Here at eRank, we’re back again with the top keywords on Etsy now. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO and product research. We’ll show you the most popular search terms with US shoppers. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy now.
Tip: See what the most searched keywords on Etsy were yesterday, as well as on dozens of other marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.
October’s US Top 20 most searched keywords on Etsy
1. halloween |
2. gift |
3. christmas |
4. wall art |
5. stickers |
6. personalized gift |
7. wall decor |
8. halloween decor |
9. digital prints |
10. earrings |
11. adult halloween costume |
12. christmas ornaments |
13. halloween sweatshirt |
14. tshirt |
15. necklace |
16. pokemon |
17. home decor |
18. clothing |
19. womens clothing |
20. jewelry |
Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database
These climbed highest the fastest
“Climbers” are what we call current Top 20 keywords that didn’t make the previous month’s Top 20 list. We like to focus on these because they’re the hottest of the top keywords on Etsy now. And just like September, October’s Top 20 turnover is high. With ten new Month on Month, that is half the list!
Only one counts as a screamer though. This one didn’t even make last month’s Top 1000 list! Often, screamers seem to come out of nowhere. But this one is no stranger; quite the opposite in fact. So, let’s take a quick look, shall we?
This is “gift.” And that bright-green banner tells us it’s been popular on Etsy this past week (through Nov. 3). The only surprise here was that this perennially popular keyword didn’t make September’s Top 1000. We couldn’t believe it! With only 4,220 searches, September was gift’s 15-mo nadir. And probably its decade low! But as you can see, gift is bouncing back: Month on Month, it’s up 1,841%!
October’s climbers
Here are this past month’s 10 climbers, listed in order with their current rank first.
#2 gift (screamer: didn’t make September’s Top 1000)
#6 personalized gift, up from #49
#7 wall decor, up from #37
#8 halloween decor, up from #21
#9 digital prints, up from #65
#12 christmas ornaments, up from #31
#13 halloween sweatshirt, up from #347
#15 necklace, up from #39
#16 pokemon, up from #26
#18 clothing, up from #166
T’is the season to already be exceedingly busy, so we won’t do all these. But before we put Halloween behind us, there’s one worth a last look, for next year.
Ranking 13th: halloween sweatshirt, up from #347
Here it is in Keyword Tool.
A year ago, “halloween sweatshirt” peaked in August; Year on Year it was down 95.5% this August. By October though, it was well up Year on Year. And that’s the takeaway. That for this item, the searches were there. They just peaked later this year.
And it’s got quite a nice Average CTR: over 12 months, it’s 107%. For a seasonal product, that’s especially high. And remember: Etsy search click-through rates indicate purchase intent.
New to online selling? On Etsy, click-through rates (CTRs) reflect how many times shoppers clicked listings in their search results. We care about these stats because CTRs signal purchase intent. That is, a shopper who’s more likely searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing).
For our Etsy monthly trend reports, last month we started doing roundups of high CTR keywords. So, stick with us to the end; we’ll finish this up with one again. Let us know if it helps you!
Ranking 6th: personalized gift, up from #49
“Personalized gift” is a frequent flyer on Etsy Top 20 lists. Like “gift,” we’re always more surprised by its absence.
Good news and bad news. That bright green banner tells us this search is hot right now with Etsy’s US shoppers. But wow, it’s down a lot Year on Year. Nevertheless, the word “personalized” appears in 12 searches in October’s Top 1000. Here they are, in rank order.
- personalized gift
- personalized trick or treat bags
- personalized jewelry
- personalized gifts
- personalized home gift
- personalized decor
- personalized
- personalized christmas ornaments
- personalized cutting board
- personalized candle
- personalized jewelry gift
- personalized ornament gift
For your sakes, we’ve got our fingers crossed that shoppers get their orders in early this year!
Ranking 7th: wall decor, up from #37
This one’s on quite the upswing!
And not just Month on Month. As you can see, “wall decor” dropped after the holidays last year. And while it’s not at the heights it reached back in August 2023, it might yet beat it by the holidays. (More fingers crossed.)
Ranking 9th: digital prints, up from #65
Another with the banner calling out that this keyword is hot with Etsy shoppers this week!
And its 15-mo trend line is pretty similar to wall decor’s. From February, demand was steady for about six months and then began to climb. Year on Year, “digital prints” is currently up 66%.
Ranking 12th: christmas ornaments, up from #31
Well, of course these are climbing; no surprise about that. And keyword stats look about as you’d expect.
And like nearly all these: the bar chart’s red and green. That bright green Trending Now banner, and all three bars depicting searches and clicks. And red for the mountain of Etsy competition. But wait! If you’re new to eRank, we might just have a nice surprise for you.
Niche down! A quick demo
“Niche down” means identifying products you can rank for high enough in search for yours to be found. And here’s how to use Keyword Tool to do just that.
We entered “christmas ornaments” then scrolled down to its Keyword Ideas table. Then we employed a filter and a highly-useful sort.
First, we filtered by “Phrase.” Doing so will show us searches with both words, in any order. Next, we changed the sort. Note that the default sort displays related searches in order by rank. However, when niching down in a competitive category, especially a seasonal one, try this instead. Sort by the Search Trend column, circled here in orange.
We data geeks at eRank love these little Search Trend graphs! Each one shows 15 months of search history for that keyword. When you sort the data by this column, you see which keywords are trending now. And while “diy christmas ornaments” averages only 589 searches, this past month it got 3,330 searches. That means it currently ranks fourth overall. And yet compared with third-ranked “christmas ornaments personalized” and its Etsy Competition rate of well over 300,000 listings? Competition for “diy christmas ornaments” is less than a tenth of that!
And there are other promising leads here. We know these are hard to see if you’re on a small screen. So we’ll shout them out for you, along with a few more tips on evaluating them.
Assessing long-tail keywords
Two of these have Etsy Competition that’s too low to even measure accurately! Yet “homemade christmas ball ornaments” had 2,510 searches in October. And “hand painted bulb christmas ornaments” had 2,160. Note though: they are both single-month spikes. As a rule, we advise you hold off before acting on these. Better to add them to a Keyword List; let that watch them for awhile. Unless you happen to already have some you can list right away? If so, by all means go for it.
We also noticed that two of these searches contain the word “homemade.” That could explain why competition is low for them; we makers are more likely to use “handmade.” So it might pay to add “homemade” to your tags. “Homemade christmas ornaments” got 2,170 searches in October. And yet its Competition is under 4,000 listings! Could give you an edge.
And vintage sellers, “waterford christmas ornaments” has invitingly ow Competition: only 1,019 listings. Yet in October it had 2,160 searches, and it’s got the highest CTR of all: 149%!
On that note, let’s get back to our Top 20 climbers.
Ranking 15th: necklace, up from #39
Another with the trending-now banner!
While it’s up Month on Month, so far it hasn’t begun climbing like it did in October last year. Let’s take comfort in that excellent 103% Average CTR. When calculated just for the month of October, it’s even higher: 110%. Remember, that’s a strong indicator of purchase intent.
Of course, to go with it, competition for this keyword is formidable. Don’t let that intimidate you! Just niche down; you can use that process we outlined above for any keyword. And it works especially well for broad terms like “necklace.”
Next, we’ll just skip right over “pokemon.” Since we’re data geeks not attorneys, we aren’t qualified to give you legal advice. That said, here’s a word to the wise. Warning! (Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database.) And with that, we’re on to this month’s last Top 20 climber.
Ranking 18th: clothing, up from #166
And this final one is up by quite a lot! Rank-wise, only “gift” and “halloween sweatshirt” covered more ground this past month.
“Clothing” is also well up Year on Year: by 2,000 searches! And it’s got a promising 107% Average CTR – 110% for October. Wonder if it will shoot up like it did last November? We shall see!
And now, as we mentioned up top, we’ll end with our insider’s roundup of the most promising keywords now. That is, which of the most-searched keywords on Etsy have the highest CTRs, signaling purchase intent.
Roundup! Top Etsy searches with 125%+ CTRs now
Here to find out what to sell on Etsy? Then this lightning round is for you! Now, note that of the three platforms we write about, Etsy has the most keywords with high CTRs. But even for Etsy, CTRs above 125% are rare. Note too, we did these calculations based on just their search volume and clicks in October. Which means that regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs may be, these keywords should be hot right now. We hope some prove to be profitable leads for you!
Highest CTRs in the Top 250 most-searched keywords on Etsy
One last thing before we begin. Some of these popular search terms could certainly cause an Etsy seller problems. Whether it be prohibited by Etsy or protected by intellectual property rights, please look before you leap!
Ranked from 1-50 (which range from 174,260 searches to 26,830)
Our Top 20 has just two this month: 14th-ranked “tshirt” has 150% CTR, which as high as our CTR data goes. In order to keep this as clean as we can, we’ll only shout out specific CTRs when they are that high. The other is “pokemon” (enough said).
For the rest of the Top 50: sweatshirt; dice (150%!); then four in a row with 125%+ CTRs. Ranking #30-33: ring (150%), keychain, christmas shirt, and shirt (150%). Skip six, then another with 150%: #40 dnd. Next: ffxiv; hoodie; and then we finish the Top 50 with two in a row: #48-49 poster, knife.
Ranking 51-100 (26,800 – 18,740 searches)
The first is #54 mug; and #59 press on nails. Then two with 150% CTRs: keycaps, and amigurumi. Ranking #84-85 are two in a row: vtuber, lord of the rings. Next, fall (150%). Ranking #97-98 another pair: journal, and locket (the latter with 150%). And we finish the Top 100 with #100 apron; it’s got a very worthy CTR of 131%.
Ranking 101-150 (18,660 – 15,730 searches)
First we have: christmas png; kamala; trump (150%). Next, keychains (150%); then embroidery; coaster (150%); dog; t shirt; wall hangings; anime; cats. And this group ends on a high note with #146 red; it has 150%.
And just parenthetically, an observation we first made last month. The one-word color searches that qualified for this list all had CTRs of 150%. And it’s the same this month. The first is #146 red.
Ranking 151-200 (15,660 – 13,570 searches)
This section begins on that same high note: #151 mini has a CTR of 150%. Skip one then we have gundam. Skip eleven and we have three pairs, all but one keyword with 150%! Ranking #165-166: decor, camping. Ranking #168-169: clock, ita bag. Then at #171-172: music, and magic the gathering (the one with 130%, which is still a lot!)
Next is pendant, then two more pairs: ranking #177-178 cloak (with 150%), warhammer. And ranking #180-181, perfume, y2k – both with 150% CTRs. Skip seven and then at #189: one piece. Skip one and then seven in a row, five of which have 150% CTRs! Ranking 191-197: dnd dice (with 150%), witch hat, and bts. Then the rest all have 150%: black, mirror, pink, green. (See? Three more color searches with 150% CTRs: black, pink, green.)
And bridging from this to the next section are three more in a row, all with 150% CTRs. Ranked #199-201: socks, print on demand, one direction.
Ranking 201-250 (13,570 – 11,550 searches)
After the aforementioned #201 one direction (RIP, Liam ::sob::), the next in this section is #210 curtains. Then coffee with 148%, and then four in a row, all with 150%! Ranking #215-218, they are: paintings, cross, begonia, skull. At #221 mask; then a pair with 150%: #225-226 slime, stl. We skip two, then another with 150%: septum. Skip five then furry, which has 150%.
Ranking #237-238: twitch overlay, and diwali with 149%. Skip a few, then there’s another pair: #242-243 blue (another color with 150%), and santa. Skip one, and at #245 is patches with 150%. And we close with a final pair: #249-250 digimon, nails. Both with 150% CTRs.
With that, we’re off to see what’s trending in Etsy’s other top-selling countries
And even if you only ship within the US, you might want to stick with us. We always discover more about US trends as we research what’s popular in the UK, Canada, and Australia. Parlez vous français? You can read our monthly reports covering French Etsy shopper trends here.
As always, we love hearing what you think. Got questions or suggestions? You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, demos and more! For instance, we just added a new weekly series of eRank tool tutorials every Tuesday. And here we are on TikTok with lots of fun and quick how-tos.
RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Etsy shoppers now.