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eBay Trending Searches: November 2024

eBay Trending Searches: November 2024

12 min read

Discover what these eBay trending searches tell us about products were selling best on eBay in November 2024. Let us take the guesswork out of your eBay SEO and product research. First we’ll show you the Top 20 eBay searches and which of them were climbing highest fastest. Then we’ll analyze the Top 500 keywords to see what eBay shoppers were most interested in buying.

See what eBay trends were yesterday, or what’s hot on dozens of other marketplaces like EtsyAmazon, and Google Shopping.

November’s Top 20 eBay searches

  1. ps5
  2. laptop
  3. pokemon
  4. iphone
  5. nintendo switch
  6. 9800x3d
  7. iphone 15 pro max
  8. ipad
  9. gaming pc
  10. rtx 3070
  11. xbox series x
  12. macbook pro
  13. rtx 4070
  14. spotify car thing
  15. rtx 3080
  16. pokemon cards
  17. 4090
  18. 3090
  19. pc
  20. steam deck

What’s new Month on Month to eBay’s Top 20

Just like last month, eBay has an exceptionally high rate of turnover in its Top 20. Honestly, gave us a bit of a jolt. Because in the two years we’ve done these trend reports for eBay, it’s been the staid marketplace. Month to month, eBay’s Top 20 stays so nearly the same, some keywords even keep the same rank.

Typically, three or four keywords move up to the Top 20. Often, they’re “frequent flyers:” regulars on eBay’s Top 20. And usually, they haven’t had far to climb; they’re always somewhere in the Top 50. So when six shot to the Top 20 in October, we were a bit taken aback. Still, all were familiar faces.

For November, though? Not only does eBay have seven climbers, two of them are screamers. Keywords that seem to scream into the Top 20 out of nowhere. Shopper searches that didn’t make the entire Top 1000 the month before. (eBay never has screamers.) But here they are!

Climbing highest fastest in November, listed in order with their current rank first.

#6 9800x3d (screamer; didn’t make October’s Top 1000)

#13 rtx 4070, up from #32

#14 spotify car thing (screamer)

#15 rtx 3080, up from #23

#18 3090, up from #21

#19 pc, up from #25

#20 steam deck, up from #24

Ranked 6th: 9800x3d

Amazon has this same screamer for November. Here it is on eBay.

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “9800x3d” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “9800x3d” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

Out of the loop? The AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D is a desktop processor, to put it mildly. And it’s hot: an eagerly-awaited product in short supply. The 9800X3D launched November 7 and due to pre-orders, near instantly sold out. So, just as instantly, resellers cropped up on eBay. And since eBay’s the prime hunting ground for just this sort of item – high demand, sold out elsewhere – searchers swarmed.

Hence the spike: the 9800X3D got 143,750 searches in November, up from zero. However, its current click-through rate (CTR) is abysmal: just 15%. Probably due to a dearth of listings. We checked; right now, 12/14/24, there are just 122 listings. Lol, the top search looks extra sketchy. And the fifth-ranked listing is for just the empty box.

Ranked 13th: rtx 4070, up from #32

Here’s “rtx 4070;” Year on Year, it’s up 22%.

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “rtx 4070” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “rtx 4070” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.

It’s a graphics card, used for gaming in high resolution, and by content creators, video editors, STEM students, etc. The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 was released in April 2023 with a MSRP of $599. Yet here we see, a year and a half later, eBay searches are at their 15-mo peak.

And that’s just for this exact search “rtx 4070.” In fact, this keyword hardly counts as a climber because “4070” ranked 11th on last month’s Top 20. In this month’s Top 1000, there are nine “4070” searches including 4070 super, 4070 ti and 4070 ti super.

And talk about frequent flyers! There are always several Nvidia-related searches in every eBay Top 20. November’s Top 20 has five:

10th-ranked rtx 3070

13th-ranked rtx 4070 (this one)

15th-ranked rtx 3080

17th-ranked 4090

18th-ranked 3090

Since the RTX 3080 and the 3090 are also climbers, while we’re on the subject let’s look at them next.

Ranking 15th: rtx 3080, up from #23, and 18th-ranked 3090, up from #21

First, here’s “rtx 3080.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “rtx 3080” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “rtx 3080” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.

And here’s “3090.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “3090” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “3090” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.

The 3080 was launched in September 2020, priced $699. The 3090 was released later that same month. But the 3090 was one of Nvidia’s most expensive gaming-grade graphics cards at the time, with a launch price of $1,499 in the US. These days, pre-owned 3090s on eBay appear to be going for around $800.

(The next generation, the RTX 50 series, is expected to be announced as soon as early January. Rumor has it that prices will range from $600 to $2500. Bet they’ll be climbing Amazon’s Top 20.)

Now, let’s get back to our 14th-ranked keyword; it’s a screamer.

Ranking 14th: spotify car thing

Hmm. According to Spotify’s website, “Car Thing is discontinued and no longer operational.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “spotify car thing” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “spotify car thing” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.

By the way, the plural ranks #51 with an additional 60,670 searches. So, in total that’s 169,380 searches in November. For something that as of December 9 is bricked?

Curious, we did a spot of digging. It appears a class action suit was filed in May and dismissed in July when Spotify began issuing refunds. As reported by TechRadar, buyers have until January 14, 2025, to contact Spotify and request a refund.

Since this screamer only began climbing in September, is that what people are after? Searching for a bigger refund from Spotify than what they paid for one on eBay? Spotify has been refunding the full purchase price, $90 – but only with proof of purchase. And any bought through third-parties (like eBay) aren’t eligible for refunds. So our spike here must be something else, right?

Its monthly CTR calculated for November is a dismal 16%, so who knows. Maybe word got out that even those being repurposed for another use wouldn’t work past December 9.

Ranking 19th: pc, up from #25

Well up Year on Year!

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “pc” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “pc” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.

By 53% – just shy of its 15-mo high back in January. We expect many of those searches were shoppers using the gift cards they got for Christmas. We see this a lot on Amazon too. And “pc” has got the best Average CTR of any of these eBay climbers, too: 44%.

(We’ll have more about CTRs – click-through rates – right after this last climber.)

Ranking 20th: steam deck, up from #24

This one is another frequent flyer on eBay’s Top 20 lists. It only dropped to 24th place last month before popping back up.

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “steam deck” on eBay. The line chart shows its trend performance with eBay shoppers over the past 15 months.

But “steam deck” is way down Year on Year. In fact, its 15-mo peak was in November 2023, when it garnered over 225,000 searches. It’s down 58%. That said, the drop isn’t sudden. Since February, search volume has been stable, around 90,000/mo, with a +20,000 lift in September.

Launched in February 2022, Steam Deck is a handheld game console that can be used for more than gaming. It can do most things that a gaming laptop or even a PC can do. A commercial and popular success, millions of Steam Decks have been sold.

The failure to climb as high ahead of Christmas this year could indicate they’re deemed less gift-worthy? We hear Steam Deck can’t play all next-gen AAA games at full settings now. And that there will be fewer it can as time goes on. Steam Deck 2 is coming, but according to its maker, a 2025 release might be too optimistic.

What we do know is that “steam deck” has a monthly click-through rate of 40%. Which may not sound like much if you’re used to Etsy’s CTRs. But of our three top online marketplaces, Etsy’s are by far the highest. And eBay’s are by far the lowest – consistently so, though. Therefore, we just adjust our standard for gauging eBay shopper “purchase intent” accordingly.

Quick tutorial: eBay’s click-through rates and purchase intent

Are you new to online selling? If so, you may be wondering why we care so much about CTRs. It’s because on marketplaces online, these are among the indicators of a shopper’s purchase intent.

Tip! Click-through data reflects how many times shoppers using a given keyword clicked listings in their search results. This matters because CTRs can signal “purchase intent.” That is, a customer more likely searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one who’s just browsing). 

We went into this in some detail in last month’s eBay report. So we won’t here; we know you must be extra busy! Instead, we’ll jump right to November’s eBay CTR Round-Up. Our insider’s look at which of eBay’s top 500 searches have the highest CTRs.

Here to discover what’s selling best on eBay now? Then this lightning round is for you! We calculated these CTRs using our latest full month of data. So, regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs are, these should have the most promising purchase intent now.

Until now, for eBay’s Round-Up we’ve been using a threshold of 100%. But hey, it’s the holidays! We’ll adjust our cutoff to include CTRs of 75% or higher. So, of eBay’s top 500 keywords, all these have monthly CTRs of 75+%. As you’ll see, eBay CTRs this high are exceptional. And as we go, we’ll shout out individual CTRs of 100+%.

Ranked 1-250

There is only one in the Top 100 – but it’s a banger! Ranked #59 it’s camera with a CTR of 150%, and that’s for the fourth month in a row! Then there isn’t another until #101 iphone 13 pro, with 112%. The next is #114 zippo, then a pair at #118-119: ps5 pro 30th anniversary and black ops 6.

Next: #137 airpods max, and #147 3d printer (110% CTR). And then not another qualifier until #187 nintendo 3ds. Skip a bunch more and there’s #207 milwaukee. Then we skip just one and there’s a pair at #209-210: one piece and apple watch ultra.

At #214 is dreamcast with a CTR of 102%. Then #221 rx 580, and that’s the last for this group.

Ranked 251-500

The first here is our second with a stratospheric 150% CTR: #253 fender. Next are #273 canon; #278 3ds xl; and then another eBay miracle with 150% CTR: #292 gi joe. (He hasn’t made every Round-Up but when he does, it’s always with 150%.)

At #311 is nintendo switch lite. And then we skip ahead to #340 fanatec; #346 iphone 14 unlocked; #351 snes; and #352 fisch (122%). And as we pass we notice that #359 apple watch series 9 has a CTR of just 2%: yikes.

Next, a pair at #365-366: hella chill (118%) and louis vuitton. Skip just two and there’s #369 walkman. And then there’s not another until #400 surface pro. And then a big gap with lots of low CTRs before we get another qualifier: #488 pokemon emerald. Skip three and we have our last one: #492 gtx 1660 super.

We hope some of these prove to be profitable leads for you!

Happy holidays! Hope you’re making lots of sales!

But we know you’re busy! If you’d like more inspiration, here are our US trend reports for Etsy and Amazon. And of course you’re always welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always around. Got questions or suggestions for us? Our weekly Q&As are live Thursdays on YouTube, where you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, demos and more! And here we are on TikTok, featuring lots of quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: You can see eBay’s Top 100 keywords for the past 30 days, last week or yesterday in eRank’s Trend Buzz. Use Keyword Tool to see 15 months of historical search data to gauge recent trends and spot what’s new. Get related keywords, click data, and compare several platforms at once to learn where shoppers are for what you sell. Together, these tools are the best way to track what’s hot right now with eBay shoppers.

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