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Australia’s Top Etsy Keywords: November 2024

Australia’s Top Etsy Keywords: November 2024

14 min read

Here at eRank, we’re back with Australia’s top Etsy keywords. Let us take the guesswork out of your Etsy SEO and product research. We’ll show you the most popular search terms with Australian shoppers. Then we’ll analyze what these trending keywords tell us about what’s selling best on Etsy in Australia now.

Tip: See what Australia’s top Etsy keywords were yesterday, as well as what’s trending on dozens of other marketplaces like AmazoneBay, and Google Shopping.

Want to read the US report first? Here you go! And here’s the UK report and Canada’s.

November’s Top 20 Etsy keywords

  1.  digital prints
  2.  jibbitz
  3.  gifts
  4.  advent calendar
  5.  baby gift
  6.  christmas
  7.  jewelry
  8.  jewellery
  9.  gift
  10.  stickers
  11.  ornament
  12.  signs
  13.  poster
  14.  personalized gifts
  15.  home decor
  16.  wall decor
  17.  wall art
  18.  opal
  19.  earrings
  20.  candles

G’day, Australians! As always, we’ll start with your climbers: Top 20 keywords not on last month’s Top 20 list. Because these are the searches climbing highest the fastest most recently. You’ve got 14 new month on month; high for sure, but given holiday gift shopping it’s expected. And of these, four are screamers, same as last month (haha, Canada has seven screamers). So, let’s get right to them!

These Top 20 searches climbed highest fastest

Here are your 14 climbers, listed in order with their current rank first, their October rank last.

#1 digital prints, up from #58

#2 jibbitz (screamer: didn’t make October’s Top 1000)

#3 gifts, up from #195

#5 baby gift (screamer)

#6 christmas, up from #27

#7 jewelry, up from #46 (but jewellery ranked 5th)

#9 gift, up from #427

#11 ornament (screamer)

#12 signs, up from #297

#13 poster, up from #26 (but posters ranked 16th)

#14 personalized gifts, up from #60

#15 home decor, up from #40

#18 opal (screamer)

#20 candles, up from #551

Nothing too surprising, right? Let’s take a quick look at your No. 1.

Ranked 1st: digital prints, up from #58

Look at this: “digital prints” is not just your top search this month; it’s at a 15-mo high! Year on Year it’s up 74%; Month on Month, it’s up 213%.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “digital prints.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. That pale green banner indicates it’s popular with Australian shoppers this week (through December 9). NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “digital prints.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. That pale green banner indicates it’s popular with Australian shoppers this week (through December 9). NOTE: All search-volume figures in this report are based on eRank’s best estimates.

The other three countries we cover here all had gift searches in their top spot. So we did an incognito search for “digital prints” on your Etsy Australia homepage. From what we saw, most of these are likely gift searches, too. And popular ones! Home decor, wall decor, and wall art are frequent flyers on your Top 20 lists.

International shipping isn’t getting any cheaper, nor are delivery times getting any quicker. Therefore, more Australian Etsy shoppers might be willing to take the extra steps to get these printed and framed. So if you’re looking for a new product to sell, this one’s worth watching. Competition for the broad keyword is daunting; just niche down. (Are you new? Learn how in last month’s report; there’s a tutorial in the Advent Calendar section.)

As for the rest of these climbers, we know you must be mad busy with all things December. Given that your screamers couldn’t crack the Top 1000 a month ago, clearly they climbed highest the fastest of all. So let’s do those. Then we’ll close with a round-up: what your top Etsy searches tell us about what’s selling best now Down Under.

Ranking 2nd: jibbitz

We thought this search was a fluke at first. Then we looked it up in Keyword Tool and got a load of this pie chart.

Pie chart showing the global distribution of shoppers searching Etsy for “jibbitz.”
Pie chart showing the global distribution of shoppers searching Etsy for “jibbitz.”

Nearly a quarter of the global shopper pie goes to Australia! And check out the rest of the stats.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “jibbitz.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “jibbitz.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months.

That Keyword Statistics bar chart: what a beauty! We love everything about it, especially that 129% Average CTR (click-through rate) and Etsy Competition figure. Only 1,245 Australian seller listings use this keyword. And over on the Search Trend line chart, we can see this keyword peaked last November too.

The bad news? Jibbitz owns the trademark for the name Jibbitz and holds copyrights for many of its shoe charm designs. And several patents, too! Lots of potential to come a cropper. But we’re data geeks, not attorneys, so all we can say is beware.

Ranking 5th: baby gift

This search didn’t make October’s Top 1000; nor did the plural form. Let’s go see what we can see, shall we?

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “baby gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. The green callout banner indicates it’s popular with Australian shoppers this week (through December 9).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “baby gift.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. The green callout banner indicates it’s popular with Australian shoppers this week (through December 9).

Crikey, Year on Year “baby gift” is up 16,500%! But in November while having that spike? Its monthly CTR was only 60%. On Etsy, that is concerningly low. So, incognito we had a look at the Etsy Australia homepage, and sure enough:

Etsy’s Australia homepage with a Call To Action (CTA) for the keyword “baby gifts.”
Etsy’s Australia homepage with a Call To Action (CTA) for the keyword “baby gifts.”

Etsy does such a beautiful job with these, often shoppers click just for the eye candy. But if they lack the requisite “purchase intent,” they don’t click through to see any listings shown. Simply because most of them came to Etsy to shop for something else that day.

Ranking 11th: ornament

This screamer has a worse November CTR than baby gift’s: just 47%! And Australia has only 1.7% of the global shopper pie.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “ornament.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. The green callout banner indicates it’s popular with Australian shoppers this week (through December 9).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “ornament.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. The green callout banner indicates it’s popular with Australian shoppers this week (through December 9).

We checked the plural, ornaments, and bauble, too. Nothing in October for any of these. In your November Top 1000, there are six shopper searches with the word “ornament,” and one with “bauble.” But despite ranking 11th and our sage green “trending now” banner, that bar chart is dire! It appears this is just not a significant niche for you.

But it’s not for a lack of trying on Etsy’s part! Check it out:

Etsy’s Australia homepage with two CTAs for the keyword “signs” and two for “christmas decorations.”
Etsy’s Australia homepage with two CTAs for the keyword “signs” and two for “christmas decorations.”

These Calls to Action (CTAs) appear even higher on your homepage than “baby gifts.” And by the way, see the two for “signs”? That keyword ranks 12th in your Top 1000. Its stats are somewhat better, but we’d hold off on investing in that niche if you’re not already in it. Have a look.

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “signs.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months.
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “signs.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months.

Clearly, Etsy’s promoting “signs.” And there are eleven searches with the word “sign” in your Top 1000. However, none but “signs” make the Top 100. If you’re looking for products to sell, maybe research those; add them to a Keyword List. See where this sign trend goes awhile first.

Ranking 18th: opal

Interesting! So unusual to have any one gem make a Top 20 list. (Apart from that dubious run on moldavite a couple years back.)

On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “opal.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. The green callout banner indicates it’s popular with Australian shoppers this week (through December 9).
On the left, a bar chart depicting Australia’s keyword stats on Etsy for “opal.” The line chart shows its search trend performance with Australia’s Etsy shoppers over the past 15 months. The green callout banner indicates it’s popular with Australian shoppers this week (through December 9).

Year on Year, opal is up a credible 194%. (As opposed to, say, baby gift’s 16,500%.) That to us signifies it’s more likely an organic, shopper-driven trend. As you can see, in the past 15 months “opal” got a good rise in traffic five times. What’s spectacular though? That its 139% Average CTR is coupled with surmountable competition. That combination suggests opportunity.

(And calculated for the month, opal’s CTR is even higher: 149%!)

Click-through rates and purchase intent

If you’re new to online selling, by now you might be wondering why we’re this focused on click-through rates. It’s because they signal purchase intent.

On shopping sites, click-through rates reflect how many times shoppers clicked listings in their search results. Therefore, CTRs can be an indicator of purchase intent. That is, a shopper who’s more likely searching with the intention to purchase (as opposed to one just browsing).

And this is why we’ve begun closing these monthly trend reports with a “CTR Round-up.” We calculate which of your top Etsy searches have the highest monthly CTRs. This should give you insight into what’s selling best on Etsy in Australia now. Here to find out what to sell on Etsy? Then this lightning round is for you!

Round-up! Australia’s top Etsy keywords with 125%+ CTRs now

Of the top online marketplaces we cover, Etsy has the most keywords with high CTRs. But even on Etsy, CTRs above 125% are rare. Note too, these calculations are based on their search volume and clicks in November, our last full month of data. Which means that regardless of what their 12-mo CTRs may be, these keywords should be hot now. We hope some prove to be profitable leads for you!

One last thing before we begin. Some of these shopper searches could cause an Etsy seller problems. Whether they be protected by intellectual property rights or prohibited by Etsy, please look before you leap!

Ranking 1-50 

To keep this as clean as possible, we’ll only shout out specific CTRs of 145% and above. And in your Top 20 alone, there are four! We start with a pair: jibbitz and gifts. Both have CTRs of 150%, which is as high as our data goes. Then jewellery has 145%, and opal has 149%.

Next is a pair at #25-26: personalized gift (with 150%!) and budget planner. Skip one then at #28 is sanrio with 148%. Skip five and there’s another pair: #34-35 digital planner, and embroidery (which has 148%). Then no more until #47 personalised gifts, and #49 2025 calendar, which has 148%.

Ranking 51-100 

This section starts out strong with a quartet at #52-55, all with CTRs above 147%! Wedding giftwall printswalletssticker. Skip one and there’s an octet, every one of them above 147%! From #57-64: keycapsitalian charm braceletseikoshirtsraygunholiday hosting decoracotar, and crochet patterns.

Skip just one and at #66 is baby with a CTR of 147%. Skip one again, and there’s another with a CTR of 147%: #68 cat. Then none until the pair at #76-77: laptop stickers and jewellery making, both with 148% CTRs. Skip four and there’s a singleton, #82 funny, with 147%. And that is it for the Top 100.

Ranking 101-150 

This group begins with a pair at #106-107, both with CTRs of 146%: desk mat and pet portrait. Skip two and there’s a trio: vtuber model (148%), christmas wrapping paper (147%), and mtg proxy. Skip one and at #115 is wedding sign with 146%. Then we skip one more and there’s a trio, all above 146%: vivienne westwood keychainwatches, and smiski.

At #121 is a standalone with a 146% CTR: xenoblade. Skip just one for a quartet: vampire academy print (146%), tyler the creator (146%), throne of glass, and unique round neck with 147%. At #129-131 is a trio, all above 145%: mens ringmushroomowl. Skip four and there’s a trio with CTRs above 145%: quotes printsphone casesmancave.

Skip just one more before our first quintet, all but the first with CTRs above 145%. At #143-147 are lampjapanesekeychainsclassics, and australian earrings. From there skip one for our final entry in this section: #149 funny shirts, with 146%.

Ranking 151-200

Roaring out of the gate at #152-156, it’s another quintet, all with CTRs above 145%. They are dice bagdevo t shirt, custom charmcute, and customcharm [sic]. Skip two places for a singleton ranked #159: dragon chess set with 146%. Skip three more and there’s a trio, all above 146%. They are carving fork handlesblue and white decorative tray, and chrome hearts bracelet.

At #171, another flying solo: gunne sax dress with a CTR of 147%. Skip one and there’s another single: #173 rings with initials; it has 146%. Skip two and we have another quintet, all with at least 146%! Ranked #176-180: mitsuri cosplaylunar calendar 2025pinkprecursor orb, and bioshock.

Next are a scatter of singletons, all with 146+%: #184 boeing 737; #186 enhypen plush; #189 decision coin, #192 stiletto knife, and #194 shadow the hedgehog. And this set finishes with a pair at #197-198: how to train your dragon and dark academia.

Ranking 201-250 

Right off, there’s a pair at #201-202, both with CTRs of 146%: dnd mug and bookmarks. Then another pair at #206-207: berserk and dior, again both with 146% CTRs. Skip just one, and we have a septet! And all but one, place cards, have CTRs above 145%. Ranked #209-215: wealthtaylorswiftjellyfishrobocopshellsplace cards, and harry styles phone case.

From there, skip just one for a pair at #217-218: grimguard and green chess set, both with 146% CTRs. Next, flying solo at #220: levis engineered; it’s got a CTR of 146%. Skip one for another pair: #222-223 orc (with 145%) and newjeans. Then at #227-228: paper doll and one piece rug, both with 146%.

Next, a few more singletons: #230 book nook and #235 stray kids, both above 145%, and at #237: stamps. Skip one and there’s a pair, both with 145% CTRs: wall prints designer brands not digital and wizard. And the last qualifier in your Top 250 is #243 tyranids with a 145% CTR.

Wishing you all the merriest, making many Christmas sales!

Meanwhile, if you’d like more inspiration, here are this month’s Etsy trend reports for the USUK and Canada. And as always, we love hearing what you think – about trends or anything else you’d like to talk about. You’re welcome to join us in eRank’s private Facebook group. With over 28,000 members from around the world, someone friendly is always up and about. And don’t miss our weekly live Q&As on YouTube. There you’ll find dozens of eRank tutorials, tool demos and more! Finally, here we are on TikTok with lots of fun and quick how-tos.

RESOURCES: eRank’s Trend Buzz and Keyword Tool have 15 months of historical Etsy search data to help you understand trends in what’s selling on Etsy now, what did well this time last year, and to help you spot what’s new. Together, they are the best way to track what’s popular with Australia’s Etsy shoppers now.

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