done with laser engraving. We’ll get back to that shortly.

Now, where were we? Ah: May. Your May Top 20 was slightly less extreme: 11 climbers, three of which were screamers. And June’s?

Top Etsy searches: June’s climbers and screamers 

Now you’re right back up to 14 climbers, four of them screamers. We’re not sure what to think. So let’s just see what we can see. We’ve listed them in order with their current rank first.

#1 greeting card for dad, up from #788

#2 summer clothing, up from #75

#5 necklace, up from #26

#6 birthday gift, up from #52

#7 lighting, up from #182

#9 wedding and engagement gift, up from #58

#10 poster, up from #40

#11 pride (screamer: not in May’s Top 1000)

#12 hoodie, up from #56

#14 wood engraving  (screamer: not in May’s Top 1000)

#15 laser engraving file, up from #978

#16 summer (screamer: not in May’s Top 1000)

#18 curtains, up from #302

#20 silver necklace (screamer: not in May’s Top 1000)

Gracious, too many! And we know you’re busy. So, let’s set aside the ones we all expect to be climbing now. The ones that are seasonal or holiday-related. Like “greeting card for dad.” Of course that’s way up. Same for “summer clothing.”

As for No. 16 “summer”… that’s bittersweet. As a one-word search its debut appearance on any Top 20 was in June 2021. The summer after the first Covid vaccinations rolled out. The single word “summer” even made the front cover of US Vogue that June. We haven’t seen it again as a one-word Top 20 search since – until now.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Canada’s keyword stats on Etsy for “summer.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Canada’s keyword stats on Etsy for “summer.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.

Yay! Because we see its return to your Top 20 as a sign of optimism. And people buy more “wants” when they’re feeling optimistic. Fingers crossed, Canada!

Ranking 11th: pride

“Pride” is annual, so we expect it to be a climber. What surprises us is that it didn’t begin climbing in May. Given that all of June is Pride Month, we usually see people ordering supplies and decorations in May, right? Let’s investigate.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “pride.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canada’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canadian shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “pride.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canada’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canadian shoppers now (first week of July).

Indeed, we can see that May was down Year on Year: by 72%. And June is also down, but not by nearly as much: just 14%. It also appears people are still celebrating! Pride’s got the green banner calling out that it’s been popular this past week (the first week in July).

And did you notice? Both of these two screamers, summer and pride, have excellent CTRs. And a click-through rate above 100% is a powerful indication of purchase intent.

New to online selling? Click data reflects how many times shoppers using a given keyword clicked on listings in their search results. We care about these because clicks and CTRs signal “purchase intent.” That is, a shopper who’s searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing). 

And when calculated just for the month of June, “pride” has a CTR of 125%!

Ranking 9th: wedding and engagement gift, up from #58 

Would you say “wedding and engagement gift” is a seasonal search? We’ve found that it is in the UK; many more weddings in May through September there. Is this true in Canada too? Let’s see what this search can tell us.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “wedding and engagement gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “wedding and engagement gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.

Well: this is unexpected! What the heck, right? Those are abysmal click stats. So we don’t recommend optimizing your listings for this keyword yet. Let us keep an eye on it for you for awhile. Meanwhile, let’s see how “wedding and engagement gift” does divided in two.

Top Etsy searches “wedding gift” and “engagement gift”

There are 51 other searches with the word “wedding” in June’s Top 1000. Here’s #507 “wedding gift.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “wedding gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canada’s Etsy shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “wedding gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canada’s Etsy shoppers now (first week of July).

Unlike “wedding and engagement gift,” this search has the banner waving that it’s trending now. Note that it also has an Average CTR of 90%. Sure beats <20%! And keep in mind when assessing that stat that it is a 12-mo average. Wedding gift’s CTR calculated just for June is 100%.

Turning to “engagement gift,” it ranks #642 on Canada’s top Etsy keywords list.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “engagement gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canadian shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “engagement gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canadian shoppers now (first week of July).

“Engagement gift” also has the trending-now banner. And while its 88% Average CTR isn’t spectacular, look at the Search Trend graph. It had five months of low searches. When we calculate just for June, its current CTR is a worthy 97%.

On now to the rest of your climbers, the ones that aren’t seasonal.

Ranking 5th: necklace, up from #26 

Well, this one didn’t have far to climb: up just twenty spots. But we’re curious. The US Top 20 has two “necklace” searches (singular and plural) this month. Which is unusual. But as we’ve been remarking for months, your Top 20 has continued to diverge from the US’s. It used to align pretty closely. Here are your stats for “necklace.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “necklace.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canadian shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “necklace.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canada’s Etsy shoppers now (first week of July).

Nice! Loving that 107% Average CTR; it’s 109% for June. And you have 29 shopper searches with the word “necklace” in your Top 1000. Of course, no mere mortal can rank on Etsy for the broad search “necklace.” The Jewelry category is way too competitive. So if you’re looking for what to sell on Etsy, begin your product research by niching down. Here’s how.

Quick tutorial: how to use Keyword Tool to niche down 

“Niche down” is industry jargon for finding products and their keywords that you can rank for in search. Keyword Tool can help! Enter the singular form of your broad search term (in this case, “necklace”) into Keyword Tool, and tick the “Include Near Matches” box. This will show you both singular and plural. Then scroll down to the Keyword Ideas table. There, use filter and sort to find “long-tail keywords:” the top Etsy searches with lowest competition. Once you find ones that fit your product best, these will be your “superstar” keywords. The ones you focus on ranking for in search.

Demo: finding superstar keywords

In the Keyword Ideas table, we chose “Broad” for the Keyword Match filter (circled in lime green here). Then sorted by the Search Trend column. (Just click the header, circled in orange.) This sort will show us what’s trending now.

Keyword Ideas table showing data for Canada’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “necklace” that are trending now.
Keyword Ideas table showing data for Canada’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “necklace” that are trending now.

Sorry it’s so small but we wanted to show it to you in all its glory – opportunities, that is. Just cast your eyes upon that Etsy Competition column (farthest right). After the top three very competitive searches, there are three very low ones! Next, another two stiff ones being used in 50,000+ listings. But then two more with doable competition. And there were others!

In case you’re on a small screen, here are these five low-competition ones, ranked in order with their June search counts. Engraved necklace 1,650; turquoise necklace 1,550; moonstone necklace 1,200; birthstone necklace 1,150; and moon necklace, also with 1,150 searches.

Tips on assessing related keywords 

Don’t be put off by how low the figures in the Average Searches column look. Keep in mind: those are 12-month averages. When you sort the data as we did, by the Search Trend column, they look much better. For instance, that black pop-up tells us “moon necklace” had 1,150 searches in June, more than triple its 12-mo average. In fact, it ranks #775 in your current Top 1000.

And we data geeks love those little Search Trend graphs so much! Each shows 15 months of search history right there next to its keyword. So you can see at a glance the best prospects. Out of these five with low competition, the one we like best is “moonstone necklace.” You can see how many months it’s held its current search count. Nine months, all right around 1,200/mo. Enough to keep it in seven of your last 15 Top 1000s lists.

Conversely, with those that have fewer than five good months, be more cautious. Of these candidates, turquoise necklace and moon necklace bear more watching before investing in materials. Will they continue to perform only sporadically? Add these two to a Keyword List and let that monitor them for you.

Ranking 6th: birthday gift, up from #52 

We just took a quick peek: we think this one is like No. 9 “wedding and engagement gift.” That is, it’s likely ranking in the Top 20 due to an Etsy promotional Call to Action (CTA). Now, most of the time Etsy targets these well. But both of these have low June CTRs. “Birthday gift” has 86%: not terrible. But nothing to write home about, as it were. Let’s move on.

Ranking 7th: lighting, up from #182 

Up from #182: now this one’s done some climbing! 

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “lighting.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canada’s Etsy shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “lighting.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canada’s Etsy shoppers now (first week of July).

Anyone happen to spot an Etsy CTA on Canada’s homepage promoting lighting? Because this has some of the earmarks we see with those. The successful ones, that is: just look at that bar chart. All green! And an especially enticing Average CTR: 131%. That’s mad high.

Those of you here to find trending product lines to research, this one shows potential. The three peaks you see on the Search Trend graph may well be due to Etsy promoting lighting during those months. But as you can see, after that 15-mo high in October 2023, this keyword’s searches haven’t dropped below 2,000/mo. Promising! Especially with that spectacular Average CTR. It tells us Etsy’s showing Canadian shoppers search results they’re interested in. Thanks, Etsy!

Boy, this is getting long! Let’s skip the next two climbers: #10 poster; #12 hoodie. They’re both frequent flyers on your Top 20 lists and neither had far to climb in June. Instead, let’s look at your next screamer. Remember, this one didn’t rank anywhere in your last Top 1000.

Ranking 14th: wood engraving 

Ouch: a screenshot is worth a thousand words.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “wood engraving.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “wood engraving.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.

Is this Etsy just throwing spaghetti at the wall here or what? Calculated for the month of June its CTR is right in line with that of its 12-mo average: <20%. Nothing to see here, folks; let’s move on.

Ranking 15th: laser engraving file, up from #978

Another search term with the word “engraving.” Hmm. Let’s see if it can shed any more light on this.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “laser engraving file.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “laser engraving file.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.

Remember “laser engraving bundle”? We opened this report by revisiting that one; it was one of your four April screamers. To save you the scroll, here it is again.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Canada’s keyword stats on Etsy for “laser engraving bundle.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Canada’s keyword stats on Etsy for “laser engraving bundle.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.

It looks like a better bet than “laser engraving file.” Apart from the crashing-down part of course. For months now, we’ve been seeing Etsy promote these laser-engraving searches. Or is it some outside AI? Because look at these, below. This is “laser engraving file” again, this time with its pie chart showing the countries where Etsy shoppers are using this search.

On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “laser engraving file.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword. 
On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy UK shopper search history for “laser engraving file.” The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shoppers using this keyword.

That’s some colorful pie chart, eh? But for us, it just adds to the sus factor. So let’s move on, shall we? Because your next climber is much less confusing.

Ranking 18th: curtains, up from #302 

Now this is more like it!

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “curtains.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canadian shoppers now (first week of July).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “curtains.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months. The bright-green banner indicates it’s popular with Canadian shoppers now (first week of July).

And hurray we have the green banner back, calling out that this shopper search is popular now. And while we are somewhat dismayed at the 12-mo CTR (it’s 71%), June’s is 100%! Best of all: competition from your fellow Canadian sellers is green. Green for go!

Ranking 20th: silver necklace

Your fourth and final screamer, and with it we’ll be ending on another high note.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “silver necklace.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy Canada’s keyword stats for “silver necklace.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Canadian shoppers over the past 15 months.

Interesting: “silver necklace” spiked last year in June too for you guys. Any theories? And the third peak was perhaps Mother’s Day shopping? This search is erratic for sure: three months at 100 searches or less. But three isn’t bad. And 11 are above 1,000/mo. Check that Average Searches figure: 1,312. Not bad at all.

Of course, being jewelry, competition from your fellow Canadian sellers is fierce. Now you know how to get around that though! Use the procedure outlined above for niching down. You can include “silver necklace” in your listing SEO. Just focus most of your efforts on ranking for your superstar keyword: the top Etsy search with lowest competition that fits your product best.

(Or even better: do what the experts suggest. Start by identifying a superstar keyword you can rank for, then produce the product it describes!)

And with that, it’s west to Australia for us!

As always, we love hearing what you think about these or any other trends you’ve spotted. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Canada’s Etsy shoppers now.