Amazon’s Top Keywords: Latest Updates!

Here at eRank, we’re back again with Amazon’s top keywords. Let us take the guesswork out of your product research and SEO. We’ll show you Amazon’s most searched items. Then we’ll analyze what these trending shopper searches tell us about what’s selling best on Amazon now.

Reading time: 11 minutes

See what Amazon’s most popular products were yesterday, as well as what’s hot on dozens of other marketplaces like EtsyeBay, and Google Shopping.

September’s Top 20 Amazon searches

  1. outdoor plastic straw rug
  2. laptop
  3. headphones
  4. monitor
  5. ipad
  6. airpods
  7. iphone 16 pro max case
  8. keyboard
  9. kindle
  10. ssd
  11. toilet paper
  12. desk
  13. ps5
  14. paper towels
  15. iphone 16 pro case
  16. iphone
  17. tv
  18. office chair
  19. apple watch
  20. protein powder

Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This list may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database

Can we just take a minute to check on this month’s Amazon No. 1 please? This is “outdoor plastic straw rug.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “outdoor plastic straw rug” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “outdoor plastic straw rug” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon shoppers over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

We’ve been doing these trend reports for Amazon now for a little over a year. And this shopper search has been in the Top 20 the entire time. But this is the first time in 15 months that it’s taken the top spot. Where you live, do you see these everywhere? They must be pretty fantastic to beat out the rest of Amazon’s most popular products! Way over three-quarters of a million searches this past month: huh.

That said, this keyword has an absolutely abysmal Average CTR (click through rate). Just 23%: wow. While Amazon’s CTRs do run lower than Etsy’s, even for Amazon 23% is low. (We’ll talk more about CTRs in a bit.)

Amazon’s top keywords climbing highest the fastest this month

Compared with Etsy’s though, Amazon trends are generally steadfast. Etsy’s Top 20 can have anywhere from nine to 15 keywords be new Month on Month. Conversely, Amazon’s turnover is around five. As it is this month.

“Climbers” is our term for current Top 20 searches that weren’t on the previous month’s Top 20 list. We focus on these because they’ve outperformed their fellows in terms of climbing the ranks. The hottest though are what we fondly refer to as “screamers.” So-called because they seem to scream into the Top 20 out of nowhere. Shopper searches that hadn’t cracked the Top 1000 keywords just 30 or so days before.

And of Amazon’s five climbers this month, two are screamers. But no mystery here: they are both cases for the latest iPhone. And the latest iPhones and gear are always among Amazon’s most popular products. Without further ado then, here are September’s climbers and screamers, listed in order with their current rank first.

#7 iphone 16 pro max case (didn’t make August’s Top 1000)

#15 iphone 16 pro case (didn’t make August’s Top 1000)

#16 iphone, up from #21 in August

#19 apple watch, up from #33

#20 protein powder, up from #24

Ranking 7th: iphone 16 pro max case

A new iPhone launches and poof! case searches appear on Amazon’s Top 20 list. Same as last year in September when three iPhone 15 case searches made that Top 20. Here is “iphone 16 pro max case.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “iphone 16 pro max case” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon customers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “iphone 16 pro max case” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon customers over the past 15 months.

And now that CTR is more like it: 112%! Very high for Amazon.

By the way, are any of you new to online selling? If so, you may be wondering why we seem so fixated on CTRs. It’s because they indicate purchase intent.

Tip! Click-through data reflects how many times shoppers using a given keyword clicked listings in their search results. This matters because CTRs can signal purchase intent. That is, a customer who’s searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing).

For instance, all those Amazon customers shopping for an outdoor plastic straw rug? They aren’t clicking many listings they’re shown. Even in September when this product is the top search, the monthly CTR is still just 36%. Who knows why. Shoppers may be using Amazon just to compare prices, then buying at their local Home Depot. (We could see how returning something to Amazon as large and bulky as a rug might be an ordeal.)

So, stick with us! Here at the end we’ll list which of Amazon’s top keywords have the highest CTRs now.

Ranking 15th: iphone 16 pro case

Let’s see if this data is about the same as that for the iphone 16 pro max case.

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “iphone 16 pro case” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “iphone 16 pro case” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon shoppers over the past 15 months.

Interesting! It is not – at least not insofar as that all-important CTR stat goes. For the iphone 16 pro case, it’s just 86%. While that percentage is respectable for Amazon, it’s nowhere near the iphone 16 pro max case’s 112%. And when calculated just for September, it doesn’t budge: still 86%. For whatever reason, fewer iphone 16 pro case shoppers are seeing what they want in their search results. At least not enough to click through.

One more thing before we leave these two screamers and their single-month spikes. Let’s check in with last September’s top iPhone search, 3rd-ranked “iphone 15 pro max case.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “iphone 15 pro max case” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon customers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “iphone 15 pro max case” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon customers over the past 15 months.

That September 2023 spike finally settled down in February to nearly a quarter of a million searches a month. And a very worthy Average CTR of 106%.

And that’s it for September’s screamers, past and current. Next, a look at our three climbers.

Ranking 16th: iphone, up from #21 in August

Yet another iPhone search! This one didn’t have far to climb though. In August, just barely shouldered out of the Top 20 to rank #21 – blame “The Boys.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “iphone” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “iphone” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon shoppers over the past 15 months.

As mentioned, iPhones are among Amazon’s most popular products. So why is its Average CTR 80%? Because that is actually above average for a Top 20 keyword on Amazon. Etsy has more high CTRs than any other platform we report on.

We data geeks at eRank love to speculate about why that might be, but we aren’t sure. It may well be simply the nature of Etsy shoppers and Etsy products. With unique products, a glance at a search results page doesn’t tell you enough. Often, you need to click through just to see what the product is, lol.

So we’re not sure that all those Etsy click-throughs indicate all that much more purchase intent. Some, for sure. But other click-throughs we suspect are just curiosity. And more are out of necessity. Shoppers know what an iPhone is; fewer know what a custom needle-felted pet portrait might be. Enough to account for a good many of Etsy’s bounty of high CTRs.

Ranking 19th: apple watch, up from #33 in August

Another of Amazon’s most popular products. And like “iphone,” it also took a dip in August after a nice rise in July.

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “apple watch” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon customers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “apple watch” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon customers over the past 15 months.

And you know why? Of course you do: Prime Day is in July. And products like iPhones and Apple watches are exactly what Prime Day is all about for many Prime members. Lots of people even sign up for a month of Prime just to get a deal on them. Wonder if we’ll see the same bump again next month from October’s Big Deal Days event for Prime members?

Ranking 20th: protein powder, up from #24 in August

The third shopper search in a row that is back up after its Prime Day bump / August slump.

On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “protein powder” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon customers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting US keyword stats for the search term “protein powder” on Amazon. The line chart shows its trend performance with Amazon customers over the past 15 months.

And note too how this one had a few months of lows ahead of Prime Day too. Maybe Prime members stock up in July. But one big (and very human) difference? Unlike iPhones and Apple watches, protein powder’s 15-mo high is not in November. It’s in January. Maybe for all those New Year’s resolutions?

And that’s it! Next, as promised, we’ll finish with Amazon’s most popular products that show the most promising purchase intent.

Amazon’s Top 500 keywords with 100%+ CTRs now

Here to learn what’s selling best on Amazon now? Then this insider’s roundup is for you! These click-through rates are drawn exclusively from this past month’s search and click data. That means they should indicate which searches show the most promising purchase intent with Amazon shoppers now.

From the Top 500 of Amazon’s most popular products, these all have September CTRs of 100% or higher. (Remember: for Amazon, CTRs this high are crazy high!) As we go, we’ll shout out the ones with 145+% CTRs.

We know it’s hard for new and small sellers to find products they can sell on Amazon. But we do see some here that even Handmade sellers might be able to get in on!

Ranking #1-100

Of this month’s Top 20 Amazon searches, there are only two with qualifying CTRs: #5 ipad and #7 iphone 16 pro max case. And there isn’t another until #51 shower curtain. Then #65 stanley cup; #70 magnesium glycinate; and two in a row at #72-73: standing desk, and from.

(“From” is a bit of an odd one, but it ranked #498 in August. So it’s climbing! We think it’s “From Blood and Ash,” the fantasy book series. It appears there is an adaptation underway for Amazon Prime.)

Then just three more in the Top 100: #85 owala; #94 iphone 13; and #99 ethernet cable. And that’s it for the Top 100.

Ranking #101-200

The first of this set is #112 melatonin. Then #114 macbook pro; #119 led lights; #147 iphone 16 pro max screen protector; #153 iphone 16 case; and #160 anker power bank.

Then things pick up a bit! Four pairs in a row, beginning with #163-164 rug, umbrella. Then #169-170 iphone 16 pro screen protector, wallet. Next, #174-175 bidet, apple pencil. At #180-181 laundry basket, couch. And a trio at #192-194 water filter, airtag, power strip.

Ranking #201-300

Finishing out the Top 300: #206 toys; #213 computer desk; #218 shower head; #222 macbook air; and #225 iphone 12. Then (finally!) two with CTRs above 146%: #233 creatine monohydrate, and #239 blanket with 150%! The rest are #243 blackout curtains; #245 dog food; #248 yoga mat; and #250 ipad 10th generation.

At #260 ipad pro, followed coincidentally by #274 airpods pro. Next, #279 highlighters. Then a flurry of four in a row ranking #284-287: sofa, digital camera, liquid iv, lunch box. Skip three and then we have #291 fitbit. Skip three again and we have a pair #295-296 iphone 13 case, mop. Skip three more and at #300 8bitdo.

Ranking #301-400

This section begins a bit slow. #304 command strips; #306 usa; #319 queen bed frame; #322 twilight (146% CTR!); and #325 mirror. At #335 can opener; #339 computer speakers; and then nothing until #363 nightstand. Next, #372 espresso machine; #376 jellycat; #382 iron; #384 protein; #394 super glue. And finishing strong is #400 coffee grinder with at CTR of 144%.

Ranking #401-500

Finishing out the Top 500, we start with #402 first aid kit. Then three in a row #404-406 towels, laundry hamper, macbook air 13 inch case; and at #413 night stand. Then a pair at #417-418: iphone 14 pro max case (150% CTR!), planner. And at #420 airpods max has 141%.

Next is #427 usb c hub; #442 ergonomic office chair; #444 pull up bar; #449 beats. Then a pair at #459-460 ipad air, swiffer. At #463 coraline; #465 nail clippers; #474 guitar. Then another pair at #480-481 bike lock, and desk mat which has 150%! Next are #485 l shaped desk; and #488 surge protector. Then at #491 another with a 150% CTR: collagen.

There is another pair at #492-493 dji neo, ebike. And the final two are #497 journal and #499 press on nails.


We calculated these CTRs using our latest month of data which means they’re hot right now. Their 12-mo average CTRs will likely be different.

And finally, our usual word to the wise: a good number of these are trademarked. And others are otherwise off-limits or tricky to sell on Amazon. But a good number are not; we hope some prove to be profitable leads for you!

Now, we’re off to see what’s trending on eBay!

As always, we love hearing what you think – about trends or anything else you’d like to talk about. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube. There you’ll also find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! Finally, here we are on TikTok with lots of fun and quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of Amazon search data. See what did well this time last year, which are climbing, and use them to spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s selling best on Amazon now.