Australia’s Top Etsy Keywords: Latest Updates!

Here at eRank, we’re back with Australia’s top Etsy keywords for June 2024. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO and product research. We’ll show you which searches were most popular with Australia’s Etsy shoppers. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy in Australia now.

Reading time: 12 minutes

Tip: See what Australia’s top Etsy keywords were yesterday, as well as what’s trending on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.

June’s Top 20 Etsy keywords

  1. stickers
  2. birthday gift
  3. tshirt
  4. crochet
  5. bracelet
  6. earrings
  7. wall art
  8. t shirt
  9. digital products
  10. dress
  11. posters
  12. mens clothing
  13. hoodie
  14. clothing
  15. painting
  16. car accessories
  17. amigurumi
  18. phone case
  19. digital prints
  20. whole shop bundle engraving

G’day, Australia! Another doozy of a month for you lot, and another record broken!

As our regular readers know, in this report we like to focus on climbers. By which we mean the Top 20 keywords that weren’t on last month’s Top 20. Because these are the searches that are climbing highest the fastest. Benchmarks: on Etsy fewer than five new is weirdly stagnant. And more than nine suggests volatility. Lots more shoppers searching for lots more stuff they weren’t as much just 30 days before.

Back in May, you had 12 climbers: a very high rate of turnover. But this past month? There are 17. Seventeen! Out of 20. That’s just nuts! And five of them are what we fondly call screamers. (Because they scream to the top seemingly out of nowhere.) These are current Top 20 keywords that didn’t crack last month’s Top 1000. So without further ado, let’s get right to them.

Top Etsy searches: June’s climbers 

These 17 keywords climbed highest the fastest in June. We’ve listed them in order with their current rank first.

#1 stickers, up from #90

#3 tshirt, up from #108

#4 crochet (nowhere in May’s Top 1000)

#5 bracelet, up from #111

#8 t shirt, up from #103

#9 digital products, up from #308

#10 dress (nowhere in May’s Top 1000)

#11 posters, up from #30 (but poster was #8)

#12 mens clothing, up from #117

#13 hoodie, up from #37

#14 clothing, up from #259

#15 painting (nowhere in May’s Top 1000)

#16 car accessories, up from #52

#17 amigurumi (nowhere in May’s Top 1000)

#18 phone case (not in May’s Top 1000 but “phone cases” was #625)

#19 digital prints, up from #49

#20 whole shop bundle engraving, up from #63

Seventeen is a lot and we know you’re busy. So let’s tackle the screamers first.

Ranking 1st: crochet

Crochet has been popular for awhile. For us, the only surprise about crochet is that it didn’t make your last Top 1000. So it’s off to Keyword Tool we go!

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “crochet.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend-alert banner tells us this keyword is popular now, the first week in July. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “crochet.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend-alert banner tells us this keyword is popular now, the first week in July. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

As we thought: “crochet” is actually one of your Top 20 frequent flyers. It just had a couple bad months in April and May. And as you can see, it dropped way down last April too. This year, it just took two months to recover. But for nine of the past 15 months, crochet has had over 5,000 searches.

A glance at the Keyword stats chart is reassuring: its 12-mo Average Searches is 5,291. Even better, its Average CTR (click through rate) is a stellar 101%. Enough said.

Ranking 10th: dress

Seeing this in your Top 20 was much more of a surprise. Not that dresses aren’t popular Down Under. There are 27 shopper searches in your Top 1000 with the word “dress.” We just can’t recall ever seeing the one-word search in a Top 20 before – any Top 20.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “dress.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australian Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend-alert banner tells us this keyword is popular now, the first week in July.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “dress.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australian Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend-alert banner tells us this keyword is popular now, the first week in July.

This one too has the bright green trend-alert banner calling out it’s trending this week. Now, it’s got less than half the 12-mo average searches that crochet has. And the CTR is only 95%. But these stats are for the one-word singular search “dress.” When we tick that little box in the keyword stats chart, it folds in search volume and clicks for “dresses.” 

On the left, a bar chart merging Australia’s Etsy keyword stats for “dress” and “dresses.” The line chart shows their combined search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend-alert banner tells us these keywords are popular now, the first week in July.
On the left, a bar chart merging Australia’s Etsy keyword stats for “dress” and “dresses.” The line chart shows their combined search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend-alert banner tells us these keywords are popular now, the first week in July.

And things look better! That brings Average Searches up to 3,515 and gets us to a sweet 103% CTR.

No question dresses are up for you. In May’s Top 1000, there were only 14 searches with the word “dress.” And a year ago, June 2023 had the same: 14. So, something is driving up shopper interest in dresses. Of course, “dress” is way too broad a keyword for mere mortals to rank for in Etsy search. You’ll need to niche down.

Quick tutorial: how to use Keyword Tool to niche down 

Are you new to eRank and/or online selling? “Niche down” is industry jargon for finding products and their keywords that you can rank for in search. Keyword Tool can help! Enter the singular form of your broad search term (in this case, “dress”) into Keyword Tool, and tick the “Include Near Matches” box. This will show you both singular and plural searches.

Then scroll down to the Keyword Ideas table. There, use filter and sort to find “long-tail keywords:” the top Etsy searches with lowest competition. Once you find ones that fit your product best, these will be your “superstar” keywords. The ones you will focus on ranking for in search.

Demo: finding superstar keywords

In the Keyword Ideas table below, we chose “Broad” for the Keyword Match filter (circled in lime green here). Then sorted by the Search Trend column. (Just click the header, circled in yellow.) This sort will show us what’s trending now.

Keyword Ideas table showing Australia’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “dress” that are trending now.
Keyword Ideas table showing Australia’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “dress” that are trending now.

And look at that! The second-highest trending search, “wedding dress,” has excellent stats! Especially that 102% Average CTR, and even better, only 9,216 Australian Etsy listings are using this keyword now.

Third-highest is “boho wedding dress.” Its little Search Trend graph shows us that for seven of the past 15 months, search volume has been 1,200/mo. (You can hover over those bars to see pop-ups like this black one.) Its Average CTR is also excellent: 99%. And competition from your fellow Aussie Etsy sellers is practically miraculous: only 1,762 listings are using this keyword!

On that note, let’s get back to the rest of your hottest climbers.

Ranking 15th: painting

Third in a row with our happy green trend-alert banner.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “painting.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend alert banner tells us this keyword is popular now, the first week in July.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “painting.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend alert banner tells us this keyword is popular now, the first week in July.

And another wonderful Average CTR: 110%! When calculated just for the month of June though, it’s lower: only 73%. And there are no other searches with the word “painting” anywhere in your Top 1000.

No worries though: your Top 20 frequent flyer “wall art” still ranks No. 7. While that’s down from No. 2 in May, maybe “painting” stole some of its search volume this month. Still, you’ve got two searches for wall art (which of course paintings are) in your Top 20. That can only be a positive for you art sellers.

Ranking 17th: amigurumi

Being a type of crochet, “amigurumi” is your second Top 20 screamer related to crochet. (It’s just that instead of clothing or a throw, amigurumi are stuffed dolls or toys.) And as much as all things cute have been trending, so have amigurumi.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “amigurumi.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australian Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “amigurumi.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australian Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months.

Or so we thought? This is the first of your screamers so far that doesn’t have the trending-now callout banner. And in 15 months it’s only risen above 250 searches/mo three times. On the other hand, it is way up for June. Both Year on Year and Month on Month, amigurumi is up by 8,500%! And that Average CTR of 105% is inviting. When calculated for the month of June, it’s even higher: 113%.

As always with screamers (and most especially with screamers that are spikes), we recommend caution. Before you invest time and materials into making these, maybe add “amigurumi” to a Keyword List. Let that tool keep you informed. But we do see promise here.

Tips on assessing related keywords 

Here’s the related searches table for amigurumi.

Keyword Ideas table showing Australia’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “amigurumi” that are trending now.
Keyword Ideas table showing Australia’s top Etsy keywords related to the shopper search “amigurumi” that are trending now.

For filter and sort, we did the same here as we did in our “dress” demo. For Keyword Match type we chose “Broad” to see only searches with the word “amigurumi.” Then we sorted by the Search Trend column to see the ones trending now. Every single one, including the broad keyword “amigurumi,” has low competition. Three have fewer than 50 listings!

By the way, these results illustrate well why you shouldn’t just default to the default sort, Average Searches. Because you can miss opportunities. For instance, that column is telling us “amigurumi doll” has only 112 searches. But see the black pop-up? That shows it had 1,150 searches in June, our most current data to date. In fact, all of these are spiking now. Maybe you should add them all to a Keyword List!

Ranking 18th: phone case

When we saw “phone case” was a screamer, we assumed “phone cases” (plural) must have ranked high on May’s list. Nope. That one was all the way down at #625 in May. And in June, “phone cases” didn’t even make the Top 1000. Huh: we’re used to phone cases trending on Etsy. What’s going on down there, guys?

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “phone case.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australian Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend alert banner tells us this keyword is popular now, the first week in July.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “phone case.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australian Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. Above, the trend alert banner tells us this keyword is popular now, the first week in July.

Phew: faith restored! “Phone case” had 4,250 searches in June. We also have our trending-now banner back, too. And just feast your eyes on that keyword stats chart: all the bars are green for go! Best of all, check out that Average CTR stat: 130%! Struth, isn’t that a beauty!

Nine related searches have made your Top 1000 this month. Here they are in order by rank, beginning with #19 phone case. Splatoon phone case; slim phone cases; iphone case taylor; samsung phone cases fantasy; samsung phone case; phone case samsung; cute phone case; monet phone case pretty. (A word to the wise: some of these may contain trademarked keywords; here’s the USPTO Trademark Database.)

And that’s it for your screamers! As we mentioned, we know you’re busy. And you know we can go on and on. The rest of your climbers aren’t nearly as newsworthy. The only climber to really soar this past month over its last performance is #9 digital products. So let’s finish with that one.

Ranking 9th: digital products, up from #308

Looks like we’ll be leaving you on a high note!

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “digital products.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australian Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “digital products.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australian Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months.

Another shopper search with Keyword Statistics all the in the green! Competition from your fellow Etsy sellers is a reasonable 4,353. Pretty remarkable for such a broad keyword. Average CTR is 112%: awesome.

Tip! Are you new to online selling? Click-through rates (CTR) reflect how often shoppers using a given keyword click on listings in their search results. We care about these because clicks are among the indicators that signal purchase intent. That is, a shopper who’s searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing).

On Etsy, a 12-mo CTR above 100% is a powerful indication of purchase intent. And while 112% is excellent, when we calculated it for the month, it was 149%: good gravy!!!

And with that, we’re off to write our Quarterly Report on the hottest keywords trending during Etsy’s second quarter

Meanwhile, if you’d like more inspiration, here are this month’s Etsy trend reports for the US, UK and Canada

And as always, we love hearing what you think – about trends or anything else you’d like to talk about. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube. There you’ll find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! Finally, here we are on TikTok with lots of fun and quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Australia’s Etsy shoppers now.