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Top Etsy Searches Trending in Q2 2024

Top Etsy Searches Trending in Q2 2024

13 min read

Wondering what the top Etsy searches are now? We data geeks at eRank are here to help! Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy shop SEO. We’ll show you the top Etsy products popular from April through June 2024. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy now.

See what the top Etsy searches were yesterday, last week, or the past 30 days in the US. Or discover what’s trending in other countries and on dozens of marketplaces like AmazoneBay, and Google Shopping.

Top 20 Etsy shopper searches April-June (Q2)

  1. wall art
  2. mothers day gift
  3. earrings
  4. stickers
  5. gift
  6. jewelry
  7. rings
  8. birthday gift
  9. necklace
  10.  shirt
  11.  tshirt
  12.  personalized jewelry
  13.  home decor
  14.  keychain
  15.  fallout
  16.  candle
  17.  mothers day gifts
  18.  womens clothing
  19.  furniture
  20.  graduation

Warning: Beware of trademarked terms. This report may contain keywords that are trademarked. USPTO Trademark Database

Do any surprise you? We data geeks here at eRank love looking at these quarterly lists! One reason is that we can better assess which products are current regulars. Like on Cheers. Of course our annual report is best for that, but we’ll have to wait another six months for that. (Last year’s is here.)

The regulars: these Q2 top Etsy searches also ranked high in Q1

Half way through 2024, there are nine Etsy shopper searches which made both Quarterly Top 20 lists. Of these nine, three even retained the identical rank. In fact, the No. 1 search is the same, then and now. Let’s stop a moment to pay homage.

This is “wall art.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “wall art.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “wall art.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

Splendid stats for wall art! It’s got that bright-green banner calling out it’s among the top Etsy searches this week (July 5-11). Average Searches are well over a hundred thousand a month. Average CTR is 100%. It’s only that pesky competition figure. Well, you’ll just have to niche down. We’ll talk more about that in a bit. For now, let’s get back to all nine of our 2024 regulars. Here they are with their Q2 rank first, followed by their rank back in Q1.

#1 wall art; was also #1 in Q1

#3 earrings; was #8 in Q1

#4 stickers; was #5 in Q1

#5 gift; was #4 in Q1

#6 jewelry; was #3 in Q1

#7 rings; was #13 in Q1

#9 necklace; was also #9 in Q1

#13 home decor; was #12 in Q1

#19 furniture; was #17 in Q1

Of the rest of Q2’s top 20, these five still ranked quite high in Q1. All were in Q1’s Top 40.

#10 shirt ranked #40 in Q1

#11 tshirt ranked #26 in Q1

#12 personalized jewelry ranked #21 in Q1 (so close!)

#14 keychain ranked #34

#18 womens clothing ranked #24 in Q1 (another near miss)

And that leaves us with six climbers. Since they have climbed highest the fastest most recently, we’ll concentrate on these.

The climbers: these top Etsy keywords rose the most in Q2

#2 mothers day gift, up from #378

#8 birthday gift, up from #678 (but the plural was #92)

#15 fallout, up from #208

#16 candle, up from #62 (but the plural was #55)

#17 mothers day gifts (didn’t make Q1’s Top 1000 at all)

#20 graduation, up from #352

Now, three of these six are seasonal and/or holiday-related. Q1’s Top 20 had four searches with the word “valentine.” And it also had “easter.” Q2’s Top 20 has the two Mother’s Day searches and one related to graduation.

(By the way, dads only barely missed making Q2’s Top 20. “Fathers day gift” ranked 21st and “for dad” was in 22nd place. Altogether, eight searches in Q2’s Top 1000 had the word “father;” 12 more had “dad.” All were clearly related to Father’s Day. So don’t feel bad for dads!)

Our point with these seasonal and holiday searches is that of course they will always be climbers. The opposite of regulars. But they are perennially popular on Etsy. So mark your calendars and get your related items posted at least six weeks before shopping starts! You can tell when that is by the Search Trend graphs. Let’s use Q2’s No. 2 “mothers day gift” as an example.

Climber #2 “mothers day gift,” up from #378

Another with eRank’s bright green callout banner telling us it’s been popular this past week (July 5-11). Procrastinators?

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “mothers day gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. It has eRank’s callout banner telling us it has been popular with Etsy shoppers over the past week (July 5-11, 2024).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “mothers day gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. It has eRank’s callout banner telling us it has been popular with Etsy shoppers over the past week (July 5-11, 2024).


You can see that searches peaked in April (in the US Mother’s Day was celebrated May 12th this year). And they were higher than April’s peak a year ago: 50% higher! But searches were already climbing back in December! There were 2,160 searches in December, 6,730 in January and again in February; then 16,770 in March. So if you want to catch those early birds in December, you should optimize for this keyword by mid-October!

Crazy but you know what they say about early birds. Especially with over two million listings using this keyword. Maybe targeting these shoppers so far in advance might help you catch those early birds. And judging by how popular this keyword still is now, leave those listings optimized through mid-July. For the procrastinators.

Climber #8 birthday gift, up from #678

As we mentioned on our climber list, the plural “birthday gifts” ranked #92. But even that was quite a climb. Let’s take a look at “birthday gift.”

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “birthday gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “birthday gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.


These keyword stats have all the earmarks of deriving from an Etsy homepage “Call To Action” (CTA). Here’s the top result on Etsy once you click the “Gift Mode” tab.

Screenshot taken 07/11/24 of four Etsy CTA promotions at the top of its Gift Mode page, the third being “Birthday.”
Screenshot taken 07/11/24 of four Etsy CTA promotions at the top of its Gift Mode page, the third being “Birthday.”

We think data from this “Birthday” CTA got captured as “birthday gift” searches. Which is fine! We’re in favor of this increased promotion Etsy’s doing all over its website. Usually their targeting is accurate. You can assess that yourself by checking the keyword’s CTR (Click-Through Rate). The shopper clicking the CTA counts as a search. Then any listings the shopper clicks that Etsy shows them in their search results count toward the click-through rate. Therefore, the CTR is where we see whether shoppers with “purchase intent” are liking what Etsy serves them.

What is “purchase intent”?

Are you new to online selling? Click-through rates (CTR) reflect how often shoppers using a given keyword click on listings in their search results. We care about these because clicks are among the indicators that signal purchase intent. That is, a shopper who’s searching with the intent to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing).

On Etsy, a 12-mo CTR above 100% is a powerful indication of purchase intent. At 98%, the 12-mo average CTR for “birthday gift” is right there. Calculated just for Q2, it’s about the same: 97%. Which means: good job, Etsy! And we hope it’s materializing as increased sales for you guys.

Now let’s get back to Q2’s climbers. We’re skipping No. 15 “fallout” because unless you’ve procured a license to use that keyword, it’s off limits. Whether it’s the game or the TV series, we hear Fallout is staunchly protected intellectual property. We don’t want any of you to lose your Etsy shops!

Climber #16 candle, up from #62

“Candle” didn’t have as far to climb, and in Q1 the plural, candles, ranked #55. We’re a little surprised that searches are higher than they were in winter. So, being data geeks, frankly we’re curious!

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “candle.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. And it has eRank’s banner telling us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (July 5-11, 2024).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “candle.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months. And it has eRank’s banner telling us it’s been popular with Etsy shoppers this week (July 5-11, 2024).

 Wow, now this the picture of a hot shopper search! In 15 months the lowest “candle” dropped was to 18,770 searches in March. Which explains why it ranked lower in Q1. Because otherwise, search volumes in Q1 and Q2 are comparable. And that is to say, great! In case you’re on a small screen, the 12-mo average for searches is 39,234. And the Average CTR is spectacular: 124%!

But oh boy, it’s got Competition to match: over 1.6 million listings use this keyword. So what is a mere mortal to do with such odds? Niche down!

How to “niche down” using eRank’s Keyword Tool

Are you new to online selling and/or eRank? Let’s do a quick tutorial right here and now. “Niche down” is industry jargon for finding products and their keywords that you can rank (show up) for in search. Keyword Tool can help!

Enter the singular form of your search (in this case, “candle”) into Keyword Tool, and tick the “Include Near Matches” box. This will show you both singular and plural searches.

Next, scroll down the page to the Keyword Ideas table. There, use filter and sort to find “long-tail keywords:” the top Etsy searches with lowest competition. Once you find ones that fit your product best, these will be your “superstar keywords.” The ones you will focus on ranking for in search.

Demo: finding superstar keywords

In the Keyword Ideas table below, we chose “Broad” for the Keyword Match filter (circled in lime green here). Then we sorted by the Search Trend column. (Just click the header, circled here in yellow.) This sort will show us what’s trending now.

Keyword Ideas table showing top Etsy searches related to the US shopper search “candle” that are trending now.
Keyword Ideas table showing top Etsy searches related to the US shopper search “candle” that are trending now.

 And look at that! The top three (candle, candles, candle holder) have Competition in the red. But for the fourth, “genshin candle,” competition is only 164 listings! Holy cow, that is low!

Don’t be put off by what you see in the Average Searches column. For instance, for “genshin candle,” it shows 199 searches/mo. But when you hover over its little Search Trend graph, you’ll see it had 1,220 searches in June. The next keyword, “candle labels,”  had 1,180 Etsy shopper searches. And, as shown by the black pop-up here, “yahrzeit candle” had 1,010. Hovering over any of the Search Trend bars generates these pop-ups so you can assess each keyword’s seasonality, etc.

Overall, we’d say “candle labels” looks like the best of these three. It’s got 1,885 average searches; 120% CTR (awesome!) and competition just under 30,000 listings. But if you want to really niche way down, keep an eye on “yahrzeit candle.” Per Wikipedia, in Judaism “a yahrzeit candle, also spelled yahrtzeit candle or called a memorial candle, is a type of candle that is lit in memory of the dead.” Competition for that keyword is only 173 listings!

But yahrzeit candle’s Search Trend graph shows it’s had just the one spike in 15 months. And with spikes, we always caution you to hold off before you invest in materials. Watch where it goes from here for a few months. Add it to one of your Keyword Lists, let that keep an eye on it for you. And meanwhile, let’s get back to our list and final two climbers.

#17 mothers day gifts

Unsurprisingly, this one didn’t make Q1’s Top 1000 at all but, as discussed, the singular form ranked #378. Of course: it’s seasonal. And really, everything we wrote about Climber No. 2 “mothers day gift” applies to this keyword. But given that “mothers day gift” has better stats, use that one.

And now, since we know you’re busy and this is getting long, let’s move on to Q2’s last climber.

#20 graduation, up from #352

“Graduation” is another seasonal keyword and one that’s used most in the US. Other countries just don’t celebrate graduations at the completion of each stage like Americans do. In fact, have a gander at this pie chart.

On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy shopper search history for “graduation” in the US. The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shopper searches. The bright green banner indicates this keyword is popular with US shoppers now (July 5-11).
On the left, a line chart depicting 15 months of Etsy shopper search history for “graduation” in the US. The pie chart shows the global distribution of Etsy shopper searches. The bright green banner indicates this keyword is popular with US shoppers now (July 5-11).

 As you can see, the US has most (over 80%) of the global Etsy shopper pie for “graduation.” Now, let’s look at the same Search Trend graph, this time alongside the 12-mo keyword stats.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “graduation.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Etsy keyword stats for “graduation.” The line chart shows its search trend performance over the past 15 months.

 Excellent! Apart from the competition from your fellow US Etsy sellers’ listings, of course. You’ll need to niche down, and now you all know how. The procedure we outlined for “candle” will work with any keyword.

Though you know we could go on and on…

We’re eager to discover what’s trending now on Amazon and eBay. Meanwhile, are you looking for more inspiration for your Etsy shop? Here is our monthly trend report analyzing what the top Etsy products are now, and back in Q1 2024. There’s also our annual overview of what the top Etsy searches were in 2023.

Anyone interested in what’s selling internationally? Here are this month’s Etsy trend reports for the UK, Canada and Australia. Parlez vous français? You can read our report on Etsy’s French shopper trends here.

As always, we love hearing what you think. Got questions or suggestions? You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube. There you’ll find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! Finally, here we are on TikTok with lots of fun and quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Etsy shoppers now.

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