eBay Trending Searches: Latest Updates!

Discover what these eBay trending searches tell us about products selling best on eBay now. Let us take the guesswork out of your eBay SEO and product research. First we’ll show you the top 20 eBay searches most popular with shoppers. Then we’ll analyze the top 500 keywords to see what eBay shoppers are buying now.

Reading time: 10 minutes

See what eBay trends were yesterday, or what’s hot on dozens of other marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon, and Google Shopping.

June’s Top 20 eBay searches

  1. ps5
  2. laptop
  3. iphone
  4. nintendo switch
  5. xbox series x
  6. macbook pro
  7. pokemon
  8. steam deck
  9. iphone 14 pro max
  10. gaming pc
  11. iphone 13
  12. rtx 3080
  13. iphone 12
  14. iphone 13 pro max
  15. ps4
  16. iphone 11
  17. ipad
  18. gaming laptop
  19. monitor
  20. xbox series s

Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This list may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database

What’s new Month on Month to eBay’s Top 20

We like to start with what we call “climbers.” These are this month’s Top 20 eBay keywords that weren’t on last month’s Top 20 list. We do this because they are the shopper searches that have climbed highest the fastest. And while there is always some turnover, how much change varies quite a bit between marketplaces. Etsy’s norm is to have six to nine keywords new Month on Month to its Top 20. Amazon’s average is a bit lower: four to seven that weren’t on the previous month’s list.

But eBay is surprisingly different. Its top shopper searches are typically far more stable. Several even keep their identical rank month to month. On eBay, a turnover of three or four is more the norm.

Back in both April and May, eBay had four climbers. In June, it only had three. So first, we’ll look at those. Then we’ll end with our analysis of products in eBay’s Top 500 its buyers were most likely to purchase.

Ranking 16th: iphone 11, up from #28

Let’s have a look at this one in Keyword Tool, shall we?

On the left, a bar chart of eBay keyword stats for “iphone 11” averaged over 12 months. The line chart depicts 15 months of US shoppers using this keyword to search eBay. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart of eBay keyword stats for “iphone 11” averaged over 12 months. The line chart depicts 15 months of US shoppers using this keyword to search eBay. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

A picture is worth a thousand words. The line chart tells the tale: over the past 15 months, iPhone 11 searches are generally trending down. While Month on Month it’s up 29%, compared with June a year ago, it’s down 51%. Sell’em if you got’em.

And by the way, if you’re new to eBay, don’t be dismayed by that 49% Average CTR. As we’ve been noting since we began these monthly eBay reports, eBay’s click-through rates are simply lower. Lower than Amazon’s, and much lower than Etsy’s. In its current Top 20 list, two have June CTRs under 30%! This month’s Top 20 keyword with the highest June CTR is only 79%. All of which is to say, a 12-mo CTR of 49% is actually about average for eBay.

And speaking of being new: are any of you new to online selling and/or eRank? If so, you may be wondering why we care so much about CTRs (click-through rates).

Tip: Shopper clicks and click-through rates (CTRs) are a useful indicator of “purchase intent.” That is, how close an online shopper is to making a purchase, as opposed to one who’s only browsing.

The takeaway here: if you’ve got an old iPhone 11 kicking around, sell it sooner rather than later. On eBay, here’s how. You can also sell used iPhones on Amazon. They offer two options: the Amazon Renewed program; or trade it in for an Amazon gift card. Which platform to choose?

Selling a used iPhone 11 on eBay vs. Amazon: some stats

First, let’s take a quick peek at how eBay’s iphone 11 search volume compares with Amazon’s (in the black).

The line chart compares 15 months of eBay shopper search volume with Amazon’s for “iphone 11.” (Amazon is the black line; eBay’s the red.) The pie chart shows countries where we found eBay shoppers using this keyword.
The line chart compares 15 months of eBay shopper search volume with Amazon’s for “iphone 11.” (Amazon is the black line; eBay’s the red.) The pie chart shows countries where we found eBay shoppers using this keyword.

We included the pie chart to show you where eRank found shoppers searching for iPhone 11s. Lots – 24.2% – in the UK! And the 15-mo line graph shows that Amazon shopper searches largely mirror eBay’s, trend-wise. Of course, Amazon has more shopper searches for these – over 41,000 more than eBay, just in June alone.

And while Amazon has more shoppers, eBay has more sellers: over 18 million currently active. Far more, in fact than Amazon; it’s estimated that Amazon has about 2 million active sellers now. Not counting of course themselves. Amazon claims that its third-party sellers make at least 55% of the sales on Amazon’s marketplace. If we estimate Amazon’s share as representing 45% more sellers, that adds 900,000. Even if we round it up to 3 million, eBay still has 15 million more active sellers than Amazon.

Ranking 18th: gaming laptop, up from #22

Demand for this product is more consistent on eBay than for iphone 11s. Not sure why but as you can see, “gaming laptop” hit its 15-mo peak in January. Shoppers using their holiday gift cards?

On the left, a bar chart of eBay keyword stats for “gaming laptop” averaged over 12 months. The line chart depicts 15 months of US shoppers using this keyword to search eBay.
On the left, a bar chart of eBay keyword stats for “gaming laptop” averaged over 12 months. The line chart depicts 15 months of US shoppers using this keyword to search eBay.

This one too is down Year on Year. By 25% ­– but that’s half as much as “iphone 11” is down. And “gaming laptop” has a better Average CTR: 59% to iphone 11’s 49%. And even better: when calculated just for the month of June, it’s got a 79% CTR. That’s the highest among the current Top 20. (The runner-up is 4th-ranked nintendo switch with 68%.)

Given it’s eBay, a 79% June CTR signals there is substantial purchase intent currently. Got any gaming laptops to sell?

Ranking 19th: monitor, up from #25

Monitor is having a much bumpier ride!

On the left, a bar chart of eBay keyword stats for “monitor” averaged over 12 months. The line chart depicts 15 months of US shoppers using this keyword to search eBay.
On the left, a bar chart of eBay keyword stats for “monitor” averaged over 12 months. The line chart depicts 15 months of US shoppers using this keyword to search eBay.

The good news is that this one is not down Year on Year. Its current search volume is actually tied with June 2023’s. And it’s also slightly up Month on Month.

The bad news is that its 12-mo average CTR is pretty disappointing: 37%. That said, when calculated just for June, it’s better: 45%. Which for eBay is not terrible. Will “monitor” searches continue to climb higher in July and August as they did last year? We shall see.

Demo: Finding related keywords with more promising CTRs (purchase intent!)

In view of the 37% Average CTR “monitor” has, we took a scroll down its page in Keyword Tool. Here’s its related-searches table.

Keyword Ideas table showing eBay searches related to “monitor” that are trending now with better CTRs.
Keyword Ideas table showing eBay searches related to “monitor” that are trending now with better CTRs.

First we sorted the data by the Search Trend column (circled here in orange). Doing so shows us which keywords are trending now. The top one here, “20 monitor” had 1,420 searches in June. The fourth of these, “acer monitor” had 1,220. Why we are showing you this though is for their 12-mo CTRs. While the broad search “monitor” has a 37% CTR, “20 monitor” has 124%: that’s *fantastic* for eBay! The next one, “monitor 360hz,” has 99%.

Of these, we’d say the best pick is “acer monitor.” Comparing the 15-mo Search Trend graphs, it has the most months with search volume. (Conversely, we are always leery of spikes, especially single-month spikes like the one “monitor 360hz” has.) And while “acer monitor” doesn’t have the highest Average CTR, it does have the highest Average Searches: 1,015/mo.

So don’t be too hasty! Before you dismiss a product for having a low Average CTR, use this procedure to “niche down.” See if its related keywords have better prospects.

And with that, we’re done with June’s climbers! To close, we’ll give you an insider’s look at which shopper searches show the most purchase intent.

eBay trending searches with 100%+ CTRs in June

Here to discover what’s selling best on eBay now? Then this is for you! We’ll do a lightning round of eBay’s most popular products that had the highest CTRs in June. Which means these have the most promising purchase intent on eBay now.

Note though that most of these will be too broad and/or competitive to rank for. So if you’re researching products to sell on eBay, just niche down from these.

Tip: Are you new to eRank? “Niche down” means identifying products with which what you could rank high enough in search for yours to be found. Similar to the demo above on how to find the best CTRs, here’s how to niche down. Enter the broad keyword in Keyword Tool, then scroll down to the “Keyword Ideas” table. There you’ll find lots of ways to filter and sort your results to reveal opportunities. Here’s a short YouTube video we made to show you how.

Remember, CTRs above 100% are rare on eBay. On the other hand, many high-ranking eBay shopper searches have a CTR in the single digits! For instance, ranking 28th in June, “4080” (a popular graphics card) has a CTR for the month of just eight percent! Therefore, a CTR of 100% or more is fantastically good for eBay.

From the Top 500 of eBay’s most popular products in June

In the entire Top 100, there are only two searches with a June CTR of 100%+: #82 psp and #92 xbox one. Next, ranking between 101 and 250: #178 magic the gathering (with a 147% June CTR); #182 anime defenders (150%!); #186 ps4 console; #190 airpods max; and #212 valorant account.

Ranking 251-500: #257 nintendo 3ds (another with 150%) and at #316 pet simulator 99. Then two in a row with 150% June CTRs: #330 batman and #331 binoculars. And the next, #380 gameboy, also has 150%. Then we have #392 crt tv; #422 heels (this one made the list last month too, both times with 150% CTRs); #426 mens cologne; #444 airpods pro 2nd generation; #449 iphone 6; #452 amazon prime; #453 ipod touch 7th generation; #489 remarkable 2; #497 shocks. And finishing with a flourish at #500: grille has a CTR for June of 150%.

Reminder: these CTRs are drawn from their search volume and clicks in June. Which means that regardless of what their 12-mo average CTRs may be, these keywords are hot right now. We hope some prove to be profitable leads for you!

You know we could go on and on…

But we know you’re busy! If you’d like more inspiration, here are our US trend reports for Etsy and Amazon. And of course you’re always welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always around. Got questions or suggestions for us? Our weekly Q&As are live Thursdays on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: You can see eBay’s Top 100 keywords for the past 30 days, last week or yesterday in eRank’s Trend Buzz. Use Keyword Tool to see 15 months of historical search data to gauge recent trends and spot what’s new. Get related keywords, click data, and compare several platforms at once to learn where shoppers are for what you sell. Together, these tools are the best way to track what’s hot right now with eBay shoppers.